All Chapters of Vampires and Werewolves (Book 3 Tugurlan Chronicles): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Chapter 11
Elsa Prescott sat up in bed.  Cocking her head to the side, she listened.  She’d heard a voice.  Was someone in the house? Grabbing the baseball bat that was hidden beneath her bed, she slipped her feet into the slippers she kept positioned for easy access, donned her robe as quickly as she could, and tipped-toed out of her bedroom into the grand hallway of her huge turn of the century Coronado Island home. The floor boards creaked under her weight as she reached the top of the stairs.  She stood as still as she could while she waited to see if whoever was intruding in her house had heard her.All was silent.She moved across the landing to the rooms on the other side and slowly peeked into each doorway. Charles was sleeping peacefully in his crib and the other bedrooms were empty. Time to check downstairs.She held her breath, hoping the thick, imported oriental runner that she’d installed down the cente
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Chapter 12
Bruce and I stood at the end of the rutted dirt path that passed for a road in the empty clearing.  There was just enough room for Garth to position Bruce’s SUV in front of the opening in a group of boulders.  We were thankful we’d decided to use his SUV instead of the rental car.  All eyes were on Magdalena as she touched the boulders to get a sense of where they might have gone from there, but the trail just stopped.“I can’t get a sense of where she is anymore. She isn’t sending any more telepathic messages to Elsa... I don’t know,” she sighed.“How about you,” Bruce said as he looked at Garth. “Can you pick up their scent?”“A little, but not enough to follow,” Garth muttered.Garth was angry with the situation. Never before had he been outsmarted by a vampire.  The fact that they were mutant-vampires made it even worse.Bruce pressed his nose agai
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Chapter 13
Elsa heaved her bulk from the back seat of the cab while the driver pulled her suitcase out of the trunk.  Looking up at the rows of balconies creeping up the side of the white brick building before her, she guessed which one belonged to the condo of her destination. The third one from the top on the left, she thought.  So, let me see... that would make it the one, two, three, four, five, six, seventh floor. Hmm, unlucky.   The sound of her luggage bag being unceremoniously dropped onto the sidewalk beside her as the cab driver grunted ‘good-bye’ ended her little guessing game. She stacked her carry-on on top of her luggage bag and secured the pull handle of her bag into her grip before starting into the building.  It looked to be old enough to have come from the era of stairs.  She fervently hoped an elevator awaited her. She was not only relieved when she came upon the ornately gilded ele
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Chapter 14
I sat in the far side of my living room and watched Jess move amongst us.  She was doing  her best to hide her animosity toward almost everyone in the room, while she served ham sandwiches and beer. It was a simple fare, but a welcome one for stomachs that shamelessly announced the fact that we hadn’t eaten for over twelve hours. Magdalena declined the sandwich but gladly accepted the beer.We’d spent the better part of the last hour in deep conversation about a solution to the situation. Not only did we have to find a way to rescue Shen and Tatyana, but now we had to face the fact that Jessica was dangerously close to becoming a vampire. I recognized the signs well from my days of being with Mie-Lien. My heart felt like it was ripped in pieces at the thought of such a thing happening to poor Jess.  She didn’t deserve it. She’d never played a role in the hunt for vampires. In fact, she’d argued and fought with me continually about
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Chapter 15
Shen lay across the bed, too weak to move.  He was aware of movement around him, but he had no energy or desire to investigate.  He was once again a captive in a den of cannibalistic vampires.  He was once again being forced to breed women on command. The nightmare that he’d barely escaped from with his life was once again his reality.  How did this happen? His mind reeled for answers; for just one thing that made sense in this nightmare. He remembered the anguished looks of helplessness on my face as I watched him being whisked into the air by Seth.  His stomach was still unsettled from the experience of flying without the protection of a plane or a hot air balloon or... something.The sensation of being at the mercy of his captor as they flew so high into the sky that the trees looked like blades of grass and knowing that at any moment Seth could decide to let go and he could fall to his death was bad enough, but watching his clot
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Chapter 16
Tatyana sat at the left in the last seat near the end of the twelve-foot mahogany dining table and stared at the empty chairs.  It had to have been at least thirty minutes since she’d been pulled from her room and seated at this empty room.  She was more than a little restless and irritable.The table was exquisitely set. She picked up the gold rimmed, white porcelain dinner plate and turned it over to inspect the stamp on the back.  It was made by Waterford. Setting the plate down carefully Tatyana reached for a wine goblet and turned it in the light.Vintage Waterford, she mused.She was aware of only one of Wadim’s den members that was obsessed with Waterford crystal and china; especially vintage.The sound of footsteps approaching caught her attention and she quickly replaced the goblet.She sat proud and erect as the dinner party entered the room.  She did her best to disguise her revulsion when Gyozo b
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Chapter 17
She was barely able to hear the door open and close.  Whoever entered did so with the utmost care to go unnoticed.  Tatyana braced herself as she listened to the newcomer’s footsteps scuff lightly across the thick, ruby colored Persian carpet.  The average human would probably not have been able to hear her visitor’s approach at all. Her naturally acute hearing was fine honed over her years of captivity.  She was certain that hearing the approach of the enemy so that she could have time to hide was often all that saved her from the fate of so many others.Standing as immobile as possible, Tatyana closed her eyes to put her third sight to work.  The hazy image of a tall, slender man waved before her.  He looked young, perhaps in his early thirties. It was difficult to tell if he was a vampire or human.  His image kept flickering.  This was something that rarely happened when she used her visionary abilities.  That fact,
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Chapter 18
Magdalena watched Elsa pace the small balcony through the dirty pane of the sliding door.  The woman may be getting up in years, but she still carried herself like royalty.  Magdalena wondered about the priestess’s heritage.  The high cheekbones that accentuated full shapely lips hinted of familiarity.  It haunted the vympire.  There was something important she needed to remember; something very, very important.“Can I get you anything?” Jess asked as she knelt down in front of Magdalena and removed the scarf from her neck. “Are you hungry?”The raw puncture wounds on Jess’s neck turned Magdalena’s stomach.   She’d never been this close to an open wound of a human for this long.  It was unsettling and truly a test of her endurance. “Please, no.  I don’t drink human blood,” Magdalena said with a wince.  “Cover your wounds.”
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Chapter 19
Elsa’s large frame blocked the doorway of the living room. It was impossible to see past her.  To make matters worse, she didn’t seem inclined to move.“You can’t hide it from me,” I growled. “Sooner or later you’ll have to step aside.”Elsa heaved a sigh. I was right, of course. She couldn’t protect me from what occurred, nor should she.  I seemed prone to run with vampires.  Perhaps a reality check was what I needed to straighten me up.I sucked in air to help steady my nerves before I stepped forward when Elsa finally moved aside and motioned for me to pass.  I needed to see, yet I feared seeing. Would her body lay there headless?  It was how Magdalena killed the other vampires.  I squeezed my eyes shut, as if by doing so it would better prepare me for what I was about to see.Magdalena was still kneeling over Jess’s body when I entered the room.  She seemed
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Chapter 20
Shen leaned against the far wall of the grand ballroom.  It was remarkable how closely Gyozo had copied the décor of Wadim’s den of iniquity. If Shen didn’t know better, he’d have thought himself back there, but he’d destroyed that den and watched it go up in flames.Something was amiss, but he had only a hint of what it was.  There was a buzzing of a celebration of some sort about to occur. He’d heard excited whispers of a wedding, but who was to be married to who was still a mystery.  Why would they share such information with him?  He was just there as a captive to breed their stock.  Breeders were the second lowest form of life in a den such as this; the lowest being the actual food source.  The fact that he’d even been summoned from his prison cell to attend the festivities surprised him. He was ordered to stand against the back wall, out of the way of the milling crowd as colorful gown
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