All Chapters of Crimson Moon: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
THURSDAYWe all just looked at each other, exchanging gazes periodically. It lasted for a few silent minutes."Wait—what in hell is going on?!" The tyrant yelled angrily."You were about to drop the bomb on 'em sir," one of his minions said, that one I had been previously locked in with in a staring match, which I apparently won because he had lost concentration and looked away at the voice of his boss."Oh, yeah..." he said, faking sudden remembrance. Dallas was ironic, it was made him seemed less like a threat and more like a pathetic person that was just trying too hard to make an impression or prove a point."Should I tell him Jereum? Or you'd rather shut me up?""Yeah, sure tell 'em... It's not like you all don't know it," Jereum said, shrugging and looking nonchalant.I saw the shock and bewilderment in the tyrant’s eyes. But I could also see, right behind the mask of I-don't-give-a-damn that was pasted tightly on Je
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JEREUMS'S P.O.V.I woke up, remembering the executions I carried out last night. The creatures I killed were for the good of the town. Though many did not know about their existence and even thoughts them to be myths, I and my colleagues did all we could to ensure that those creatures stayed at Bay.Today was a special day, we got a lead that strange activities were being carried out in the abandoned corn mill. The building was well built, steady and sturdy. A few mechanical problems with the machines had left it abandoned for now but the blood drinkers must have seemed refuge within it's walls.I stared at my cobwebbed ceiling, lying down. Whistling away the little joy I had in life. Rackety taps on the window put my on alert, I rushed up to my feet, almost tripping over the empty phial that lay carelessly on the ground. I peered out my window, it was dark outside, I could barely see a thing except for the wagons that stood outside my neighbour's houses.
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JEREUMS'S P.O.V.The clouds up above were clearing from the moon. Its light shun upon my brothers scared face. I took what he said into consideration, it was indeed true that none of my colleagues had ever fallen. We were the best of the best and had slayed over a hundred if these creatures over the past two years of our tenure in service for the church.I had never seen Syberus this scared before, and there was a point to his argument. We heard gun fire and then another. I turned sharply and looked at the building. I need to help them, who knows how many may be in there."We need to help them—I need to help them," I said, "stay here, and if I don't come back in ten minutes, alert the reinforcements from the church."I didn't even give him a chance to argue, I took one last look at his face and then I ran off towards the building. I had to look brave, bold, and strong, it was the only way he'd have hope and the courage he needed. If a leader showed
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JEREUMS'S P.O.V.He fired arrow after arrow, the tips of the silver heads glistening in the torch light before embedding itself in the creature.It shrieked and growled as it was being assaulted. Syberus kept on coming closer as he fired and the creature was moving backwards on impulse with every arrow it took. I could see parts of it evaporating into the air around.He got closer to me and I got to my feet."Thought I would leave you alone?"I knew he'd always have my back."It's stronger Syberus, and it's the one that killed our parents."He fired more arrows into the demon, firing with hate."Then let's kill it once and for all, let's kill for all Sybil, and the others, and for our parents," He said, sounding deeply hurt. He removed a small sword from his holster and handed it to me. I took it, gripping it tightly in my palm and he withdrew his longer sword. The demon was now on its knees, all the strength it had probably dr
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FRIDAYWe got back home, my training session with Jereum yesterday ended up turning into a full on clan fight. Leya had stayed behind to get more seeds and plants for her little garden while the rest of us departed. I was still flooded with the feel and emotional I had felt while I was in Jereum's memories.His story was one filled with great contradiction and bends all over. Sure he had killed the Supreme that killed his parents but in that being impurified, and even begging to be killed rather than to live as a vampire. The hate I felt for my kind when I was in his life was enough to burn me up from the inside.He had actually hated vampires with so much of himself, he would have rather died by the sword than live as one. As for his relationship with Tia, it was now becoming clear to me that she was not a direct cousin to him, rather more like a descended one. She was the only family he could be with without posing a threat to her life, and that was probably t
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FRIDAYIre bubbled under my skin. My usual dormant beast had been awoken again. My limbs were trembling because of the effort I used to keep myself from dashing at the tree and tearing him apart. He looked at us one by one through his dark cold eyes."Do it... Let's see how fast you can cover the distance before I slit her throat." He materialized a long bladed silver knife and put the blade to Dawn's throat and I tried as hard as I could to stop myself from moving from the spot I was."Doesn't anyone remember me?" He asked.His voice was wounded and cold, like as if he had swallowed a rock that tore its way down to his belly.Everyone was silent."I do."Jhan's voice tore through the silence and carried along with it a blanket of surprise that covered us all."One hundred and fifty years ago."The man looked intensely at Jhan before a wide smiled crawled into his face."Yes, you do. How could you forget?"
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SATURDAYWhen I got back home it was already the break of a new day. I stayed in the parlour and as far away from Dawn as possible. I felt a rising hatred myself that was overcoming me. It was my fault she got hurt the first and instead of me to protect her I let her down. How was I sure I could still keep her safe, even now. And Leya, I had almost blurted out Dawn's name at the time that Lupine was counting me down. I had betrayed her whether she knew it or not. But there was nothing I could do, it was either Leya or Dawn and I chose Dawn. So what is the black wolf wasn't there? Then what could have happened.Over the next few days I stayed at home Dawn got better quickly.Jhan had agreed to keep Dawn a secret from the higher court, Jereum did whatever Jhan did so I guess got lucky at that. Tia on the other hand was just all round sympathetic. She was in support of my relationship with Dawn but at the same time she felt bad. I could see the pitiful
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MONDAYFor the next two days I made sure I did the complete opposite of what Tia had told me. After I told the others after all the things we did together and finally getting that off my chest. Jhan told me to be more careful. Tia merely smiled. Jereum clearly glowered and Leya patted me on the shoulder.I spent the hours trying to devise a way to speak to the wolves, to go to them in a way that would not cause the beasts to attack and rip me to shreds. The wolves didn't like us. The way they spoke when they mutilated me. I wanted so badly to dash into that forest and bellowed until one of those giant wolves comes out of nowhere.But I knew inside me that I was scared. I was scared of them and thinking about my encounter with them only made me more scared. I had barely escaped the last time and going in there again only made me more freighted. But anyhow it was I had to communicate with them. Both powerful species have a mutual enemy which can also
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SAME DAYI spent the rest of the day with Dawn. She ate happily and cheerily. Talking about things that happened to her in her high school and recounting events to me that I could not even understand. Evening fell and Leya came in with a small bowl containing a weird liquid. She carefully dabbed the liquid on Dawn's face with a cloth and I wondered what the medicine could be made of that made it such a wound healer. I had asked Leya what it was at the time that she was still tending to Jereum's wounds, but she only smiled at me sheepishly and since then I had been too creeped out to ask her again.Dawn winced as Leya brought the cloth to the slit at the corner of her lips. She tightened her locked fingers with mine and I looked at her reassuringly.Leya finished."Thank you Leya," Dawn said. I had told Dawn her name earlier when Leya had brought in her dinner.Jhan was doing a good job to keep her parents fooled. He said he'll knock on their door i
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THREE WEEKS LATER. MONDAYI had been shackled in this dark, moist and mould smelling cell for all I knew could have been up to a week. No one had come and from the looks of things, no one was coming. The only company I had were the two adjudicators that stood outside my prison. I was thrown into this place; the female adjudicator had taken much pleasure in shackling me to the walls. These chains were nothing; I could break out of them as easily as a hot knife slicing through butter. I felt a slow healing crack in my skull mend itself. Whoever had struck me had been leathel. Before I reawakened I had had several flashbacks of Jhan. I had had these before, my clan leader murdering my family. But this time I could easily tell it was just my mind playing with me.Jhan had never killed my family, it was all just in my mind and the fake flashbacks must have probably been caused by the extreme disorientation I was feeling in my head. Same goes for the first time
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