All Chapters of The Shadow Effect : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 Chapters
41. A Soldier's Dilemma
He could feel her will to live sleep away as he held his hand over her mouth, but somehow he just couldn't go through with it.Not yet.He released her mouth and heard her gasp for air. It was all she could do to recover, for she was still trapped within her deep sleep.Their eyes came into contact and he snarled at her silver eyes, "Traitor. You will be the ruination of Daan and he should have banished you upon learning that you are his mate. But I will do what he is incapable of doing."Janna's eyes looked to and fro, but she couldn't scream for help or signal Daan that she was in trouble for their connection was broken as she laid there unable to move or communicate.She was frozen from her mate and this soldier knew that she was helpless.He leaned in again and softly whispered, "No one is coming to help you. No one wants you around. You are a traitor to the Toten and to the Schatten and for that you shall die this very evening."
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42. An Evil Twist
Matthias banged his hand upon the table and said, "I already know the potential consequences of my behavior but James was found to be guilty of treason against both of my mates. I had every right to yield that punishment and I will face the ire of their wrath upon their visit!"Viktor was just about to speak out and suggest another path when Daan burst through the door and without preamble exclaimed, "Matthias, some of the soldiers are planning on finding Carsten and bringing him back to take over the castle and stop your reign as an Elder. You have not ended the conspiracy and betrayals surrounding you."Matthias felt like all of the air was emptied from his lungs. Their soldiers too. How far did this conspiracy go? Who else was involved? He ordered all of the soldiers to be brought to the training grounds and they would be investigated immediately.He quickly quelled any protestations as to his methods and his investigation yielded results. Another ten soldier
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43. The Secret of the Knife
The horror of the words Matthias spoke cut like a knife into his fractured soul. He would break without Janna by his side but he could not push back against the punishment for he too would be banished or... He didn't want to think about the alternative. Not now. Holding Janna tightly in his arms, he looked at her and whispered, "I will be waiting for your return my love." Before she spoke, he heard her gasp and watched helplessly as the blood started to form in her mouth. Collapsing to her knees, Daan kept her from hitting the ground hard. His heart started to pump so hard that he thought that he was going to die, at the sight of the knife sticking out of her back. He screamed, "Janna! Janna! WTF is going on? Stay with me! Don't leave me!" Daan was in shock and lost his composure when he watched her start to fade in front of his very eyes. He felt Viktor pull him away from her and watched Matthias place Janna gently on the ground, with the knife still in her
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44. The Gloaming
Several weeks later...mere moments that seemed to fly by without a private moment with her mate or time to relax alone for there was just too much for her to do. She felt inadequate and not up to the task but she muddled through daily with Matthias by her side.Suddenly Emma was thrown into a leadership position in a new world that she was so unprepared for. She was helping to run the castle and preparing for the arrival of the remaining Elders, including Matthias' parents. She was certain that their visit would not be a pleasant one, as Matthias would be investigated for all that occurred over the last month.There was no joy in all that surrounded her and she so wished for the simple days when she was just mad at him for turning her and their alone time. She so longed to be in his arms and problem free, but she wondered if this castle would ever know peace after all of the tragedy that occurred.Betrayal after betrayal.Emma was still thinking a
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45. Resistance at the Border
The echo of voices rang through the valley as swords clashed and voices shouted orders. The battle was in full force as Matthais and Emma appeared at the edge of the skirmish. Before entering the fray, Matthias held Emma back to assess the situation. Viktor was a bloody mess, but he wasn't sure if it was his blood or the blood of those he had already defeated. Daan was in a fierce battle and Katana was silently using magic to stem the wrath of the Toten and tilt the balance of power to the Schatten. Turning to Emma he asked, "Are you ready to unleash the fire bound inside of you?" Emma looked a bit green but replied "All of the training these last weeks, truly doesn't prepare you for this. Does it?" Matthias felt his heart sink as he looked at his mate, afraid yet somehow exhibiting her newfound strength. "Emma, it is never easy to face your enemies in battle, no matter how much you prepare. We will go in with our fire, to push them back and into a circle of
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46. The Elders
Matthias stood in the doorway of their temporary chambers and was stunned into silence at what he was witnessing. How in the hell did this happen? He would never in a million years anticipated what his eyes were registering. His mother, his stern and ancient mother, was standing in the middle of his living room, with Emma in her arms, consoling her as her little frame shook from the tears that continued to stream down her face. Emma was inconsolable regardless of what his mother said to her, as she was trying, really trying to show compassion."Emma, darling. This world is cruel and sometimes these things must happen. Matthias is correct, my dear. Viktor has been with him through all of the twists and turns in his life, but his own brothers betrayed him. He could not have let Viktor fade. They love each other too much for that and their friendship is ancient and strong.""But he sucked his soul..." she managed to say through her tears but added "It's not right to take
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47. Lost in the Woods
Watching his hands start to fade, he felt the pull and the disorientation that followed. It was as if his body was flying through a vortex, as images of his past life were stolen from him. Memory after memory disappeared from him regardless of how hard he tried to retain his past. The harder he tried to cling to those he knew, the harder it was on him as he screamed obscenities at Matthias until all memories of him were erased. He traveled through the darkness silently once his past was erased completely then his broken body slammed into the hard unforgiving earth. The air was sucked out of his lungs, as he heard his ribs snap and he remained motionless for what seemed like hours. Alone, somewhere in the world, he was lost and couldn't remember anything about the long and privileged life that he had lived. He could not recall a face or a conversation from his life, nor could he remember ever being loved or the fact that he loved. It was simply all gone. As he looked
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48. A Twist of Fate
The campers started to pack up their campsite the next morning and Carsten controlled the idiot's actions so that he would leave him food. He was too weak to fade and fly long distances and or to remain in his shadow form for a long journey. So, he decided to stay in the park for a few more days, surviving off of food and blood from the unsuspecting campers.It was a great plan until the torrential rains came and he was left outside in the elements as he watched the campers packing their wet gear and taking off and within the hour the campground was deserted. He decided to fade into a large van and hide in the back until the group arrived twenty minutes later at the security gate. He left the van and made his way into the tourist trap, souvenir and general store. He appeared in the bathroom and then walked out, pretending to look around at the clothes. He picked up a new outfit and walked over to the cashier, who cut off the tags and wrapped the Rocky Mountain sweatshirt and
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49. Poise Unearthed
The warm water of shower cascaded down around her as she thought about the last few months. An unfortunate realization took hold. She was immature and she was an emotional wreck and if she was going to lead her people with Matthias by her side, she was going to need to start to behave in a manner befitting her station in life. A smile took hold as she also realized how much he loved her; truly loved her and she was going to be safe by his side, in this new world that was now her world too. She needed to learn to accept this world, their world.In that moment, watching the suds swirl around the drain before they disappeared, she decided that she was going to stop being angry at Matthias and give her heart to him freely and without boundaries and borders, rules and demands. She was going to love him the way her heart had longed to love him over the last few months, now realizing the power of the mating. It was irresistible!She had been harsh and demanding with her words
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50. Rekindling Brokenness
Fading from the library they traveled to their room, as their passion continued uninterrupted. Soon their clothes were falling around the room as they made their way towards their bed. They desperately desired each other and stayed under the covers until the morning light signified that they needed to face their responsibilities. Matthias whispered, "Emma, I love you for who you are and just the way you are. You don't need to change to earn my love. I want you to understand that. If you refuse your place as an Elder and we pass that responsibility onto another family, it will not change my feelings towards you. Likewise, if you decide to face my parents and their training and take your place by my side next month, then I will be proud to rule with you. I just don't want you to be pressured into having to take on this role in order for me to love you."Emma just looked at him and remained silent for some time before finally replying, "Matthias, I now understand the bond of mat
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