All Chapters of Daddy's Capo: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Chapter 10
As they sped away from the warehouse, Tony could feel Maria’s tension surrounding the vehicle. He knew he had to take some control here, her Daddy would absolutely freak out if he had seen the way she had reacted to the gunshots in front of the men. Tony was so confident about Don Damon’s reaction he actually felt himself getting annoyed at the Don. He felt sorry for the beautiful brunette in the car next to him. She was barely 21 and had been thrown headfirst into a world she didn’t belong in or want to be a part of. He actually blamed the Don’s wife but the blame game would get him nowhere. There was no reason for Maria to be involved, she could have handled it but she felt above the situation. Tony rolled his eyes as he cleared his throat to break the silence.“Maria,” he started, drawing in a breath because he knew how well this was going to go down, “I know that what happened back there must have shocked you – and I completel
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Chapter Eleven
Maria followed behind Tony, her eyes darting around as she took in her surroundings. She waited patiently as he spoke in hushed tones to the bulky doorman. His eyes slid over Maria greedily, and it made her feel a little uneasy.“Keep your eyes to yourself, my friend” Tony growled, placing his hand on the other man's shoulder and patting him as he ushered Maria inside the door he held open for her. Immediately, the world seemed to darken with only a dim glow from various red lamps around the room and the lights at the bar. This was one of her father’s more respectable places but was certainly still not the bright lights she was used to back home. An attractive waitress came over to show them to their table, seating them at the back of the club. “I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks and… what will you have?” he asked Maria, whose attention had been on looking around the room.“Hm? Oh, I’ll have a gin and tonic pleas
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Chapter 12
As the pair sat quietly in Tony’s car, Maria fiddled with the hem of her blouse as she bit her bottom lip. She felt very much like she had been ‘told off’ by Tony and wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to spend the night at his place. However, she also didn’t want to spend the night jumping at every little noise because she would be lying if she said the shooter hadn’t scared her.Tony was a very relaxed driver, once you’d driven with enemies trying to put bullets through your windows everything else felt like a breeze. He could feel the tension radiating from Maria, she was nervous and he couldn’t think of a single thing to say that would make her feel better. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you, just sounds suspicious’, Tony reminded himself, driving to the outskirts of the city. He needed to live in a very precise location. It was close enough to the LeTale’s estate that he could b
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Chapter 13
Tony chuckled; she was taunting him he was almost sure of it. “You are sleeping in my bed, I am sleeping on the sofa” he confirmed, his fingers lazily scratching across his chest as he watched her laugh to herself whilst she sipped at her drink. Shaking his head, he headed into the bathroom to begin his nighttime routine. Maria sipped at her tea as her eyes roamed his apartment. There weren’t many photographs at all, as she bent down towards one on a shelf in the corner, she saw him with an elderly woman. Tony must easily be in his 20s in the photo and had his arm proudly around this woman. The woman was smiling but Maria’s expression softened as she examined it closely. The woman was smiling but there seemed to be a sadness behind her eyes.“That’s my Grammy” Tony’s voice startled Maria as he spoke behind her, she had been caught snooping and had the good grace to at least look embarrassed. “She looks…” Maria started, not finishing her sentence because if he was disp
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Chapter 14
Tony stood there for way too long, his hand hovering over the handle and his mind working against what his body was fighting for him to do.‘Do not sign your death warrant because someone young and pretty fluttered their eyelashes at you’ his internal voice scoffed at him. Tony’s hand fell away from the handle, his ears couldn’t even pick up Maria’s breath anymore and he suspected that she was holding it. ‘Not worth dying for’ could be his new internal motto he bitterly smirked to himself as his large hand wiped down his face and he let out a sigh, heading off for a cold shower in the main bathroom.Inside the room, Maria had indeed held her breath when she heard movement outside the door, her body tingling and begging for her to continue to push her over that pleasurable edge. Had he heard her? How absolutely mortifying. After a few minutes she heard his loud sigh and his feet pad down the hall, shortly followed by the sound of the bathroom extractor fan beginning to whirl. Maria’s h
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Chapter 15
Tony sat on the phone in the living room, awaiting for Maria to emerge. How could it take her so long to get ready when she literally had only her handbag and the clothes from yesterday.“Trig” he sighed tirelessly to the thorn in his side that felt the need to update him on everything. Following the shooting, some of the boys had captured a young man of about 23 years, wielding a gun that was way too fancy to have been purchased on his own dime. He was refusing to talk, even with Tony’s soldiers working him over with their fists on an hourly basis since he was locked into a room at one of their other locations.“If he won’t talk, then we don’t look for who he works for, we look for who he is. I want to know where his mother lives, I want to know if he has a sibling we can scare him with. Everyone has a weakness, everyone” he muttered, trying not to be too loud with his threatening suggestions whilst Maria was around.&l
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Chapter 16
There was that inherited anger she must have gotten from her Daddy. It almost physically hurt him to let her get the last word but he used her formal title knowing that would get across everything he had to say.Marie let out a short laugh, “Oh, Miss LeTale now again, is it?” she asked rhetorically. She wanted him to argue back, she wanted to feel like she had let out some of that pent-up steam and anger. “Am I only Maria so long as I’m being a good girl, Tony?” she scoffed, her head shaking sideways in pure disbelief that he had backed down in this way. “You’re Miss LeTale when you’re treating me like a damn scum of the earth employee” Tony replied, his voice measured and calm but the whiteness of his knuckles on the steering wheel were giving away how much restraint this was truly taking. He could tell she was wound up beyond relief, clearly didn’t finish the job in bed for herself last night.“News flash, Tony, you are an employee and you’ve done some rather unsavoury things in yo
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Chapter 17
Frankie Trustin was the LeTale family accounts and administrative manager. He was in his early 40’s and despite trying to give off the appearance that he was a clean cut business man, he could be as dirty as they come. Tony did not care for Frankie at all so had been pleased that he wouldn’t need to supervise Maria’s baptism of fire into the business dealings she was going to be steering.As Frankie knocked on the door to the LeTale estate, he was quite looking forward to meeting the young Miss LeTale. He had heard from a few of the boy that she was quite easy on the eyes and he had always been a fan of beautiful women.Maria, having showered and changed, appeared at the top of the stairs to find a stoutly gentleman, not in half as good shape as the majority of the men that worked for her father.“Mr Trustin I presume, I’m Maria” she introduced herself as she approached him, extending a hand to shake that he took upon himself to bring to his stubbly lips. She shuddered a little inward
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Chapter 18
Maria’s date was a reasonably handsome, though quite slim and tall man. He had brought her roses and immediately begun with the compliments which had made Maria blush, as they stood in the entrance to the mansion engaging in small talk whilst her mother hovered.“Tony, do you think she loves him?” Tommy whispered to the capo who chuckled a little and ruffled the young ones hair.“No Tommy, she just met the guy” he scoffed, though his eyes didn’t offered the same light heartedness his voice did. He could see how easily she fell into conversation with a man also from her world, how he made effortless jokes that she seemed to enjoy, throwing her head back a little as she laughed politely. Tony felt a surge of feeling inferior and being alarmingly aware of his lack of education and worldly experiences.As Tommy seemed to get uninterested in the proceedings, he sauntered off to bed whilst Tony trailed to his car. They would travel sepa
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Chapter 19
The date had dramatically gone downhill since the start, she had noticed the smug look on Tony’s face when it became evident that Richard had ordered for her which she took as a forewarning of his feelings about women having their own opinions and was  boring her as the night wore on. Maria couldn’t wait for it to be over, a waste of a pretty dress. Letting out a sigh, it seemed her date had tuned into her mood and agreed they should call it a night. As soon as he saw them rise to their feet, Tony rushed onto his own, relieved the evening was over. He had spent way too much of his time watching Maria, thinking about just how amazing she looked with her hair over her shoulder in that way, how that hair might look splayed out behind her over a pillow or similar. It was not good for Tony to spend this much time with her all dolled up.“Thank you for a lovely evening” Maria offered softly as her and Richard heading back to the
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