All Chapters of Sierra Is Alive: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
126 Chapters
PRESENT DAYNovember 30, 2021"How are things going for you here?" When Archer sat down in front of me, I quickly began the conversation. We're separated by a low glass. I noticed how his wrists are so red that I imagine he's trying to aggressively get rid of the chains in his hand, reminding me of when we were kids and I used to see him tied up in bed due to his impulsiveness. He's being guarded by a police officer who is leaning on the wall, just a few steps away from us.He's been imprisoned for four weeks now, but his weight loss is noticeably different from when we last met at his place. He's absolutely worse than before, but I can see how he's much more clear-headed and easier to talk to than before which all he ever said was about Sierra being still alive. He seems to be taking his meds on time now.Archer didn't say anything and just stared bluntly at me, but I could sense his rage in his blazing eyes even when his face was expre
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I awoke immediately when I heard a noise outside; I had just remembered that I had fallen asleep while grieving for Sierra. I checked the time on the clock on my bedside table and noticed that it was only 2 a.m. It may sound impossible and shit, but it's the first time in weeks that I've actually slept. Because of my unexpected awakening, my headache has returned and is considerably more intense than before. I'm sure my eyes are still puffy from how much I cried for her. My gaze was drawn to a few photos of Sierra and me scattered on the floor, as well as the crumpled tissues.I sat on my bed and stared at nothing, attempting to calm my nerves; it had been three weeks since Sierra's death news erupted and became a big news story throughout the country; it had also given everyone in Camden a terrible scare. I'm still crying for her and can't believe she's no longer with us. I know it's a ridiculous thought, but I keep convincing myself that Sierra is still out there, probabl
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"What are we going to do with her now, son?" Mom asked, her countenance befuddled. She's been staring at Sierra, who's in my bed, for several minutes and has only just begun to speak about her. "I still can't believe she's right here in front of us."Just like me, mom is in complete astonishment and can't fathom how this could have happened. No matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that this is simply a Sierra clone, we know we're delusory if we keep thinking that way. I sighed and walked up to my bedroom window. It was just six o'clock in the morning, the sky wasn't that bright yet, but I already saw people outside getting ready for their jobs, work, and school. I have a class today, but I don't believe I'll be able to go to school in this condition nor get focused on it. Before addressing Mom, I closed the window and covered the curtain as if I am so scared that anyone will looked back at me and began pounding to our door asking us to drag Sierra outside
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It's been a week now and Sierra's still silent about what truly happened to the two of them and Archer the night she vanished. We always asked her about it, but we gave up when she said she wasn't ready to tell us anything more; it only made me more impatient and frustrated. Mom advised me to take a break from questioning Sierra and focus on myself and my studies first, so we could also give each other room and time to contemplate. Mainly because she also thinks that Sierra is still clearly traumatized by what happened to her. So, even though I don't want to stop asking her, I have no option but to obey mom; she always knows what's best in any scenario, so perhaps she's right that my eagerness is making Sierra feel anxious.Though, Sierra can't blame me; she made me this way. She hides secrets, and I don't understand why she isn't talking about it yet. Because if she knows she's in danger, she would have asked for us to help her do something about it, and it will only happen
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I just realized I fell asleep on the kitchen stool, and woke up by the blaring sounds of my alarm clocking from the living room, which I had set there when I began sleeping on the sofa. My body has its own schedule too and is accustomed to getting up around 4:30 a.m. to get ready for school. Due to a lack of sleep, my head still hurts a lot. I rubbed my eyes and straightened my back when suddenly I saw a blanket fall to the floor, making my brows wrinkle. Maybe Mom placed it on me and didn't bother waking me up.I grabbed the blanket and walked carefully into the living room, massaging my temples. I turned off my alarm clock and flopped onto the sofa. I was debating whether or not I would attend school today. I'm still upset with Sierra; I know I shouldn't blame her because I was the one who spilled coffee on my worksheets, but I can't help myself. I don't understand this sensation; it's as if the pain I'm experiencing has intensified and I badly want to blame her
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"The body that has discovered two days ago was ultimately identified by its relatives. Her name was Jade Legazpi, and she was 48 years old. On September 22, she was also reported missing by Sierra McCarthy, but authorities also believed that she had just left and helped her ex-boyfriend and partner escape from prison. She was also the foster guardian of Sierra McCarthy, who was discovered dead about a month ago. Jade's partner, Robert Magnaye, is still wanted; he was convicted of selling and using illicit substances as well as domestic violence. The man in the photo flashed on the television is Robert. Please notify the authorities immediately if you see him.""The police are still examining whether the two killings are connected and whether the murderers were the same person or people in both cases. The cry of those who loved Jade Legazpi is to finally find the person who did that to her to serve the justice the victim deserved. As so as the people of Camden Town who were sh
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"Just tell me who you're running from or who has hurt you. How can we help you if you don't tell me everything?" Instead of speaking, she hid her face in her hands. "Okay, let's start with why you pretended to be Jade's niece when you weren't. And just who is Emmy? I never heard about her, but the cops stated that Archer gave them that name, claiming that Emmy is your cousin.""Come on, Sierra." I urged her when she didn't say anything. She straightened her back and took another deep breath. "Why do you have to ask such probing questions?""And why do you have to lie all the time?" Because of that, she stopped and seemed so shocked by what I said. But I refused to budge. "Do you realize that if you revealed the truth from the start, we wouldn't be having this conversation?""Tell me the truth, the cops are only a phone call away—""Dammit Everson!" She abruptly stood up and turned her back on me; I sat and still remained, my ey
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After Jade's death was discovered and buried a few days ago Sierra still stays here. We did nothing except accept her; it was also difficult for us to call the police behind her back. I always hold back whenever I try doing it, all I knew was I couldn't do that. I remember that I told Mom how I felt about the whole incident and how I couldn't just hand her over to the cops. Mom could understand how I feel even when I don't express it verbally; it was as if she had this deep connection with me. She then advised me that I should just do what I believe is right—but here was the problem: I was not sure if what I was doing those days were right. Because somehow I felt really dumb about the decisions I made, but I also felt fine when I carry them out. I had this instinct that I should do the right thing and contact the cops, but a part of me just says "stop," which means give her more time.But, to be honest, I was starting to admit to myself that my feelings for Sierra are the o
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Before taking a seat in front of him, I placed a mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table for Archer. "Thank you," he murmured gently, smiling at me. He then sipped his hot chocolate from the mug.I just stood there watching him sip, my restless fingers drumming on my shaky lap. I'm not sure why he's here, but I just have one feeling: intense nervousness.As seen by his bright aura, he's beautifully dressed (unlike before, when he just wore whatever clothing he had in his wardrobe), and there's no hint of sadness on his face. He's only lost a little weight, but I don't believe anything sad is going on in his life right now. He looked so well, which is strange, especially since what he knew was that Sierra was dead. He should be in mourning right now, but instead he looks so gorgeous, exactly like he did when he came out of his past relationships with his exes."You haven't forgotten that this is my favorite drink." Before lowering the mug, he said, with a
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Sierra remained in our home for several months after I graduated from high school. I know my behaviors were perplexing, but we had gotten to the point where we treated Sierra as if she were a member of our family. We were used to seeing her cooking in the kitchen, resting by watching TV in the living room, sleeping in my bedroom, and asking me to buy her new books. It was as if we'd become accustomed to her presence in an instant, and we'd grown so attached to her that we didn't know what we'd do if she left. Or maybe it was just me who had really become so attached to her that even when I was away, she never left my mind.Still, there weren't many days when I didn't wonder if my decision to keep her was the right one, but I also don't understand why I couldn't make her leave. Until the day arrived when I no longer questioned her absence and her entire identity. And, to be honest, after Archer left the country, I felt even better; it was as if all I wanted to do was make Sier
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