All Chapters of The Wolf's Mate, Vampire's Bride (Against All Odds Duology): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Trisha’s P.O.V: A knock on the door brought my attention back inside the room. Neema stirred at the sound but didn’t wake up so I hurried towards the door, wincing as my injured leg strained, and opened the door to a worried looking Mark. “Morning, Mark…” I greeted him awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. “Sorry if I woke you up, Lucas asked me to come fetch you, and to bring you these.” He held up a duffle bag in his hand. Ignoring his use of the word ‘fetch’, I took the bag from him and proceeded to close the door when his gruff voice stopped me. “Your wallet and ID are inside the bag.” “And my phone?” I asked frowning. “We had to destroy it. Can’t have those leeches tracking you all the way here.” Mark said in a heavily accented voice. “Those leeches are my friends and family!” I snapped at him. “And I need to see Lucas, right now!” Mark gave me a dar
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Trisha’s P.O.V:  “Where are we going?” I asked as Lucas stood up and rounded the table, heading for the door. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He opened the door and I saw two wolves standing guard outside, their eyes holding the same golden gleam. Lucas must have had a conversation with them telepathically because they bowed their head and moved out of his way. We walked through the same path we’d taken yesterday when he’d dropped me off at the bathroom. It reminded me of the wound I’d suffered in my own house. That wound was now completely healed, thanks to the salve the wolf Healer Dylan had whipped up for me, but mostly, it was Damien’s blood. I pushed all thoughts of Damien at the back of my mind before they could compromise my judgment. He probably just wanted to stir up trouble, distract me from the case. As we walked the short distance towards the bathroom, I felt quite surprised
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Trisha’s P.O.V: “You’re not going to go all Dracula on them, are you?” Lucas asked from beside me. And although his tone was teasing, I could hear the seriousness behind it. “I’ve fed this morning.” I reminded him. I did however; feel like reminding him that I stay with Neema all the time and even sleep next to him, but then again, Neema wasn’t exactly human. “Very well,” Lucas pointed towards the sprawling village in front of us. “Let’s go meet everyone.” Calling this place a village would be an understatement. The humans seemed to reside in the buildings that were abandoned during the Wipeout; they were worn down and broken in several parts, but most of it was functional and looked as good as new. “How long have they been here?” I asked Lucas. “Sanctuary had been created right after the Wipeout, but at that time, the people living here had been hiding from us immortals. Several of them we
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14: Trisha’s P.O.V: I left the Sanctuary with my palms itching and my heart heavy. I was so close. Whatever Granny Dilliana knew was highly valuable. It felt like I was getting closer to understanding the relationship between Damien and Vandal. If only I could’ve found out today… “Is this the proof you were talking about?” I asked Lucas on our way back. “Yes.” He nodded. “Granny Dilliana is very old. The fact that she’s spoken to you for as long as she had is a miracle. But we couldn’t stress her too much. The people in Sanctuary love her and treat her with respect. It would’ve been impolite to stay longer with her condition worsening every day.” “How long does she have?” I asked, understanding now why the people and her family had requested us to leave her to rest for today. “Not long. She’s over ninety years and it’ll be sad to see her go, but at her age, it would be a relief.” Lucas
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Trisha’s P.O.V: “I was waiting for your call.” I barely contained a scream as I heard Damien’s voice from behind me. I placed a hand over my racing heart and let out a deep breath as I turned around to face him. “Never. Do. That. Again!” I spoke through clenched teeth. “Why?” Damien tilted his head to one side and the large sapphire in his left ear caught the overhead light and caused light to scatter on the wall behind me. And that was when I noticed that Damien wasn’t dressed in his usual dark shirts and dress pants, but instead, he had on a dark red velvet jacket with intricate red on red designs on the front and cuffs, paired with black pants and the clothing were paired with his family jewelry. A sapphire and emerald encrusted chain necklace fit for a king and the sapphire earring on one ear and he also wore the gold ring with his family crest on it. “Because it’s rude.” I answered his previou
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Trisha’s P.O.V: The world disappeared around me and I instantly felt nausea churn inside my stomach. Everything around me was pitch black, or did I just lose my eyesight? I wanted to ask Damien what he’d done to me, but it felt like if I did speak, I’d just throw up everything I’d had for dinner. And just like how the world had gone out of focus, everything came rushing back; sights, smells and colors…and the nausea. “The toilet’s that way.” I felt Damien turn me in the direction of a toilet as he helped keep me steady and then I was running towards it and pouring my guts out. Damien even held my hair back. It did take a bit of time to register that the King of all landforms was holding my hair back while I emptied my gut…but then it did register. Too bad I was too sick to care. I didn’t know vampires could puke until now. When I was done throwing up my dinner, I felt Damien press
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Trisha’s P.O.V: Vandal was a turned vampire and the first turned one in our history to ever become a nobleman. He was old, having been turned at a later age and thus, even Vampirism couldn’t prevent his graying hair and wrinkled skin. Although he was over a thousand years old, he was still handsome and looked like someone who had aged gracefully. That’s one thing I hate about the man; you wouldn’t be able to tell what a bastard he was just by looking at his face. Broad shoulders, nice physique with a height over six feet and long hair that he liked to tie at his nape, he was someone who demanded respect and obedience and took them all for granted. “Lord Rudolf.” I grit my teeth together as Damien addressed him as Lord, but I focused all my energy in keeping my heartbeat steady. “What a lovely feast you’ve arranged Your Highness.” Vandal smiled widely. “I must say you’ve outdone yourself.” He took a sip of
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18: Trisha’s P.O.V: When I woke up the next morning, it was already past lunchtime. I took in the golden hue of the late afternoon sun through the open windows and slowly got up from bed. The disposable phone that Lucas had given me was lying by my side and my shirt was sticking to my chest from the heat. This high up in the sky, my room got quite hot and humid during the afternoon; that’s why I always send Neema to Mark’s room on a lower level so he can stay cool. But today, tiny hands on my back told me Neema had stayed with me. “Morning sleepyhead!” Neema greeted me with his arms around my neck as he snuggled close to my neck. Did the little man just mimic my dialogue to him every morning? “Hey kiddo.” I snuggled my face closer to him. “Morning.” “You missed both breakfast and lunch.” Neema giggled before speaking in a hushed voice. “How was the ball?” “Awww, baby!” I took his hand
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19: Trisha’s P.O.V “Come in.” Lucas and I entered the cottage together to find Granny Dilliana sitting alone in her bed. Talia, her granddaughter, was nowhere in sight and Granny Dilliana was having lunch on her own. It was yesterday when I had my confrontation with Dylan and so far, he hasn’t ousted my secret. I do hope it keeps staying that way. “Ma boy!” Dilliana patted the empty side of the bed with her wrinkled hands. “Come sit. You too vamp.” I had been jittery and nervous all the way to the Sanctuary and maybe it was the fact that Daniel knew Damien had come for a visit or the fact that I was finally going to get my hands on the evidence I needed to get rid of Vandal and free Neema for good, I couldn’t tell. But my palms were sweaty and my heartbeat was erratic. What if Granny Dilliana forgot where she put the evidence? What if the evidence was lost? Fuck, what if the evidence wasn’t ev
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20: Lucas’s P.O.V: “You’re unusually jumpy today.” Dylan noted as he took a sample of my blood. It was mandatory for every wolf to do a health checkup every six months to make sure they were in top shape. As the Supreme Alpha, I had to be at my best at all times. Unfortunately, the test just had to be on the day that Trisha decided to kiss me. “What do you mean?” I asked feigning innocence. “Higher heart rate, unusually high metabolic activity and you’re even blushing!” Dylan grinned like a maniac. “Who’s the lucky girl?” I shook my head and glared at the man. “A. I just did a treadmill test and B. I do not blush!” “Oh come on!” Dylan whined. “Don’t be a spoilsport! Tell me already!” “So that you can gossip your way into someone’s bed tonight? No way!” I wiped the sweat from my brows with the t-shirt I had been wearing prior to the test and swung it around my neck.
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