All Chapters of The Ties that Bind Us: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
74 Chapters
  Jonathan's personal cell phone began to ring and he was actually honestly surprised that it was going off. He looked down at the collar and didn't recognize the number but he picked up anyway. he was actually even more surprised to find out that it was Jade's father. While he had been there he had made sure that he had offered the test then we prove that jade was his biological daughter. That was going to be what he was going to hopefully use against the woman in part of the trial period he had hoped that the test would take place before the trial began but he never had the opportunity to actually talk to Jade's father before today.“is the option to find out if jade is still my daughter still on the table?” the man asked him.“of course it's on the table. I don't make statements like we can run a test to make sure that your daughter is actually your daughter and then take them right off the table.” Jonathan replied a
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  After they managed to load up the car Jonathan began to text message both her father and another doctor that he had worked with many times before for some genetic testing that he needed done for a patient. He explained the situation and that he would be more than willing to pay for it to the doctor and the doctor then called him and began to laugh. He had heard about the civil trial and he had also figured out what was going on at the hospital and this man wanted to have absolutely everything to do with making sure that that particular hospital went down. Apparently he had a lot of issues with the director himself.So the addresses were text message and jade and Jonathan went over there to go ahead and can that part her part of the experiment. She went in with Jonathan and the baby and she was absolutely shocked to find that her father was already sitting there. The doctor was going over what had happened in the hospital after her father must have
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  Jonathan and jade went to their house and luckily everything was quiet for a little bit. Donovan was boxing up everything that he had moved out of his office at work and just lining the garage with it. He was going to have to bring it to the new office anyway but he didn't want it to be in the house and in her way. He was going to have to bring up the fact that they were probably going to have to move eventually later that night. Probably after the dinner she was preparing at the moment. She wasn't letting raylynn out of her sight though and he could understand why. He didn't particularly want to let either one of them out of his side.The trial is going to begin in a few days. They had already gotten word back from the lawyer they needed to be prepared mentale for what was going to happen. It was going to be one of those situations where they were going to be put through the ringer themselves. Even though neither one of them had actually done anyt
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 Over the next few days they had been in contact with the lawyers as much as possible to make sure that they were getting everything ready. They didn't actually have that much to do because all the information was already at the lawyers and in front of them. Neither one of them was probably going to be called to the stand for the civil trial except for maybe jade. She was more than happy to make sure that her stepmother was never going to be able to hurt another person again. Though she didn't like talking in front of groups she was going to be more than happy to answer any questions and even be crossing examined by the other her was a necessary evil to be done because she was going to make sure that there were different policies in place from now on in any hospital to make sure that they can dismiss anyone like this. she knew how lucky she had been because Jonathan was right there and was able to intervene. The fact that the two had actually managed t
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  The morning of the trial they began to get dressed and try to have a good morning knowing that everything was probably gonna go to hell rather quickly. As they got dressed and one Jonathan's tax was coming over too make sure that the baby was taken care of while they were gone. They were grateful for the help that they got because they didn't really wanna take the baby into the courtroom. The fact that she would be that closed just bothered both of them.When they got to the courthouse it was very quiet and subdued which they were both kind of grateful for since they were both on edge. Neither one of them actually wanted it to come to this even though it had to for them to get any resolution for any of their problems. The fact that the hospital had done this to jade in the first place was one of those things that needed to be called out. Though they didn't really need the money this was going to be a fund for them to start a new life together. Plus
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  After giving one of the most damning testimonies that anyone had actually ever heard anything got off the stand and they had called a recessed for a few hours. Nobody expected Jonathan to be able to give all the information that he'd had and that was one of the factors that nobody had actually taken into effect. Jonathan had access to every single one of the hospital records due to the fact that he often had to go and prove that the doctor did not cause malpractice period he was also one of the few people who actually liked to read up on every single one of his patients. That meant he had access to every single one of the medical records after they died. With the jades permission he was able to access all of her medical records as well. He had also documented every doctors appointment and all the critical care that he gave her as well.He knew that it was already in the bag that they were going to win the entire case. There was nothing that anyone
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  When Diane got understand she looked around like she was the queen of the courtroom. Pretty much everybody was going to be hanging on her words but not for the way that she actually thought they would be. She knew that she had a lot to say for everybody in the courtroom it was going to go against what they had said. Though she wasn't going to deny most of the charges that were brought against her and she didn't seem to really care that anything that she was going to say was going to be used for the other trial.She smiled as she waited for her some of the questions to be asked. And that's when she began to craft her own story of what happened and how everybody had taken advantage of her period she was only being nice to everybody involved including her husband and stepdaughter. It had been everybody elses idea too do what they had done. And she was trying to basically hang every other person out.“I've never actually say this anywhere
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  When Jonathan got out of the courtroom he looked for gate everywhere. She wasn't by the water fountain where he had hoped she would be. Instead he found her in and out Cove and her face was completely flushed. She was furious. Though she wasn't trying to show it it was obvious for anyone who actually knew her.“Diane was held in contempt for everything that she said on the stand and the way that she acted when the judge told her to get off.” He said as he filled her in on the last bit of details that the woman had tried to say. Jonathan knew that everything that the woman had said was trying to set off jade and her father. It was her way of trying to recreate a scenario in which she was the one that was the good one period that she had been I'm model stepmother and wife.“I can't believe the audacity that woman had to actually say anything about my mother.” jadson as she looked at Jonathan. “I mean I didn't know
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  Over the next day J just kind of sat on the couch and basically did whatever she possibly could to avoid any contact with anyone. The only one that she wanted to be around was the baby. It was like she was cutting Jonathan off and it was really starting to get to him. There were only so many times that he could rearrange the boxes in the garage or move things around in the house. He was starting to feel like everything was going downhill rather quickly and he was losing any ground that he could have had.what's even more important with it he was starting to feel like everything that he had begun to actually wish and dream for was gone. The family that he wanted to raise with her was disappearing by the moment. Even at her where she wasn't quiet and now she was just basically shutting everybody out. She had learned a little bit about herself and her parentage but it was enough and she wanted to know more but she didn't have anyone to ask. She didn't
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 Jake tried to smile knowing that I couldn't possibly work. She looked at him with her wide eyes and then she reached out and touched his face. “Jonathan do you know how I actually feel about you?”“no I don't.” he replied as he looked at her and he could feel his muscles pulling into her direction.“I married you because I had some kind of feeling for you. I didn't know what it was at the time I always chalked it up that it was more gratitude than anything else. But that's not the case anymore. Throughout this entire thing you have been by my side and you have been the one to help me without question. You allowed me to have the time that I needed to figure everything out including how to be a mother and a life. You haven't tried to it forced me to do anything that I wasn't willing to do and you haven't tried to change any bit about me. I always thought that that was what marriage actually was. This low ability to change someb
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