All Chapters of Marrying Her Off : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
142 Chapters
“You can leave”
Lorenzo returned to the room with the scroll in his hand and met Carlotta pacing to and fro. She'd been so restless and was walking about in the room when she noticed him walk in and she became still immediately. Was he there to release her? Lorenzo could notice how tensed she was but decided not to pay attention to it. He walked past her to his closet, dropped the scroll and took out his belt. Carlotta watched keenly, hoping he says something. But it was obvious he didn't have such plans as he took what he wanted and started walking towards the door. "My… My Lord": she called as she took a step closer and Lorenzo stopped walking to look at her. For a few seconds, she was out of words as those pretty eyes stared at hers. "Can I… Am I free to go now?" She asked with a hard gulp. Lorenzo stared at her for a while before giving out a reply. "I never said so" he muttered and walked away. For real??? Carlotta
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Preparation For The Sword Fight.
Hilda walked in with Lord Lorenzo's meal in a tray, her head bowed and her systems trying so hard to hide her anxiety.Her hands were nearly shaking."G… Good morning, My Lord" she greeted with a bow.But Lorenzo didn't turn to look at her as he just fixed his gaze into space."I'm not eating, Hilda" he suddenly said, making her heart skip two beats.What??"M… My Lord, I don't understand' she stuttered and gulped hard. "I thought you were going for a fight? You need to have some…""Just make me some tea, Hilda" he cut her off, calmly tho. "Some tea and I'll be fine".Hilda exhaled deeply. "As you wish, My Lord" she bowed and left the room with the tray.*Carlotta sat quietly on the bed, her hand on her jaw, looking like one in deep thoughts.Ginevra entered not long after with some cake for breakfast."Here". I'm so sure you'll love these"
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Drinking from the Tea.
Carlotta and Ginevra got dressed afterwards, both trying to look as simple as possible. No matter what, Carlotta was determined to go watch the match. She wouldn't let anyone stop her for any reason."But, what if Lord Lorenzo eventually gets to know we violated his orders by showing up at the fight?" Ginevra asked as she helped Carlotta brush her hair in front of the mirror."Oh! Stop thinking negatively, Ginevra. He's never going to find out, Okay? And even if he does, I'll make sure you don't get punished. Alright?""Fine" Ginevra rolled her eyes. "But… do you realize we haven't even had breakfast?""There's no time, Ginevra. Don't worry, we'll find something to eat on our way; bills on me"."Mm. If you say so"Ginevra finished brushing the hair and was about packing it when she noticed Carlotta's hairpin was missing."Where's your hair pin?" She asked, rechecking the hair to be sure she wasn't missing it.
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Finding Out.
"Are you sure I'm looking good enough?" Ginevra asked Carlotta as she twirled herself in front of the mirror."Stop being impossible, Ginevra. We're only going there to watch a fight. Oh… Forgive my manners; I actually forgot you're single and you're probably looking out for a husband" Carlotta teased, earning a glare from Ginevra as they left the room."Do we make use of a horse?" Ginevra asked as they walked outside."Of course not, I don't even know how to use a horse. Besides, using a horse right now would create too much suspicions from the guards and I don't want that. So, we'll just get a ride outside." Carlotta replied.They walked out of the gate, strolled down to the market side and there they were able to get a local carriage to ride them to the venue.*Lord Lorenzo stepped out of his carriage, his sheath in his left hand, and Liam behind him.From where he stood, he could clearly see the arena - a lot of people wer
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Defeating Lorenzo. Carlotta getting to the Fight Arena.
It was poisoned! Carlotta thought. And that was the same drink Lorenzo had taken!Oh, no; it can't be possible. Lorenzo's about having a fight!!Her eyes rotated all around Ginevra."Is she… is she still alive?" She asked in deep breaths."Yes. The poison isn't meant to kill. It's only meant to cause dizziness and weakness. She's still fine" the woman replied and Carlotta got off her knees immediately, turning to the rider."Please, I beg you with everything you believe in. Take me to the venue of the fight. Please!" She said desperately with her palms placed together."What're you talking about?? Your friend's unconscious and you're thinking of the fight?" The rider asked with a ridiculous scoff."Please!! Just do it! Please, I beg you. Please".He could see tears glistening in her eyes already. Whatever her reasons, he how had a feeling it was important.He turned towards the carriage and got in.
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Saving Lord Lorenzo.
Carlotta sobbed on the unconscious body on the floor, holding him tight. She didn't exactly know what she was doing and wasn't thinking straight. But, the moment she'd seen Lord Lorenzo reach the floor, she couldn't get a grip of herself and had to rush in.Prince Aiken was disturbed, the murmurings from the crowd getting louder and louder."Get away, Princess" Aiken gritted, his sword still held up high. "Because you're no friend of mine. I'll slash the sword through your neck, just to get to him"."He was poisoned!!!" Carlotta yelled out - tearfully."SOMEONE POISONED HIM!! Someone who wanted him to lose this fight".She could see the twitch in Aiken's eyes. The coordinator was already getting closer."Hey! What's going on??" He demanded."Step aside, Princess! You won't be spared!"More hefty men were already trooping in, and Liam didn't hesitate to seize the opportunity by jumping in as well."He was Poi
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Leave My House.
"Hurry up, Callum; Hurry up" Hilda said to her son as they parked up their important things in their bags."Make sure you leave no essential thing behind".Sound of bottles and bags could be heard."But, where do we go from here, mother?" Callum suddenly looked at her and asked."That isn't important for now, Callum. It doesn't matter if we live under the sea or anything. Getting away is the most important thing for us right now, because if Lord Lorenzo ever gets to lay his hands on us, we'll both be dead. So, hurry up": Hilda answered huskily and tried concentrating."Thank you, mother" Callum said."Thank you for taking the risk to save me".Hilda looked at him and simply nodded.*Carlotta stepped out of the carriage and followed Liam behind as they carried Lord Lorenzo to his chambers. He wasn't looking any better, and still seemed unconscious.They got to his chambers and laid him on the bed."Go get t
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Lord Lorenzo's Recovery.
The woman in the room with Ginevra, stood up immediately."I'm so sorry dear, but you need to leave now. I think you're better. Besides, when you get home, you can get yourself a better physician, Okay?" She stated calmly, and Ginevra just nodded as she stood up, wondering why her mother had been so hard on her."Thank you for your help. I really appreciate" she said."You're welcome. Um, hold on".The woman rushed to her bag and returned with some coins."You should use this for your transportation because I'm not so sure you're having one with you".Ginevra was surprised. Was that harsh woman really her mother!??"Thank you so much. I… I don't even know how to thank you enough" she expressed."Well, you don't really have to. I just hope you don't get into more trouble. You should leave now. I'll take you to a place where you can find a ride".She opened the door and led her out of the snug little house.T
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Seeing Ginevra. Carlotta in Lorenzo's Chamber.
After a long aimless search, Carlotta decided to return to the Mansion to see if she could get help from some guards.She walked all the way to the market place and paid for a ride home.*Returning to the Mansion after a while, she was most surprised to find Ginevra, standing by the gate and talking to one of the guards. Hold on; Ginevra???Her eyes beamed as she stared at her in both shock and excitement."Ginevra?!" She called and Ginevra turned to look at her immediately."Carlotta!!" She reciprocated and the two ladies ran into each other's arms."My goodness! I can't believe this is you. I've been searching all over for you and was about coming to ask some of the guards for help". Carlotta cooed, turning Ginevra from right to left to be sure she actually wasn't dreaming."Well, I was just asking the guard after you. You know, I just returned but couldn't find you in and needed to…""I know. I know. I'm sorry
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Lord Lorenzo's Raucousness in Aiken's Kingdom.
Lorenzo stopped writing and leaned back on his chair, gaining Carlotta's gaze on him.She noticed the displeasure on his face as he stretched out his wounded arm to reach for a scroll."Please, take a seat, Princess" he stated effortlessly and Carlotta looked around for the nearest seat.She found one right behind her and took it, sitting like a humble lady.Lord Lorenzo went cold for a second as he started unfolding the scroll."Liam told me you were the first to know about the poison" he began, his eyes on the scroll he was rolling."How did that happen?"Woah…Carlotta itched the back of her neck."Well…" She hesitated a little."I had come into your room to get my hair pin and Ginevra saw the tea on the table and took a taste from it. She didn't mean to be intruding, you know? She just wanted to have a taste of it. So, on our way to watch the fight, she passed out in the carriage and one of the p
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