All Chapters of Look At Me, Oneil: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
226 Chapters
CLVI. Reading Between Calm Lines (Part 1)
Gwyneth has been a ready substantial help for Essi’s desire to make sure that Oneil is doing fine. But after Gwyneth’s information that the entire immediate Mercators needed to return to the manor didn’t follow up further development, Essi felt sad for Oneil. She always knew the kind of temper that reigns over the old man and how a little disappointing thing could already affect his trust to other people. Essi believes that Oneil has nothing to do with the issue but the possibility to be treated as a scapegoat by other people in that house remains at a higher possibility than the last time she figured it out. She stands carefully, as if the special mosaic tile on the pavement of the public park outside the Amyrgia Holdings remained as the only life line across the urban escapade. While tapping the heel of her shoe on the tile, her thoughts remained directing towards Oneil. That is why upon hearing his voice, her heart skipped a beat. As if it is just the first time that Essi
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CLIV. Impeding the Calm (Part 2)
When good things come, our past desires also reborn. It has been Essi’s hobby to stroll the Bordeaux market and find good deals there. Her stroll towards the inner parts of the market feels like her fresh meandering in the market of Bayanihan as well. From there, she learned that the best stalls are often at the hinter parts of the market and the best products are often hidden or covered by the old supplies. She happily picks up oranges and other fruits. A special stall offers fresh buko as well. She thought of preparing a buko salad as a special dessert for Oneil to enjoy. While she was waiting for the vendor to pack her items, some fruits rolled towards her feet. She looked around to find out where it came from and saw the familiar figure of Oneil’s mother, struggling through the destroyed paper bag where the other items she bought kept coming out. She took a reusable bag for the fruit vendor to additionally charge to her purchase. She placed the fruits in it and gave to O
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CLV. Intriguing Reality
Most of Oneil’s life is in Bordeaux. But his childhood is built with the memories of living in the commune of Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei in Normandy. In the gladness of Latifa’s heart, she decided to give the key to him with her sincere sorry. “I hope that you won’t hate your mom for hiding those things,” Latifa said. She couldn’t do anything when it is Oneil who volunteers to get it. Although she assures him of traveling there to get what Oneil needed, her son refused. Oneil shrugged to the negative assumption of his mom. “I don’t,” he added words as well. His mom still feels an insecurity about their distance with each other although Oneil is already restoring it by simple appreciations and interactions. “ I also missed your special dish.” It is different if it is his mom who would prepare La potée lorraine. Latifa has been visiting Oneil’s house for some time already. Oneil’s mother didn’t bring her own car and was only brought by a chauffeur to ar
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CLVI. The Reason
Latifa pushed herself for another meet with Essi. It might be a shame to use this as a reason but because of Essi's wound, Essi and her can be prompted to meet again. Right now, inside the private hall of the Grand Mercator Pavilion, it is just her, the dead air, and her sole purpose of meeting Essi again. Waiting for her feels like returning again on her serious work inside the Mercator Group where she needs to wait for the bigger investors from international companies to meet with her. But now that she retires from that kind of work and focusing on handling the entire foundation organizations of the Mercator Group, it felt only familiar but nostalgic.  Her assistant finally came around with a good news that her special guest is already checking in towards the dine hall she specially prepared for this time.  Essi arrived like any other ordinary day of work. She is still in her corporate attire, except enhanced by her sense of passion and the lilac brooch t
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CLVII. Comfortable
Essi and Oneil arrived in Normandy to a country house long known to be entailed with the inheritance of “de Stafford.” That is Latifa’s maiden name. Oneil’s family lived in  Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei for 12 years until they moved to Bordeaux to be with the other Mercators. Entering again to the country house never felt new to Oneil. The interiors remained the same. Except that the items around are covered with dust sheets. His dad’s favorite figurines are still are still in place. The entire house barely felt the touch of the sunlight. Essi volunteered to open the draperies and set a new ambiance in the house. Because of the light shafts finally discovering that there are more pathways inside the country house that they can pass through, everything suddenly got so bright. Essi has to cover her eyes with her arm until she adjusted to the surrounding. What is directly set before her eyes are the various pictures of the Mercator family. But along the seas of the photographs, o
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CLVIII. Normandy
Normandy has been sung with the tales of D-Day. Wars were there. Accounts of de Stafford too. In the village of Saint-Cénéri-le-Gérei is a thousand more of memories. Starting from that which drifting through River Sarthe, the song of youth meandering upon its stone bridge and the promise of rest by the curved roads to cob buildings and timbered houses, everything in the village creates a very special gem to keep in the treasuries of a visiting heart.It has been worthwhile to touch down upon this well-known land. While Oneil has to return to Bordeaux for his work, Essi still has to stay for her business. "Are you sure that you will be fine here?" Oneil asked while packing the things he needed. "Of course, althought I will miss you," Essi answered. "To be safe, you should just stay here instead of checking in to hotels." Oneil has been reiterating that what is his shall be for Essi as well. Essi has been reluctant to
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CLIX. Behind the Feigned Friendliness
After all the posed confidence to face Essi, Niana never came up and has only emailed that she has an urgent thing to do. Essi expected that. And for the days that she remained in Normandy, Niana didn’t follow up further secret visitation to the country house. But since it was rainy on Essi’s supposed schedule to return to Bordeaux, Essi decided to reschedule her flight in the next two days. Saving herself from boredom and the feeling of not being productive, she decided to create a gift for Oneil with her secret talent of making miniatures.She made a mini-model of Oneil’s favorite place in the house which is the library. The process was tedious enough for her to focus longer inside the country house. Clay was her ultimate and friendly medium. She smiled upon proceeding to the details of Oneil’s favorite desk and making a miniature of his hanko. Truth be told, she was supposed to give him a hanko she made by herself. But the hanko master says that it
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CLX. Wingman
Essi was in a silent rage and tensed upon her seat while absorbing what Victor said about Jillian. Essi rather supposed that it is more convenient to tolerate Jillian’s feelings to Oneil. But is a different case since Jillian had something to do with Oneil’s accident. Jillian was there, in trying to drag Essi’s name at the wrong side for Oneil to dislike Essi. She was there, in trying to make Oneil jealous about Essi and Victor. Jillian was there with furious eyes on how Essi could have everything that Jillian badly wanted. She was there, feigning her friendliness when Essi highly regarded Jillian as someone dear to her.“Is that why she’s working with Niana?” She never thought that the two could be in the same feather after all. “They were trying to find the trade secret of MG at the country house,” she disclosed while wondering what else they might do.“We’ll never know now is she up to with Niana,” Victor said while dropping the hints on how Niana was so invested on looking who is
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CLXI. Heightened Alert
Oneil and Victor opened the discussion about Jillian’s doing. But it has become inevitably unfolding to the actions of Niana. They couldn’t believe about what Niana has done at the country house.“So after all this time, she wanted to get the trade secret,” Oneil uttered. Niana must have been stunned that the papers she took from the secret portion from Oneil’s study room is not the real copy. “We barely know what’s the next thing she would do. She’s not residing at the manor anymore.”It’s the lack of source of information that pulls their situation to a more critical mess than the first time that they recognized it. Their conversation suspends in itself in the way that they formulate silent plans to mention later.Jacques arrived at the scene astounded that they are only staring at each other without words. No matter how Essi and Oneil has finally reconciled, it is still not typical for Jacques to see Essi and Oneil sitting close to each other. He gazed at the person they have with
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CLXII. Complexity of Thoughts
Niana freely comes in and out of the Mercator Manor. It is the same usual morning when she attempts to observe the behavior of the other Mercators. The manner that they remain relaxed when they meet her in the hallway highly depicts that they do not have any idea what she has been up to.“Welcome, Niana. Did you take your breakfast already?” one of her younger cousins ran towards her.“Oh, I haven’t,” she hugged back to them. They even brought her towards their own picnic table under the wisteria.“Would you like to join us?” The kids were having a brunch outdoor. There is only one seat vacant.“Let me get a new chair for you,” said by a young boy and immediately ran towards the kitchen door.“Sorry Niana. This is for Gwyneth because she wants to join us. Please wait for your seat.”“It’s alright,” Niana repeatedly told them. “You can enjoy it without me. After all, I still have something to do inside. Maybe next time, okay?”“Sure thing!” they said in unison.Niana left with a wide s
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