All Chapters of The Labyrinth of Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
   It had been three years since Theodore and Joshua entered the human realm. Though they both had trained to be human, it was difficult for them at the beginning to get along. It was very different from their demon realm. Also, the human realm was full of technologies.   At first, it was hard for both of them to get used to everything. And, being able to use the advanced technologies was even harder. But after some months, they were very good at handling everything.   Theodore and Joshua lived in an apartment together. They were given missions as a duo. So that they would complete it faster and return to the angel realm. They both missed Joseph from time to time. But were unable to send messages to him because they were busy completing the missions.   The human realm had changed both of them vastly. Theodore, who looked soft and dressed in light clothes, had emo vibes now. Theodore had permed his hair with a shag hairc
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   Nathan had taken Joseph into an apartment. It was just 15 minutes walk from the forest. After entering the city, Joseph was amazed to see all the tall buildings here and there. Most importantly, Joseph was surprised to see humans who dressed so perfectly. It was surprising for him to see so many shops everywhere. He was in awe.    After walking for some time, Nathan and Joseph entered a building. Nathan pressed the button of the elevator, and after a while, the door opened. Joseph was confused. He saw Nathan go inside the door so, he followed behind. After Nathan made him go into an elevator, Joseph was scared. He didn't know something like that even existed. He was startled when the elevator started moving up, and he clenched his hands on Nathan's shirt. Nathan smiled at Joseph's reaction.    "Joseph, we are going to my friend's apartment. You're going to live with them together. I'll go back to the angel realm after six months. So y
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A glint of hope
   It took Joseph almost a month to get used to Harper, Stephan, the apartment, and especially the human realm. He was very much fascinated by it. Nathan had brought all the documents like Id-card, bank account, passport, visa card, and everything needed for Joseph to live as a human in the human realm. Joseph was quick to learn about how to use everything.   The black box that he first saw while entering the apartment had fascinated him a lot. He later found out that it was called TV and how it worked. In the beginning, he used to spend his time watching TV a lot. Then he got introduced to mobiles. After learning, how to use it, he couldn't leave his mobile even for a second. He was fascinated by how the small device could be used for so many purposes. He could call people far away from him through the phone. He could search about different things using the Internet. He really liked the advancement of the human realm.   After getting to
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So, you are gay?
   After 4 months of entering the human realm, Joseph was finally getting used to everything. He had his jobs which paid him enough money to fulfill his needs. The nightclub in which he was working was pretty decent as well.    After living with Stephan and Harper for four months, they used to feel like big brothers to Joseph. He was happy to have such decent humans as his housemates. Also, he was glad that Nathan had found good friends in the human realm.    But lately, things had gotten a little awkward around Joseph, Stephan, and Nathan. Stephan and Nathan seemed to be a little conscious whenever Joseph was around. Joseph started noticing the awkwardness. Harper, too, was getting uncomfortable with the thick air building up between them. But, whenever Joseph was with either of them, they would talk casually to him. So, Joseph thought he had just imagined the awkward tension as he did with Joshua before. So he brushed off the thought.
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Will it work?
   Joseph seemed to enjoy the human realm more than his own realm. With the money he saved from the 6 months of modeling and his part-time job at a nightclub, he bought a Mercedes AMG GT 63 S. It was the model that had attracted him the most. Nathan gave some of his savings to Joseph to buy that car as well. He even went to different places to learn about the cultures of humans. Joseph tried different types of food every day. He was enjoying his life to the fullest.   It was the day before Nathan had to return to the angel realm. Nathan, Stephan, Harper, and Joseph were sitting together in the living room of their apartment. Nathan and Stephan were sitting together while Joseph and Harper were in the opposite couches. They were watching a moving while eating pizza and beer.   The movie they were watching was Ironman. Joseph was very much into the marvel universe after Stephan had introduced it to him. He loved the character of Ironman ve
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On to the first mission
   The next day, Joseph woke up to see a white letter on the table beside his bed. He was excited and nervous at the same time. It seemed like Joseph was more scared than nervous. Since it was his first mission, he couldn't help but feel scared.    After gathering a lot of courage, Joseph finally decided to open the letter and read it. After reading the letter, he was joyful. He got an easy job as his first mission.    In the letter, it was written that Joseph had to guide the soul of a dead person to the stairs of heaven. The human who died was a social worker who had spent her entire life looking after the street children. Her name was Lilac. She had provided those children with a home, food, and education. In the letter, it was also written that the soul would be found in the forest of the gods.    Joseph was getting excited to complete his first mission. So, he got up from the bed and freshened up. After getting dre
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King's health got better
   On the other hand, Theodore was perplexed. He was anxious about the locket that he had lost 6 months ago while Theodore was in the forest of gods. Theodore went back there several times to find the locket, but the locket wasn't found. He searched for the locket everywhere he went but was unable to find any trace of it. Theodore was very unhappy with himself. Because of his carelessness, he lost the locket.   Joshua and Theodore were currently on rest after completing their 60th mission. Joshua was watching a movie in the living room while Theodore was cleaning his room with the hope of finding the locket.   "Oh my god, Theo. Please shut the vacuum. You've cleaned your room a million times already. You won't be able to find the locket," Joshua shouted from the living room. He was annoyed by the noise of the vacuum because he couldn't hear the movie. So, he turned off the TV and went into Theodore's room.   "God, Theo.
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Hot bartender
   Theodore and Joshua returned back to the human realm after meeting King Asmodeus. Theodore had again carried Joshua back to the human ram. Out of the two, Joshua was the happiest. Joshua was ecstatic to finally have his freedom. All he could think about was partying and hooking up with random humans for fun. They both landed in the forest of gods, and Theodore put Joshua down as well.    "Ah, I think I might get a muscle cramp. How are you so heavy, Joshua?" Theodore stretched his arms as he said.    "Shut up, Theo. I'm letting you off the hook this time because you look sexy with your horns and wings out," Joshua said seductively.    "Gosh, Joshua. When will you stop these kinds of stuff? Your flirting doesn't work with me," Theodore said as his wings and horns disappeared. Then, Theodore and Joshua got in their car and drove out to their apartment.    "It has been one hectic night. I'm tired," The
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   Joseph had just reached home from his part-time job at the nightclub. It was already 12:30 am when he had returned home. Joseph had a very tiring day. He got his first mission and completed it. And after that, Joseph went for his part-time job. He met a guy who was annoying him a lot. But, Joseph couldn't deny that the guy was handsome. Joseph was thankful that the guy had been busy on his mobile. So, Joseph escaped through the back door successfully. Joseph was lying on the couch when Harper came out of his room and saw Joseph.   "Angel darling! How was your first mission today? Did you complete it? How was it? Did it go well?" Harper bombarded Joseph with questions.   Joseph took a long sigh and then replied, "Yes, I completed my first mission. It was a new experience. And I learned a lot from it. But I had to go to the nightclub as well. So it was a tiring day for me. And there was this annoyingly handsome guy who was trying to fli
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Just the letter J
   "Is not your time to go for the part-time job?" Harper asked Joseph.   "Yes, it is. Why do you ask?" Joseph replied.   "How do you forget things so easily. Do you not remember when I told you I'll be coming with you to your job today?" Harper reminded Joseph.   "Aah," Joseph realized, "I'm sorry. I was busy with my 2nd mission, so I forgot. What about Stephan? Get ready in 10 minutes, and we will go."   "Oh, Stephan is visiting his mother today and will come next week. Also, I'm already ready, dude. You go and get freshened up. I will wait for you," Harper said. Joseph nodded his head went to freshen up and get changed.   After 10 minutes, Joseph came out after changing. "Let's go, Harper," Joseph said as he walked out of the door.   "Aren't you forgetting your car key?" Harper was confused.   "Car? Seriously? It's just 15 minutes of the walk so,
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