Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 71 - Chapitre 80
I'm not a coward
“What took you so long,” Lucius’s face was turned up in worry and the reason for that was fairly obvious. He had watched as Emelda had gone to see Darius and he had been waiting for her to get back but she had taken longer than he had expected.A lot had gone through Lucius’s mind as he waited for Emelda to get back and it had taken all the patience in the world to stop him from going to get her himself.Before leaving, Emelda had told him about the vision she had shared with Darius and even though it had come as a shock to him initially, his mind had relaxed again.But then, she had gone to Darius’s bedroom and it was taking her forever to come back, and in that time, Lucius's thoughts had imagined the worst-case scenario that was possible.“I’m sorry,” Emelda apologized. She didn’t know what she was apologizing for but she felt the need to say the words.She felt pity for Lucius, he had been through so
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The morning of the battle
It was a rainy Friday morning in the Lakewood kingdom. The rains had come down in full force and they had not stopped for at least four hours. The clouds were as dark as night and the sun was nowhere in sight.The people of the Lakewood kingdom were ready for a historic moment, they had waited in anticipation for this day and it was finally here.It seemed like the universe and all nature had prepared for this day but most importantly, the goddess of the moon was also prepared. She was the one who was being credited for the darkness that ruled in the sky.It was the day for the battle of the throne.A day that had been the most talked-about in the past few weeks. The battle for the throne was on everybody’s lips. From the werewolves to the witches, and the humans. Everyone had something to say about the battle.The palace staff were busier than usual, the kitchen was bubbly, the guards were sterner and even the maids were seen to be cleaning
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The Spell
Even though it looked like Emelda was just hatching up on this plan, a part of her knew that she had been preparing for it already. She had not made up her mind before but she had gotten ready just in case the opportunity presented itself.And to Emelda, the opportunity had come. this was the time to do it. it was now or never.Previously, Emelda had taken one piece of Darius’s personal belonging and one piece of Lucius’s personal belonging.For Lucius, it had been easy to grab and she had simply taken one of his toothbrushes. One thing that Lucius had in excess of, was toothbrushes. She didn’t know why and she had never bothered t ask him but Lucius kept a stash of almost a dozen toothbrushes and he wasn’t going to notice if she took one.But Darius had been a little more difficult to get a hold of. But she had been successful at that too.While in Darius’s bedroom, Emelda had grabbed his singlet from the floor and she had qu
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Cyrus's morning
The people of Lakewood Kingdom were now ready for the Battle of the throne. They had all guarded and everyone was seated at the battlefield with him for the main participants to come in. But while they waited, There was someone else who was locked away in his room and the only person who had access to him was his Beta, Sule. Sule was alone with King Cyrus in his bedroom and they were speaking about the battle that was about to begin. Just like the noise from the battlefield had filtered into Emelda's room, the noise was also beginning to reach the room of the former king. With each passing 2nd, the noise of the crowd grew louder and louder, and as it grew louder, so did Cyrus' apprehension grow as well. Cyrus, the outgoing King, and alpha of the Liquid Kingdom and Liquid Moon Pack was finding it very difficult to concentrate because he knew that the time had come for one of his sons to go. It was a very painful decision for him. It was a very painful thing for him to
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Who is that man?
It was now exactly 9.00 am and the bell was ringing.The Lakewood kingdom had a bell that was only rung in cases of emergencies and whenever the kingdom had an important event.And so, it was a rare occasion to hear the sound of the bell.The bell had been built years ago and even though it was rarely ever used, every member of the Lakewood kingdom knew what it meant.And so on the morning of the battle for the throne, at exactly 9.00 am, Sir Theophilus who was the head of the council of chiefs gave the order for the ringing of the bell.There were designated people who had already been stationed at the tower where the bell was and as soon as sir Teo gave the signal, they banged on the bell and the bell rang all around the kingdom.What followed the sound of the bell was absolute silence especially on the battlefield. Everyone was absolutely quiet because that sound signaled the beginning of the event that was about to take place.Emelda shoo
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Let the battle begin
“King Barroc,” the name was still on Emelda’s lips when she heard the announcer calling out to the two participants in the game, Darius and Lucius.“And calling, the firstborn son of Cyrus the great, ALPHA DARIUS,” The announcer called and the crowd went into a frenzy as everyone was shouting, sheering while a few were booing,” Darius matched into the battlefield and he raised his hands to the crowd. The crowd seemed to love the gesture because they screamed in ecstasy as Darius raised his hands.“And announcing,” the announcer continued, “the second-born son of Cyrus the great, KING LUCIUS,” the announcer called and for the second time within one minute, the crowd growled again and screamed from the top of their voices as Lucius came out.Emelda was a little surprised at the support that Lucius was getting, the crowd had cheered for him in the same way as they had cheered for Darius and Emelda was happy for
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The battle for the throne
The crowd went silent immediately the announcer spoke, everyone was still and even the air around the battlefield was stale. The only noise that was heard by anyone at that time was the noise from the birds that were flying in the sky. It stayed that way for minutes until LUCIUS, the king of the Lakewood kingdom charged at his brother, DARIUS.Everyone had expected Darius to be the one to make the first move but Lucius had taken them by surprise and the minute Lucius started running towards his brother, the crowd started shouting in excitement. Everyone was at the edge of their seats.In Lucius’s mind, this was a delicate moment and he had to prove that he was as fit as Darius as they battled. The rules had said that none of them was supposed to shift into their wolf and Lucius had found it sarcastic because they all knew that only one of them could shift but still, he appreciated the gesture. After all, Lucius also had as many fighting skills as his brother.
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Is she breathing?
The dagger went through Emelda’s chest and she instantly went lifeless. Shock registered through Darius’s body as he took a few steps away. Darius was shocked and instantly traumatized. He hadn't seen her coming until she threw herself on top of Lucius.“How did it happen?” Darius thought to himself.He backed away as his eyes scanned the situation. Fear was all over him because of the fear of what he had just done.The special weapon that had been given to him by King Barroc was the weapon he used to stab Emelda and that meant that there was no way she could survive it.Fear surrounded Darius’s heart and his first instinct was to run far away from there and to hide.But that was not the kind of person that Darius was, he wasn't raised to run away from danger.But still, he was in so much shock and his brain was in a fog, he didn't know what to do.Darius had fought in several battles, along with his father and he ha
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We have to find a way
Emelda was now in her bedroom where the medics put her on her bed. They had asked her maid, Vera, to come with them and Vera was then instructed to help Emelda out of the clothes she was wearing and into something more comfortable.The senior housemaid had come in with Vera, it was an urgent and Serious matter and Vera couldn't undress Emelda alone.Everyone except the medics had to wait outside as Vera and her supervisor changed Emelda’s clothes into a simple and easy flowing nightdress, they wrapped her hair in a scarf and tied it loosely around her head.Standing outside by Emelda’s door were Sir Sule, Darius, and Lucius.The three men had been told to wait outside as Emelda got changed from her previous clothes and into a simple nightdress. And that was the first time they got the opportunity to look at each other, face to face.There was already tension brewing between both brothers. Lucius could visibly be seen breathing heavily, an
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The blade's Crest
Without uttering another word, Lucius, Darius and Sir Sule went back into the room where the medics had placed her on a drip.Lucius’s eyes strayed to the drip and he watched as the little drops of liquid fell one after the other into Emelda’s body. Emelda’s eyes were shut and Lucius watched her closely to catch a breath from her, one even but he struggled to catch it. And then, Lucius bent to kiss her on the forehead and that was when he felt the hot hair from her nostrils touching his face. The air was cool and slow but it was there. And Lucius was glad because that meant that she was still alive with him in this world.“So what’s the prediction? Why isn't she waking up?” Darius asked the medics. Like Lucius, Darius was also deeply concerned about Emelda and if anyone had taken one look at him the whole time, they would have noticed the crease at the top of his forehead. The lines on his face had grown deeper and longer and h
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