All Chapters of Touched by a Vampire: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
242 Chapters
Chapter 180
Elias set the bag down onto the kitchen table. “Lance, this is going to be home for the next few days.” Then, he looked directly into my eyes. “You can’t leave until The Change is complete, understood?”Against my better judgment, I nodded.Elias began unpacking the bag. “We’ll make sure someone is with you at all times until the transformation is complete.”“That’s okay,” I said. “Kellen is coming to stay with me at night.”Amy nodded. “And we’ll be here during the day.” Then, she started organizing the things from the bag on the table. “Which brings us to our next order of business.” She picked up a syringe, a cotton swab and alcohol, and a small bottle that I thought was the serum.“Really? Seriously?” I asked as she dabbed the cotton with alcohol. After all, I couldn’t be killed by a few germs. “I’m a vampire
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Chapter 181
She smiled. “Well, after tomorrow, it won’t be a problem.”“Well, after tomorrow, you won’t be able to find me.”“Not until after the baby’s born,” Amy corrected. “After Leila’s fully recovered, then you can go anywhere you wish.”“Sounds good to me.” For a moment, I wondered if we had another child and we were both human, would the child be human, too? But I brushed the thought aside. After this baby was born, we would have two children, which was more than I had ever hoped for.“Well, I’m off,” Elias said as he headed toward the door. “Amy, I hate to leave you alone with him in this state.”She smiled. “I’ll be fine. Go! Your patients await. I, on the other hand, am off from work for the next few weeks.”Elias laughed. “Yeah, yeah! Don’t rub it in.”“You really need to take some
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Chapter 182
“Have you thought of becoming human … for her?” I asked in a low voice.Kellen let out a deep breath and sat back down on the couch. “Yes, I have.”“And?” I knew that I was prying, but he had been a vampire for a very long time, and becoming human again was a big step.Kellen bit his lower lip, thinking, and then looked directly into my eyes. “Yes. I would do it. If I could grow old with her, I would do it in a heartbeat,” he said without hesitation. “That’s why I get it, Lance, between you and Leila. I get why you’re doing this. I would do the same thing, if I were in your shoes.”I reached out and clasped his hand, giving him a man shake. “What does Crissy say about it?”He shrugged. “She wants to become a vampire … for me.”I nodded. “And how do you feel about that?”He shook his head. “Man, I love her wit
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Chapter 183
I woke in a cold sweat. Moonlight was streaming in through the window, piercing the darkness. Hunger rose within me; a hunger like I’d never known before. I needed blood and I needed it now. I rose from the bed and stalked toward the door.I could smell blood … and it smelled luscious.My fangs extended immediately as I skulked down the hallway, closer to the delicious scent, closer to what I wanted, closer to what I craved. The scent grew stronger, more delicious, more tempting as I drew near … and it was clearly, fully human. I placed my hands on the wall, beyond all reason, beyond sanity, as I inched closer to my target. I turned the corner, ready, as saliva rushed into my mouth in anticipation of the meal in which I was about to indulge. My heart pounded against my ribcage, as if it wanted this kill just as much as I. My vampire seethed within my chest, inching me closer, but when I turned the next corner … it was Leila.“My
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Chapter 184
I pulled out my cell phone and quickly dialed Adeline’s number, but there was no answer. I shook my head, realizing how close I had come to becoming human. Just a few minutes later and I wouldn’t have been able to save my family. I just hoped that I wasn’t too late. I quickly dialed Javier’s number as I headed out the front door of Kalyssa’s cottage.“Lance?” he said, answering on the first ring. Chaos erupted in the background as my heart sank.“What happened?”“Oh, thank God it’s you,” he said. “Leila has been …”“I know. Xander just told me,” I replied. “Where is she?” I was already starting to run, not waiting for Amy, Xander, and Elias.“I don’t know, but someone had to have taken her.”Sirens sounded loudly in the distance.Anger filled my body. “Tell me about it when I get there. I’m o
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Chapter 185
I pulled the phone out of my pocket and dialed Javier’s number.“Mr. Steel,” he answered on the first ring.“Who was standing guard?”“Gregory and Cal,” he said in clipped tones, knowing that I meant the penthouse“The Outsiders took Leila,” I said, headed down the stairwell. “Round up some men. We’re going after her. Meet me in the lobby in five.”“Yes, sir,” he said as I hung up the phone and dialed Ferdinand’s number.“Mr. Steel?”“How the hell did The Outsiders get into the castle?!” I demanded.“The fire alarm sounded and there was smoke,” he said, his heels clicking against the hard, tiled floor of the lobby. He was in the casino. “We were busy evacuating the guests …”“While they came after my family?!”“They must have come in the back way,”
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Chapter 186
We ran over the rough terrain as the wind blew past us. The sun was high overhead, but the heat didn’t affect vampires the way it affected humans. None of the elements did. We ran over mountains and even jumped over a gorge, not losing one vampire. Within minutes, the sound of running water rushing by filled my ears and I knew we were getting close. Soon, the black and red mountain peaks rose up before us. Within minutes, we were on the edge of Promontory Point, on the west side of the Hoover Dam.I looked down at the blue lake and at all of the surrounding igneous rock formations that created mountains, just as Xander came up on my right side. “She could be anywhere.”Xander clasped a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll find her.” Then, he turned to his wolf pack, who had joined us. “Split up! Look for any sign of Leila and the baby!” Xander then began ordering his pack to go in every direction. Immediately, they leapt and turne
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Chapter 187
“Leila?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as the screams of dying vampires resonated within the cave behind me. I closed my eyes for a moment and then silently prayed. “Please, help me to find them.”I opened my eyes. As I looked at the caves, the one in the center of the humongous cavern stood out. I ran down the narrow path, throwing vampires over my head behind me as I ran, letting my coven tear them apart, and killed several at once, taking their heads off easily with my sword. I threw several against the wall with a wave of my hand, who were ripped apart by shifters. Then, I shoved my hand into the chest of another vampire with milky white eyes when he got too close and listened to his screams as he burst into flames. I jumped over his flaming body when I saw a faint light at the end of the tunnel, running my sword through another vampire that was coming at me. As he lay on the ground, I stomped on his throat and ripped his head from his body. As
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Chapter 188
“Something tells me that you won’t need to bite your wrist for me anymore,” she joked, suddenly sounding more like herself.“Leila!” I said, crying openly as I pulled her to my chest. I pulled back and crushed my lips to hers, and she responded with all of the pent up passion that we both felt. “Leila, love. I’m so sorry …”“Shush,” she cooed, looking into my eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.”“Yes, it was!” I said, as tears ran down my cheeks. “I should have protected you. I should have been there for you!”“Shush,” she said, then smiled. “You were.” I looked at her, puzzled. “You were with me in my heart. Before I died, you were the last thing I thought of; your face was the last thing I saw in my mind. I love you, Lance.”“I love you, too,” I cooed, “always and forever.”Sudden
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Chapter 189
Leila reached over and took her from me. “Well, Amy and Angela went through a lot of trouble to organize a surprise anniversary party for us, so you’d better not disappoint them … and look surprised.” In the last several months since The Outsiders attacked and Leila was turned into a vampire, the cure had been perfected and several vampires were turned successfully back into humans. We had to set up a secret relocation program for them, as well, as they would no longer be able to protect themselves from supernatural creatures. Many of the innocent Outsiders were also turned into humans again, successfully. Once they had the cure, their bodies reverted back to their human form, to our relief. Also, Drake had built a private facility just for vampires going through The Change, headed by Amy and Elias. They both would be busy for a long time. I raised my eyebrows and opened my mouth, over exaggerating mock shock. “How’s this?” “Silly Daddy!” Sirena said as she laid her head on her moth
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