All Chapters of Rejected Protector : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
97 Chapters
Francis' Mate
 The rest of the week at my pack is uneventful. I rested and spent a lot of time with my friends. Trevor and I truly made peace and are friends again. Granted, we will never be the same as before, but we have both matured and are walking in our new roles. Trevor will meet me at the bear’s den. He will go back to the Royal pack today with my cousin and then travel to the den next week. Alpha Clark and Lacey will also meet me there. Rose will be traveling with me so she can be trained on the new technology we will be getting from the bears. It will also be nice for her just to get away from the pack and the pressure of not having a mate.It is almost time for us to leave, I am in my room packing. I have a weird feeling that something is going to happen. Actually, I believe several things will happen. Not all of them are going to be good.“T, do you know what is coming. I keep getting this weird feeling and I can’t pinpoint what it is?&r
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Seleste at the Bear's Den
As we boarded the plane, I call a meeting with my warriors to let them know that both Tamaska and I feel that something is going to happen after we make it to the bears’ den. They all wanted to postpone the trip, but I reminded them that we have trained for every situation and we will not be allowed these rebels to interfere with securing the kingdom and getting this much-needed training. I also briefed them n Trevor traveling to meet us there and the project we will be helping him with. We will be putting surveillance equipment around the borders of the kingdom and the territories of our allies. I told them about the plan of building allies and securing the border with cameras and motion detectors. Everything will be high-tech using some form of satellite technology. Since I am not a tech person, I’ll let the bears explain that part. We will be providing security to the technician as they are putting out the equipment. We will be using the cover of training in the rough
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Attempted Kidnapping
I’ve been at the den for a couple of weeks now. The first couple of days, those of us who are not bears had to learn about the equipment we will be installing. We had to learn every aspect of how it works and how to properly install and test the equipment. We looked over maps and practiced in a holograph room that looked like something out of Star Trek. The room was programmed to look and feel like the actual terrain that we will be working in. This was like virtual reality times 100. We could actually climb on the rocks, drill holes and dig like we will have to do out in the field.Rose and I also got the opportunity to train with the bear warriors. I’m happy to say that I am still undefeated. I got the chance to hand a cocky bear his ass. He thought he could play with me like prey and then take me down. He learned very quickly that I was not an easy target. After I lifted him in the air with a whirlwind of air and tossed him without breaking a sweat, he got seri
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Back to Bussiness
The alphas leave the room and leave me with Rose and Lacey. The warriors are all waiting outside my door. I ask Lacey to let them know I’m awake and let them come in. Within seconds, the warriors all come into the room.“Ok guys, no long faces,” I say. “There was nothing you could have done other than what you did. You got me home safely and I am ok. I’m going to be with the alphas for the rest of the night and I'm safe back at the den, so go get some rest. I have a feeling that playtime is over and things are about to get real.”They all agreed and left without much protest. They know that if they are going to be on their game, they need their rest.I ask Rose to help me to the bathroom so I can freshen up and get ready for the meeting with the alphas. I wonder if they called the council and my dad.I jump in the shower. I can finally feel Tamaska again.“T, what happened? I couldn’t feel you before I blacked out.”“I don’t know Lettie. Whatever that drug was affe
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We all trickled out and went to our rooms. Warrior Peace and Yvette walked me to my door although I told them it was not necessary. I know they are still a little traumatized over my near abductions. “T, I’m worried, I don’t think the danger to us is over. I still feel like something will happen to us.” “You are right Lettie. We will get taken. I don’t know when, but the moon goddess has told me that it will happen and is necessary for us to come into another power. She said that we will be ok and that we will learn the identity of a high-level traitor and the identity of the person unknowingly providing information about us.” “Ok, T. Since it is necessary, I will be ready. As always. I trust the moon goddess, but I am not going to make it easy for them.” "Of course, not Lettie, and the goddess does not want you to go easy on them, but we cant use our elemental or teleportation powers while we are in captivity because th
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Escape Plan
“Ok, so what do we do now since I can’t use my teleportation powers to get us out of here?”“I connected with our energies while you were out and discovered what our new power is, You can Astral project your spirit to your love ones by connecting with their spirit.”“Ok, who will I project to that can find us and rescue us in time?”“I’ve been thinking about this and we need to get to the twins. They are with Alpha Blake right now. We have a connection with Onyx, which is Alpha Blake’s wolf. He is a long-standing protector champion. Onyx will be able to find us once the twins get him close to our location.”“How is that possible?”“I’m not sure of the mechanics.”“How do the twins find us. I know that they are the best at tracking, but we have to be able to give them something and I was out through the whole trip here.”“Close your eyes
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Alpha Blake's Rescue Plan
“Wow, so that really just happened” Alpha Blake stated.“Yes, that did. That’s my best friend. Always full of surprises.” Talia says “So how do we find her. I don’t want her with those creeps any longer than necessary.”“She said she smelled the ocean and could hear the waves. I think Tamaska was right about them being in California.,” Sam said. “Remember that last shifter we caught mentioned a safe house on the coast in California. Let’s get a team in that location. Alpha Blake, don’t you have a team on the ground over there? Umm Alpha Blake?”Everyone turned to look at me. I m still in awe. I think she is my mate. I have a second chance mate. I never even expected that. I thought I would take a chosen mate eventually to have n heir, but now all I can think is just wow.“Umm, Alpha Blake are you ok” Drew asks.“Yes, I am. I just need a second. Umm guys, I t
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Rescue Part 1
It’s been several hours since our conference call. Gamma True and Councilman Bari have made it here. We are all at my beach house waiting for the technicians to set all the equipment. My beach house will serve as a secondary command center. Alpha Keenai will be able to assess all of the systems we have here and run things remotely when we all leave to go in the field. It was late night/early morning when everyone got in, so we took a break for everyone to get some rest. I couldn’t sleep so I’ve been up talking with my teams out in the field. I found out that there has been constant movement at the Ventura house and the Council house in San Diego. We are not sure which house they have Seleste in, but we believe it is one of those. The other house has remained quiet, with no one in or out for the last couple of days. The sun is beginning to come up and I can hear everyone moving around and getting dressed. I am so ready to get the day started. Onyx has been dri
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Rescue Part 2
The flight takes only about 25 minutes. We land and load up in SUVs. The mood is very tense. Onyx is bouncing around in my head. He can feel Seleste now. We are definitely close to her. I asked Talia to try to link Seleste. They are able to establish a link. The rebels are in the process of interrogating Seleste. She agreed to leave the link open with Talia so we can keep up with what is happening with her. Onyx can feel a little of her anxiety. Talia told us they just threatened her with wolfsbane and torture if she does not tell them where the protector baby is and who is in charge of the child. Seleste is telling them that she has no knowledge of a baby protector being born recently, which is true. Seleste is telling them that she is a gamma of her pack and the descendent of an original, she is much too young to worry about babies. She reminded them that her dad is going to kill all of them when he finds her. That is also true.Talia says that Seleste is now trying to nego
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Alpha Clark and Rose Return
As we sit and listen to Seleste talk about the shewolf of my pack, it is clear to Yvette and me that Tracey is the one. She has been trying to get my attention for years. I have never given her any encouragement, but she never gave up. I had to order her to stay away from the alpha’s private living area because she kept trying to seduce me. I made it clear to her I was waiting for my mate. Now I have my mate and we have to deal with this.After the meeting ended. Alpha Keenai, Councilman Bari, and the warriors headed to California, while Rose and I headed to my pack. I contacted Gamma Francis and her mate to let them know about us suspecting Tracey of being a traitor. Francis will have people watching her. She will also have warriors hanging around the bar. Hopefully, they can catch her meeting with the rebels. She is going to die for her actions, no doubt, but I need to have concrete evidence that it is her.“Little mate, I did not want to introduce you to
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