All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 711 - Chapter 720
729 Chapters
(UNRESTRICTED) “I BEG of you, save her. Save my sister, Marie.” The request that Farah’s soul asks of her. The time that Haruna receives the vessel without anything to exchange it with. The willingness of Farah to give her body to protect and secure Marie’s life and future. Is something that Haruna couldn’t just abandon. “Just how foolish!” Kevin smirks a bit giggle, reading Haruna’s thoughts and how stupid it is for him to even consider. “I didn’t expect that the equivalent offspring and I in the other world and book are this weak. But I guess, I couldn’t complain too much, since you aren’t the perfect one, Haruna.” The insults and the words sure enough trigger Haruna’s anger, yet more than being stupid just like Haru said and engaging in a useless fight that she knew that no one of them will be able to win. She is left to endure those words, clench her hands and let her be slapped with the truth that no matter how cunning, powerful, and equivalent in ability and
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(ASKING ABOUT TRUST) A SINISTER smile draws to Haru’s face while looking menacingly towards Marie that is acting like a shy kid inside a new and surprising environment that only disappoints and irritates him more. “Are you alright? Do you feel any discomfort or anything right now?” “No, no, no! I am alright.” The flustered face and panic of Marie, for suddenly being asked and a first from someone and especially by an attractive man. Her beating wild heart and reddened ears didn’t become unnoticed by Haru. Her childish attitude that he can imagine her dependent nature towards Haruna is disgusting to him. But for now, the only thing that he can do and not cause any rift between them Haruna is that one thing. “That is a relief.” He smiles and his little act of concern and gladness is behind his scheme and hate. “Do you want to see Farah, for she just instructed me to take you to where she is the moment that you regain your consciousness?” “Farah did?”
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(CROOKED SMILE)JEALOUSY.That is the word that immediately registered inside Marie’s mind. Added to the certain pain inside her heart that is only buried with the uncertainty and confusion from her innocence and guarded purity. An emotion that is leaving her with the uneasy feeling that she wanted to scream it all out, yet she couldn’t. For that certain way is unfit and a sin that will disappoint Farah, which she doesn’t want and ever. “I will be back soon. Marie.”“Alright.”The hesitation in her voice that she immediately hides and escapes with her cheerful smile. Fakery, her façade, and the mask that she unconsciously wears from time to time. Hiding those emotions that she knew, but currently, she is blinded by the protection that Farah is giving her. A fact that Jeffrey notice, no, he figures out easily and immediately without giving any effort for it. “Take care, Farah. Ke--.”Another hesitation, no, it is more like completely stopping herself from calling the name and casuall
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(WARM SMILE)BOTH hold their breath, looking forward and all compose and calm despite the thrill and hope that they are having inside their heart. “Are you up to this right now?”“Perhaps do you mean, if we are both ready?”Their simple exchange, with their blank expression and the vessel that they both didn’t originally own where one was borrowed and the other is a bit stolen from someone. The entwine fates that were braided from the beginning, the chance and the path that they will take without any reasons not to. Their souls and the reflection from the original which are both of them from a different world and book, now are about to see, hold, and hopefully, be acknowledged by the person they long for so long. “Aren’t we?”Kevin’s reply, was no, this time he should be addressed to his original name and identity, Haru. A pentagram then appears, drawing the symbols and emitting a hue that resembles the night sky, a purple one that only one person could have. That distinct hue and d
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(EXCHANGE)“IT’S nice to finally have you here, Marie.”The smile of the head witch, the queen of their small convent. One of the twelve holders, owner of the zodiac goddess Libra. A pure witch that governs both the light and dark spells while monitoring the spells in between, Bianca. “S-s-so do I.”The uneasy feeling, both calmness, and warning that Marie immediately felt in front of the four equally gorgeous women, somehow bares a kind of fang, different yet all have the same amount of venom. Beautiful but dangerous, that is what the back of her mind is currently screaming towards her. More than that, she couldn’t help but be struck by the beauty of Charmaine. Her eyes are kind of threatening, yet there is a warmth and security that’s telling that she is not fond of other people. She is the kind of person that you can trust. It is just that, you shouldn’t cross the line and broke that trust, for she is not the kind of person that you wanted to be your enemy. “Isn’t Charmaine a un
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(KNOCKING IN EXCHANGE)“WELL, WELL, WELL. Isn’t it time?”The smile is not eerie, nor dominating, a bit sinister, and somewhere in between all of those descriptions. HE stands, looks at once to the mirror, and somewhat checks if the things that are set and needed are placed in their proper order. “Chie.” HE calls, but then. “That’s right she isn’t here right now, then perhaps.”A chilling smile draws to HIS face, snapping HIS finger and immediately draws a pentagram with the symbols and words that HE can only understand and use. A small gate then appears, mark with the image of thorny roses and a maple tree. Slowly it opens, then a footstep echoes, stepping outside and immediately bowing right before him with the words of respect. “You called upon this humble servant of yours, Supreme God.”“No need for long formalities. I need someone fast to relay a message to my pieces, and I think that you are the perfect one for that job, Jaira.”With the blank expression and always dull face.
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(AWAKENING)DARKNESS. The word and the only thing that Marie could and can describe to the space that she wakes up and found herself in. Puzzled and scared, looking around, back and forth with nothing, but the pitch darkness that is only adding to her anxiety. Her tears started to fall, thinking how she ended up in that place when a while she was just been with----“Who?”The question quickly strikes her mind after realizing that she couldn’t recall a single thing. Nor the people that were just around her a while ago. Leaving her with blurry images of the things that she right now even didn’t know if it happened to her a while ago or from the way past. “Where I am? Why am I here? What I am doing here?”Tears stream down from her eyes, her cries that no one could ever hear. The space and darkness that she knows she shouldn’t be, yet she finds herself in. “Someone please, help me. Someone, please. I am scared.”Crouching down and crying hard, she burry her face in between her knees as
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(DIFFERENT KINDS OF GREETINGS)“MARIE.”Surprised and shaken by what she’s currently seeing. Farah is in the middle of nothingness out of the moment from what she just found out. The timid, quiet, and shy Marie, the little sister of the original owner of the vessel that she now using is someone that she couldn’t recognize, no, she knew, she is familiar and greatly recall the fact that the original Scorpio’s holder is a confident, beautiful and bold woman. The exact one that she is looking at right now. “Farah, or should I properly greet you with your real name, Haruna, no, Princess Haruna.”“I see. You have finally remembered everything.”The response is in a kind of disappointed and saddened tone. Honestly irritated and a bit angered with everyone, especially Jeffrey who drags Marie in front of Bianca and forced her to wake up in the most excruciating pain possible. A thing and two that she doesn’t want Marie to experience right now. “Tsk! So, you still ended up experiencing the pa
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(FACING DARKNESS)‘THE KEYS.’The words that immediately registered and took Bianca’s whole attention to the current little conversation and meeting after the awakening of Marie. With the fact that Daniela is looking for the seven keys, it is her time to finally fulfill the promise that she took then. The wish that Aaron’s pleaded her back then. The truth and her awareness for everything. The past and the orphanage where everything started with her life, and the truth that she only got to understand as she grows older, of who is to trust and not. With the most dangerous one in her list, JK.“Then shall we head to where we should be and finish the things that we needed to do and fast?”“Of course, Bianca.”Everyone agrees, diverting the gloomy and turning heavy atmosphere in between Marie and Haruna with regards to Daniela, the maiden’s attention and affection. With the fact that Daniela s now aware that both Haru and Haruna are her offspring’s in the different world and book. Added by
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(BROKEN REFLECTION)THE cup that she’s been holding for quite some time now shatters into pieces. Along with the wind that blows rather eerily and more than it had ever been before. Warning the both of them about the impending doom and the now perfect destruction that is just behind their every door. “It’s coming, it’s finally coming. Now that some things are altered and changed, things are going faster than what it is before. Well, can you hear the knocking sound, Gennivier?”“Sound? Maybe, maybe not.”Their conversation that for long is getting darker and even curses. Yet, it makes it clear to both of them that the past that everyone now knows and the ones who are asleep for a long is finally waking up are coming to light. All from his little storytelling, sharing the darkness and details of the past with his goal of both juggling the light and dark within the palm of his hand. Didn’t care who to serve and was much loyal, as long as he can have what he desired the most.“You are a
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