All Chapters of Emperor Shadow: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
661 Chapters
All Hell Break Loose (2)
“Hey!” Anubis snarled at him yet again.“What?” Alberu returned the energy the same way. “What? You’re shocked that I returned the energy?”Anubis’s face crumpled at Alberu’s answer. He always heard from others that he was rude, but it felt weird meeting someone who was ruder than him. Alberu sipped the hot tea, gently. “Why did you come here?” He placed the half-empty cup on the table, very gently. “Why would I come to meet you? I’m here to strike a deal with you, of course.”Alberu opened his lips and let out a soft giggled between his fine teeth.‘Gosh. They are dull. Lord
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All Hell Break Loose (3)
ZZUP TAP!The guards inside the tent immediately guarded up and looked around suspiciously. They raised their weapons and stared into the spaces around them.Upon hearing the sound, Alberu rose up from the seat, a smile was inevitable. He gestured at his people to be at ease.“No worries, let me greet them.” He raised his hand, walking past them. The guards gave a nod and stood down.Alberu flicked the back tent’s entrance. Other guards lowered their heads and pointed out at the two figures just behind the trees, four meters away from them.Alberu waved them in dismissal.The guards strode away, guarding the lor
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All Hell Break Loose (4)
Cole saw Samuel fall into a deep slumber. He tucked the man in and stroked his head as if he was the parent. He left the room after Samuel’s breath was even out. He left the estate after leaving a message to Samuel to the servants. The heat slapped in the face with renewed intensity the moment he stepped out. The new main capital was still loose with a few guards. Those people weren’t enough to protect Samuel, although Samuel didn’t need to have bodyguards to protect him. Even in his slumber, he was fully protected. As long as Cole was next to him and the elves partook in this new journey, Samuel’s safety was guaranteed.He had another mission that needed to be fulfilled. It was a personal request made by the lord herself. He could not refuse nor dare to do so.
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All Hell Break Loose (5)
Cole sat in the middle of a pile of corpses. Conan had thrown the sons on the floor while pointing his two guns at each one of them, in case Masamoto wanted to do something funny. It was a precaution that Shadow taught.“What… What do you want?” Masamoto emerged with a knife in his hand and a haggard face.Conan coldly pressed the nuzzle against the sons’ heads. His eyes locked on Cole.“I advise you to drop your knife to the ground. Unless… of course if you want to see the corpses of your beloved children.” Cole pointed his finger at the hidden knife behind Masamoto’s back leisurely.Masamoto glanced at his children, his face marred with worry.“Hurry up, come here. We
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All Hell Break Loose (6)
Busaba stood proudly, smiling covering her whole face as Anubis checked all the items.They were meeting in front of Busaba’s secret base. The items that were asked by Busaba had secured perfectly in their hands. Anubis and Apis were in the middle of calculating all the items for the last confirmation. They also needed to test each one of them to deduct the payment.As for Alberu, he was seen comfortably sitting on the wooden chair and round desk that he brought himself while sipping hot chocolate milk. “What a beautiful night.” Alberu looked around.Busaba stared into the void, a smile stretching bigger than usual. “Yes, it is.”Alberu gave a simple nod, sipping his warm chocolate milk. &l
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All Hell Break Loose (7)
Shadow planted her bum on top of the rooftop house while purring like a cat. Her eyes planted firmly on the darkness of the sky.In the blessed black of the starry night, she gained some peace amid the chaos inside the house. Even in the velvet dark, there was the light of the stars, the gems inside the darkness, the apple of the eyes.She found solace under it.The night sky was how I came to wish to fly. The glimmer of the stars was like the beautiful art on the blank canvas. At times she felt as if she could feel it vibrating somehow, whispering in a way the ears couldn’t hear. “KWARGH!”“Please don’t run away.”The sound of the scream
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All Hell Break Loose (8)
The next morning, Samuel woke up with a fresh body and mind. Even his eyes became clearer and his skin condition improved. He escaped the kip by jumping off it. His half-naked body shivered by a sudden breeze. Easily he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his upper body. He walked up to the closed door and drew the curtain. The sky had revealed its color and brimmed with life. The sound of birds chirping, the sound of the slapping leaves, and the buzzing employees underneath doing their own chores. He leaned his head against the window, peeking over the diligent workers.The inevitable war was just around the corner. The soldiers had been dispatched to the battlefield.TOK! TOK! TOK!“Lord Samuel, have y
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The True Leader (1)
Woooooosh~The battleground was filled with hollow wind. Their battle would take place right in the middle of the graveyard. It wasn’t their choice though. Sadly, this time, they had no say in this upcoming battle. Samuel could only stare mindlessly at the abandoned graveyard. Luckily, he had his task force move all the corpses into a new place so they wouldn’t catch up in the battle like a pitiful deer standing in between two angry elephants. “This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I’m alright song.” Samuel sang in a melodic voice and wiped the sweat from his forehead.The moving activities had taxed his whole body and the nice scent of his soap had long disappeared. He was now covered in sweat and dirt even though
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The True Leader (2)
“The time has come.” Busaba hastened her grip on her bow. The whole graveyard had transformed into the battleground. It was small compared to the size of the army she had. It was also impractical to have a fight inside here, however, due to the nature of the ground, it was the perfect ground for her to win this battle.This ground would help her win this battle unless Shadow intervened. However, according to the source, Shadow currently had a little setback and she couldn’t join them right away. In other words, it was the advantage that she gained after wrecking her brain for two whole weeks to come up with the solution. She also believed that her plan was flawless.On the opposite side were, of course, Samuel’s troops.
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The True Leader (3)
Samuel helplessly watched everything unfold. Should he do it, or shouldn’t he? A lot of questions swarmed his head. He couldn’t choose which side is better. Everything became so chaotic.“Listen up. You must pay attention if you want to win against her (Busaba). Never falter, quick-thinking and confident. As long as you have all those three qualities, you will be fine. Just trust your judgment.”Samuel replayed the advice given by Shadow right before he departed to the new main city, right after he was appointed as the new proxy of Country B. The initial goal to be the proxy was to defeat Busaba before he rose into the political world and became the real lord of the country.He had learned a lot fr
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