All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
552 Chapters
Eva looked up smiling, her hands spread out in the air as she saw Freya step into the big dining hall with the rest of the ancients. They were done feeding. Freya cooed in the air, before stepping around the table, aware that the rest had stopped eating, to stare at them. Freya lifted Eva in her hands, and took the little girl’s seat, keeping the little Eva on her lap. She turned aside to Maya who smiled back, wanting to ask her how the feeding went, but furrowed when she didn’t know how to ask that question, how to ask how a feeding went, how they caught the humans and fed on them. Derek, seeing the grimace, winced. He had the feeling too. As a matter of fact, he felt bad for the humans used as preys, even though Agrip had explained it to them when they had started eating that the humans would enjoy the experience, might be the best thing they would experience in their life. The feeding gives them a highness that is greater than cocaine or any of the drugs. And that if left, they w
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“Blenda is right. We should share information, it would be helpful in the course of this meeting or war.” Melvina agreed, her eyes meeting with Blenda, who smiled at her. She couldn’t help but return the smile. The woman was a breath of fresh air. “First, I think we should talk about the prophecy and what it tells. Please the full text, not paraphrased. We need to know what we are dealing with.” Kane who had wanted to speak out of turn, hearing the context ‘full text, and not paraphrased’ shut his mouth, pouting to the surprise of his brother and the other ancients when Lucille chuckled in her mind. They didn’t know the latter; they only saw kanae pouting like a kid denied lollipop. Seeing that no one knew the full text of the prophecy, Melvina was about asking to be told the paraphrased version, when Agrip signalled with a raise of his index finger, that he had something to say. Of course. Blenda mused. The man of wisdom. She thought, watching as the dude even stood up to his f
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“So, in other words, there is no way to know which of them is the prophecy, till tomorrow then, right?” Shane inquired, folding his arms across his chest, his mind also going out to Emma who would be alone on her eighteenth birthday. He could swear that her family, the one at Florida, won't understand what was going on with her. He wondered what she would be doing now. Was she at home yet? Did she miss Derek? He glanced at his alpha, and sighed. Dude looked so lost.“Most likely. But I can say that it is Emma. The way she tackled and killed Casper, the wizard that Leonarya had sent after us, was bizarre and magnificent at the same time. It was like she was a combination of sorts, forces moving in perfect sync. I have never seen anything like that.” Julius answered, his mind obviously reliving the event. “Who is Casper?” Sheila asked, not entirely pleased that her daughter had made her first kill, but being that it was to protect herself, she relaxed a bit. “Well, after Derek had ex
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Dobah was about to ask a question, when he heard the shriek of a bird from above. Startled, he stopped his words, and looked up, aware that he was not the only one that had been surprised by such a loud shriek. Two white little birds. Cute things if he must admit. The birds were playing with each other, females he was sure. He couldn't help but wonder what two female birds were doing together on a high window pane. Shouldn’t there be a male to play a mating dance with them? The birds also were of the same breed with the same markings. There was something suspicious about them, but he couldn’t detect a weird energy from them. If anything, he felt relaxed. If they're the wrong birds, he should detect some atmosphere change, but there was nothing.When he saw the others relax and begin to return their gazes to the table, he was aware that they felt no threat from the birds. And so in the mouth, or rather mind, of two or three witnesses, the truth was established. Was that how the B
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Derek gritted his teeth, hearing Aiden talk.Dude had touched Emma? That would explain why his mate had been extra horny that night, why her moans had been frantic when he had touched her. Although she had managed to fade off Aiden’s touch miraculously, the touch had still remained, and that had been why she had pounced on him when he came inside the room. Well, it was better he was the one. He couldn’t imagine it being with Anthony or someone else. He didn’t regret it either. He only regretted not thinking of protection. He didn’t think that Emma was ready to mother a baby. Girl was still trying to get used to the fact that she was in the middle of a supernatural fight she only heard of or had seen in movies. Wheew! No way would she want a baby now. “I’m sorry Derek. I'm not sure you understand why I did what I did, but I am still sorry.” Aiden apologized, his eyes roaming to Freya who was staring at him like he had grown two heads. She was trying to fathom why he hadn’t told her
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“Emma was there when this happened? She didn’t ask questions?” Lucille questioned, looking surprised about the event that Maya was talking about. “Oh, right. She did. That had enhanced her distrust in us, especially when we kept hiding around it, avoiding the questions. Now, I can see that we were doing more harm than good. We should have been clean to her from the start, since inevitably she would still find out. After all, she was to be Luna, Derek’s mate.” Maya stated, definite wistful longing in her voice. She missed her friend. “I miss her too.” Freya and Eva said at the same time, earning a disgruntled grunt from Derek. They were not helping matters. He thought. He needed to get out, he was about to, when his mother started talking again.. “There are also other clues you need to know about. The necklace and the markings.” “What are you talking about?” Peter asked. He didn’t know about this, and his tone showed that, and that he wasn’t happy about the development. “The first
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Nathan? Who could that be? Lucille wondered, as she took in the faces of everyone on the table. Everyone, apart from the ancients and Sheila, looked more confused than surprised, and that included Freya. Freya’s confusion shocked Lucille. She would have thought that Freya would know whoever Nathan was. “Who is Nathan?” Freya asked, echoing Lucille’s thoughts. Sheila gulped down nothing, her mind taking a most necessary trip down the memory lane. Nathan was the man she had met at the treaty party, the man that had seemed so fixated on her, the man that had her drugged with emotions, that had her heart stirring more than Peter would have ever done. Nathan was the man that she had slept with. The father of her triplets. How had his necklace gotten here? Did Emma meet him perhaps? She stood up, without knowing, fanning herself. “Mom, who is Nathan?” Lucille re-asked, already feeling that the answer to this particular question might turn over the research they have gotten so far. “
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Her father was alive. Freya allowed the happiness to seep into her. Her parents were alive. She could talk with them. A smile slithered across her lips, expanding when she felt Aiden's hands on her thigh. “I am happy for you, my love.” She heard him say through their mind path, and threw back an erotic picture to him. “When we find my sister, my body is yours to take.” She snickered, when she saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat. Dude was already horny. Her snicker though, caught the attention of the people on the table. “That happy? Huh?” Maya enunciated, winking at a blushing Freya. Then it was obvious.“I know this is out of point..”Peter started, garnering attention to himself. “But Sheila, if you had slept with Nathan that night, then how did you come to be in my bed the next morning?” Melvina gasped first, before Derek held himself from baffing. What?!! All eyes went to a confused Sheila. “I don’t know. But I am sure that I had slept with Nathan that night. He must h
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“How old are you, Curtis?” Dobah asked, quite intrigued at the confidence of the young man. Not every son would be bold enough to go against his father, and yes it was different for the daughters. He knew his thinking was old fashioned, but that was the truth. “I am eighteen. Birthday party was a week before Derek's.” Curtis answered, curious as to why the man was interested in him now. “Did anything happen at the party? From what I can decipher, you seem besotted with your father. I can see that by the level of shock that clouds your face when a misdoing of his is mentioned. Your sister doesn’t have that. She has long accepted whose side she would be on.” “Well, I guess the party was where it all changed. As you said earlier, I love my father. Which son wouldn’t? Even though I was uncomfortable with the way he treated Maya sometimes, I still loved him. Then at the party, I noticed that my mother didn’t come for the main party, she stayed back in the room. Actually, she has been re
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Kane soughed. To think that the woman had been afraid to tell Nathan about his babies because she was afraid. He shook his head. He didn’t blame the woman, he actually blamed Nathan for not saying anything. Perhaps, if the big man had, perhaps all these could have been averted. The first conflict between the packs could have been avoided for one, because the ancients would have come to play then. So, how would Arnold have gotten away with his plot? Secondly the triplets would have grown up together, and their powers harnessed properly, that would also set back the plan of the wicked. Heck! The plans wouldn’t have resurrected in the first place. This pack would have been the strongest, and his mate wouldn’t have been under fire. He wouldn’t have allowed it. But this was the fates wasn’t it? The fact that nothing happens the way people would want it to, that had been the reason for the prophecy of many centuries, the fate of the pack had been written since a long time ago. It was ju
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