All Chapters of Marrying Her Off : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
142 Chapters
The Fault In Our Stars.
Crown Prince Reagan, the eldest son of Harry IV, the king of Estados who ruled over the second strongest territory of Idaho. The Prince due to his intelligence and the smart way he used blades and swords, winning a lot of award from battlefields was made the Duke of Idaho without a Duchess. The people believed he can handle everything as he was defined as capable and perfect. King Harry IV on the other hand grew old and ill. He couldn't manage or handle the Nation effectively due to his mental state instability and his son, Prince Reagan had to take over as Harry V but the Ministers requested of him to be married first. Prince Reagan wasn't in a relationship with a maiden or a Royal Lady and so the Marriage must take place. His mother, Queen Tuna and Lord Rory - the Duke ruling over Iowa territory planned on making an Arranged Marriage to take place as he agreed on giving out her second daughter, Lady Vessa but Prince Reagan disagreed immediately and stat
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Emily POV *"Come back here you spoilt brat!" Henry, my elder brother snapped, as he kept running after me in the living room, trying to catch up with me."Henry I'm warning you now, don't come close to me, I don't want to hurt you." I threatened, as I finally stopped running."Why are you always treating me like an outsider? Why are you treating me like I have no place in this house? This is our father's house, you're my brother for heaven sake, you're supposed to be protecting me, not hurting me! What on earth have I done wrong to deserve this from you?" I yelled."Wait a minute, did you just said protecting you? You're so foolish to think that I would do that. That useless thing you call a mother, should've taken you with her, when she was leaving." He snapped, glaring hard at me.A drop of tears slid down my cheeks, as I stared at him in pains, my heart tearing into pieces. This is what I go through everyday of my life, this is the pains that keeps repea
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Author's POV*Inside a very spacious room, laid a king sized bed adorned with beautiful bedspread, which has flowery designs all over it. The bathroom, door opened, revealing a man in his early 30s, standing with a towel, wrapped dangerously around his waist, with his body dripping wet. His chest was broad, his abs is what could make any lady go down wet in an instant. Beautifully set. His thick black hair, clinging on to his head cutely, with water, dripping from it.Everything about him is so f*cking hot!He groaned tiredly, as he walked over to the giant dressing mirror which is just beside the bed and sat down before getting a hold of the blower and soon he was already drying his hair. After what seemed like forever he finally put off the dryer.He gently applied the body cream on his skin and soon as he was done with the whole thing.He stood up and walked over to his cabinet where he picked a set of black suits from and soon he was all dressed ready to
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Emily's POV *My heart kept thumping heavily against my ribcage as I stared down at my ringing phone.It's Arnaldo calling.He has probably hear the news. Should I even call if rumors?Gosh!!More tears came pouring out of my eyes as I hugged myself tightly.I can't possibly pick the call now, right?My hand can't even seem to pick the phone. The call dropped later.I mean, what will I possibly tell him if I pick the call?How will I explain this to him? I feel so ashamed of myself.I'm really gonna make that Jayden suffer for it.After some minutes of living in my miserable life and crying session I don't think there's a solution for it, I finally wiped my tears and dragged my body up the couch before walking sluggishly to my room.I got to my room and threw my body on the bed, and began my crying session again.I'm so tired of this sh*tty life of curses, while reminiscing on what happened.I know it's not my fault but st
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Best Kiss Ever.
Donald's pov "Close your eyes!" She yelled at me. I wanted to scoff but I thought against it and obeyed her begrudgingly by closing my eyes. I felt her body moved and after some seconds, I couldn't feel her close to me again. I squinted my left eye opened and when I was sure she wasn't close to me again, I fully opened my both eyes. She was still on her towel and she was beside her closet but she had a shirt on already. "Why did you have to barge into my room? What if I was in my nudity?" She scoffed. Seriously, is this Sophia talking? Sophia that would always walk into my room even without knocking and she wouldn't even care if you I was naked or something. Humph! Seems my teachings are really helping. "I did knock, okay? But you didn't answer the door and so, I decided to come in – who knows, you might have been in danger." I defended myself. "Yeah, whatever." She sighed and took out a trouser from her close
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Jayden's POV*After so much pressure from both mom and dad, I had to order my security man to open the entrance gate for the jobless reporters.And after lots of questions from the press which I did answer with accurate sense to avoid future embarrassments and other things, the press were about to go but my mum ruined everything.She ruined it all that I was left wituh no choice because there is no way I can try to tell them the truth and they'll believe me.Not with what mum said. Not that.I'm so screwed.I mean, how would you want me to deal with these whole thing?Just how!?When mum already told the press that the girl is my girlfriend whom I've been hiding for months.I'm so damn frustrated right now and I don't know what to do.Everything is happening so fast and just like a nightmare.This is as worst as jumping from frying pan to fire.For heaven's sake, I tried dodging and getting away from some sh*ts but no, it's only f
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Jayden's POV *After driving for what seemed like forever, I finally got to Kayden's mansion and driving into the very large and spacious compound, I parked my car neatly at the parking lot and alighted before heading to the entrance door.Stopping at the entrance door, I pressed the doorbell as I stood, waiting patiently for him to come open the door for me.And in a few seconds, the door opened, revealing my crazy buddy with a smile plastered on his face."Yo man!" He exclaimed as he dragged me inside.For goodness sake, can't this dude ever be responsible, huh?He's always playing every time like he's still a kid."Hey stop that man, you ain't a baby anymore, okay?" I huffed as I yanked his hand away and rolled my eyes before stepping into his beautiful living room, well furnished with different beautiful furnitures, and portraits of him hanging almost every part of the living room."It's been a while man, I was just happy to see you, so stop
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Jayden's POV *I finally left Kayden's house and drove back home thinking about what he said.But the question is, where do I start from?I don't even know where she lives and so I don't even know where to start the search from?After driving for somewhat minutes, I finally drove into our compound and parked neatly at the parking lot before alighting as I made my way straight to the entrance door and soon I was already in the living room."Hey mom, dad." I simply stated as I walked pass them. I'm really tired of their never ending nagging and so I think I'll just go to my room and get some good deep slumber."Arnaldo is back, son." Mum announced with a valid excitement in her voice.Yeah, Arnaldo is mum's elder brother's son. He's my cousin and he's just like a son to my parents.I and Arnaldo grew up together and always share everything thing together.We have an inseparable bond and we were always together that people actually thought we w
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Queen Greta's Letter.
Princess Emilia was at the exit of Gianna's chamber and about to leave for the garden she was to meet Carlotta when she saw Ginevra and Diego. They path they were taking was the way to Lord Lorenzo's quarters.Ginevra was looking more worried.Huh. Could Carlotta be in Lorenzo's Chamber?Or is she being punished? What could make Ginevra be so worried?"Hey" she called but Ginevra was too hasty to even notice Princess Emilia as Diego also hurried after her.Hmm. She shrugged and walked away. *Carlotta paraphrased thought the letter and couldn't believe her mother. She checked her mother's name again and again as she couldn't believe her mother could write all these. She thought her mother wasn't in the support of her getting married to Lorenzo but here she's stating for her to behave like a wife.Who told her she doesn't behave like a wife?But did I really ever behaved like a wife? - she thought and chuckled at herself."You're wasting my ti
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Lord Lorenzo was on his way from the court to his chamber when he remembered Amel."Liam" he called to Liam who was walking behind him."My Lord""Go check on Amel and get me the physician. If she's awake, come with her too.""Yes, my Lord" Liam walked to his front, bowed his head and left for Amel's house.*The physician helped Amel tidied up and dressed her up."You should take your medicine, now. It will ease your pains down there." Madame Gwen stated as she looked down at Amel's leg while Amel only watched her as she mixed some herbs powder together."Yes, ma'am""Amel…" the woman called and looked at Amel intently."You will not fail me on this, right? I'm doing this because of how worthy you are to me.""I will not fail you, Madame." Amel smiled in assurance and just then a knock came on the door."Let me get the door. That should be from Lord Lorenzo." She opened the door and Liam's head popped in."Oh my, my guess is right
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