All Chapters of Contract Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
128 Chapters
Chapter 80
Brooklyn-“Do you still have an agreement with any of the girls?”I had wanted to know that all day, but was afraid to ask. Now that I have asked, I regretted asking. What would I even do or say if he said he was still seeing any of them? I wasn’t even sure how many girls he had been sleeping with.“No. I haven’t been with anyone in a couple of months.”As much as I tried to think of how I would respond when he told me he was still seeing others, I never thought of how I would respond if he said he wasn’t. Thankfully there was a knock on the door and I was able to get a bit of a reprieve before responding.Tate stood from the table and moved to answer the door, while I took a long drink of water. All of a sudden my mouth had become rather dry. I knew one thing for sure now though. It wasn’t just the mate bond that I was responding to.I realized that even without Skye, he still affected me. The
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Chapter 81
Tatum-I couldn’t give her what she wanted. I had thought long and hard about letting her help me, but the more I thought about it the more I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to lose her. If my contact did find them, then it was just a matter of time before I would have to leave. She wasn’t ready, I wasn’t sure if I could get her ready in time.Closing the door, I walked towards her until I was standing directly in front of her. She was looking at me with such stubbornness, that it was actually cute. Her big blue eyes were daring me to tell her no again. Reaching behind her, I set the box down.When I pulled my hand back, I reached up to cup her cheek. Even through all the stubbornness of hers, she still leaned into my touch. I could see the trust she was giving me, which made this even harder. I expected her to pull away from me or something, I didn’t expect her to lean into my hand and wrap her fingers around my wrist.Us
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Chapter 82
Tatum-As much as I wanted to keep kissing her, I knew if I didn’t stop now, I probably wouldn’t be able to. Axel was urging me to set her on the table and claim her right now. It was very tempting. Especially with her legs wrapped around me and her dress riding up to her upper thighs.Setting her down on the floor, it took more effort than I had just to break the kiss. I had to take a step back and put a bit of distance between us, otherwise, I was going to say the hell with it and not stop. It wasn’t like she seemed to care if I continued, I just couldn’t do her like that without knowing she was giving full consent.“Why did you stop?” She breathed out.“Because if I didn’t, I was about to claim you and I don’t know if you would have been okay with it or not.”“Oh.” She looked down at her dress and smoothed it out, before looking back up at me. “Are you mad at me for pu
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Chapter 83
Brooklyn-That was such a long time ago. All this time he has been looking out for me. The thing is, I didn’t know much at all. All this time I just thought he was being a jerk, only to find out that he was stepping up to fight my battles for me when I couldn’t.I was at a war within myself to even know what to say. What more did I not know that he has been doing? I felt like if I was going to know, I needed to know in moderation and not all at once. Already I was feeling overwhelmed with everything. I still didn’t even know how I was supposed to act around him.The dynamics of our relationship has changed so much that I didn’t know what to do. I have seen couples before, each of them acting in different ways. I knew some that would not be very nice to each other and rather demanding, while others were all over each other, barely coming up to breathe. There were also some that you couldn’t even tell they were mated.Maybe I w
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Chapter 84
Tatum-Listening to Brook’s plan for her project, I was stunned. She was absolutely amazing. To face everything, she has and wants to help others was a strength I haven’t seen in a long time, if ever. Here I was three years after losing my mate and I just let the world pass me by and kept everyone as far away as possible.I could learn a lot from her. Instead of worrying about how wronged, she has been in her life, she was pushing through and using her pain to help others. Looking at her from across the table, she kept telling me about her plan. Her face lit up as she spoke, at that moment, she looked as if she was glowing.I have always thought of her as beautiful, but this was more than just beauty. I not only saw the way she was excited, I felt it as well. If the council didn’t approve it, I will overthrow them and have it approved. There were a few flaws in her plan, but nothing major.If there were even remotely a chance, we found o
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Chapter 85
Brooklyn-When he stopped, I thought maybe I did something wrong. I did as he asked and I let Skye out, she was currently buzzing with excitement and ecstasy right now. The moment I let her out she had started yelling at me that I better not have screwed things up, but then stopped when she realized what was going on.“Did I do something wrong?” I asked, sitting up on my elbows to look at him.“Not at all, love. I was just thinking of how amazing you are.”“Oh.” I breathed out, sitting up fully. “Uh, could I try something?”“What did you have in mind?” He asked, sitting back on his heels.“Well, you have been going down there and pleasuring me, more than once. Yet I haven’t done anything for you. Could I maybe try to do it for you?”Something passed over his features and I watched as his eyes nearly glazed over and his jaw clenched. There was something in th
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Chapter 86
Tatum-She was so tight, it was taking everything I had to control myself. I wanted it to be slow and not rush things. This was the first time I have been inside of her and I wanted it to last as long as possible. It has been a long time since I have wanted to take my time with a female.She was beyond anything I could have imagined. The fantasies I had about her paled in comparison. Sliding in and out of her, I loved every second of it. I was fully prepared to be patient with her and not rush it. I can’t remember a time I have ever comforted someone when I was inside of them.She wasn’t the first virgin I have been with, but there was just something different about her. She was very special and I don’t think it has anything to do with her father. She was obviously blessed by the Moon Goddess. That is the only thing I could think of.Otherwise, I wouldn’t care as much as I do about her care. Even with every female I have been with,
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Chapter 87
Brooklyn-When I woke up the next morning, I was still feeling great. It was as if I woke up in the clouds. Still wrapped up in Tate’s arms, he was still sleeping. Not wanting to wake him, I gently moved away from him. I paused a few times when I thought I disturbed his sleep.After seeing he still wasn’t waking up, I slipped out of bed. Walking on the tips of my toes, I pulled out a pair of jeans and a tank top out of the closet. Leaving the room, I softly closed the door and headed into the bathroom.It didn’t take long for me to get my shower over with and dressed. I wanted to make it as quickly as possible so I could get breakfast started. Yesterday I had been surprised with breakfast, this time I wanted to do it for him.Moving around the kitchen, careful not to bang pans around, I found myself smiling. This was very different from growing up where I had to sneak around the kitchen just so I didn’t wake anyone. Now it was rath
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Author update
I'm sorry everyone that I haven't updated recently. I've been on vacation and internet has been spotty. Will be headed home soon and will update multiple chapters. Thank you everyone for being patient and I promise to make it up to you. I've still been writing. Just need to get home to upload them. Also I wanted to apologize for taking so long to update. My kid had been down with covid so things have been crazy lately. He is better now thankfully. He is only four so it's been a struggle. I promise to work harder to make up for my lack of updates and hurry up and finish the book. 
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Author Note: Updating
Just wanted to update and let you all know I am so sorry with not giving you an update sooner. Things are back to normal and I am working on updating the next chapter today. I'm going to be updating regularly again and wanted to thank you all for your patience and support.  I will be working hard to make up for the lack of updating. I am now back home, both my kid and I are back to good health and my work schedule has been cleared so I can focus on writing full time. Thank you all again for sticking with me through my difficult time. 
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