All Chapters of MY CRUSH, MY NEIGHBOR: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
214 Chapters
YOO-MI's POVThe drive to Josh's house was long and quiet as I stared out the window, my chin resting on my palm. The dense pines passed by, deep green as golden sunlight filtered the pine needles, dancing across the ground.I don't want to do this. I don't want to tell Josh that I don't see the future with him that he sees with me. I don't want to tell him that he's too late. That we just never got our timing right. That even if Jeonghan leaves me again, my heart will leave with him. That I don't want to play games or hurt him.I already made my choice and that was Jeonghan and it was unfair of me to start something with Josh if my heart belonged to Jeonghan.'Jeonghan, watch out!" I screamed when a deer crossed the road and suddenly he stepped on the brake that caused my body to push forward. Thankfully, I got my seatbelt on.'Shit, babe. Are you okay? I'm sorry—' his hand reached up to touch my head.'I'm fine Jeonghan," I said as I leaned back on my seat, feeling a bit dizzy.'Our
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YOO-MI's POVThere was a room full of eyes on us as Jeonghan looked down at his feet. I could see guilt and regret weighing down on him.'You get to be the asshole and coward who leaves," Josh continued. 'and I stayed here for Yoo-Mi, took care of her, loved her. And she's the only fucking I want but you took her away from me... Again!"Jeonghan clenched his fists, his jaw twitched, ready to attack Josh but I stopped him. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, telling him to calm down. 'How about you, Josh?" he asked sternly. 'Weren't you the asshole here who hide everything? Didn't you keep to yourself everything you did to Yoo-Mi?"'Jeonghan....' I tried to stop him but he ignored me.'You made us believe that Honey was mine. Weren't you the coward here who was scared to tell us the truth? Huh, Josh!" he yelled. 'You have all the time to fucking tell us the truth! You ruined everything! You destroyed our relationship! You were telling us that you were the hero here when in fact, you're
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JOSH's POVJeonghan was standing on the curb with his hands shoved into his pockets when I walked out of Yoo-Mi's house, my heart stuck in my throat. I brushed my face with my hands, swiping away at the few angry tears that slipped out during my confrontation with Yoo-Mi.Looking at him standing there makes my skin crawled, my blood boiled, my tears threatening to fall.He got her. He always got her. It doesn't matter that he left her. Doesn't matter that I love her. He always got her.'Let's talk over here." I said as I walked past him, heading across the parking lot to the edge of the pines.One showdown in front of Yoo-Mi's mother and Cheol and his girlfriend was more than enough for today. I don't want any physical fight with him anymore.Jeonghan followed quietly behind me, his footsteps lighter than mine.When I whipped around to face him, he doesn't bother stopping the verbal attack I immediately landed on him.'You're a fucking piece of shit!" I exploded. 'I have been angry wi
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YOO-MI's POVI stared in the bathroom mirror, my eyes were swollen and puffy. The tip of my nose was bright red and there were pink splotches around my temples, splayed across my cheeks from the long cry I had in the stall. On the cold, hard floor.My hand dove into my purse, searching for something to cover up the agony and hurt and pain that was plastered all over my face.The pain of hurting Josh. Of hurting myself.‘Choose me, Yoo-Mi. Just this fucking once... choose me.'Those words nearly broke me into two. Those words made me want to tell him that I would choose him. That I would do anything to keep his heart from breaking.But, if I did that, I would just end up hurting him more than I already am.I always thought love was supposed to be simple. That falling in love was rainbows and butterflies and magic. But it was not. It was complicated and chaotic. No matter how many times you attempt it.I love Josh. Not the best friend who took care of me. I love who he was now. The fath
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YOO-MI's POVMy heart began thumping as my eyes locked with mom. Her hazel eyes darted to Jeonghan. I watched as she rolled them dramatically. Anger, hostility, and revulsion flaring in the chocolate and coffee specks of her irises.'What are your plans, you two?" she started.Jeonghan cleared his throat. 'Firstly, I want to thank you for accepting me again—'Mom held her hand up to stop him. 'Don't mistake this talk as acceptance. I think history is just going to repeat itself where you two are concerned. I don't support whatever it is you two are doing."I felt my heart dropped all the way to my toes. 'Mom!'What?" she feigned innocence, her eyes widened.My blood felt like it's boiling as I balled my fists that was wrapped around Honey's body, who fell asleep on my lap. 'That's completely unfair and out of line."'I love you, Yoo-Mi," mom meekly stated. 'But I don't want to lose my daughter again."'You never lost me," I defended myself. I was never lost. I was just…hurting. Lonely
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YOO-MI's POVI bit my lip while I mulled over whether or not it's a good idea to talk to Josh. We used to be best of friends. We're still, right? But I doubt we'll ever be friends like we were, but there's history and memories, a bond that's never been easily shaken. And Honey, connecting us.'Josh, can we talk?"His head lifted and he looked surprise to see me approaching him. 'About what?"'Are you okay?" I asked, his eyes were bloodshot as he looked at me expectantly.He laughed bitterly. 'You're unbelievable, Yoo-Mi." I took a step back, wounded. 'I lost my home, my life, and you. It's all gone and I'm rooming here, with you and your mom. I can't believe you have the fucking audacity to ask me if I'm alright. How the fuck do you think I'm doing?"I swallowed hard. He never talked to me like this before.'Don't worry, I'm leaving tomorrow." He continued.'No please…and I'm sorry. But I thought we're okay now?? You can stay here as long as you want. We're best friends, Josh."‘How a
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YOO-MI's POVI couldn't sleep. My bed was lumpy and uncomfortable as I tossed and turned, trying to find a relaxing position. I snuggled closer to Honey, inhaling her sweet-smelled hair.Josh brought someone back tonight and it was loud and…hurtful. I grabbed my pillow and covered my ears, as my hands covered Honey's, so she wouldn't hear the creaking headboard and the moans leaving his closed guest bedroom door.I was just thankful mom's got out for work before Josh arrived. But I thought, he woudn't do this if he knew mom was just in the other room.I couldn't help to stop the tears that was swimming in my eyes. There were mostly angry tears. Why would he do this? That he would be so reckless and vindictive. Especially when all I was doing was trying to help. But I didn't know how much longer I'd be willing to. Not after last night.Deciding sleep was futile, I walked down silently to the kitchen and started to make hot chocolate. It's roar to life was a painful reminder that even t
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YOO-MI's POV'I'm sorry about last night."I ignored Josh as I continued to pour over spreadsheets and reports and numbers, my eyes still focused on my laptop. Honey was now in the living room, watching her favorite Peppa Pig show.'Yoo-Mi," he tried again. 'I shouldn't have drink last night. I shouldn't have brought anyone here. I don't know why I did that."I stopped my fingers from typing on the keyboard and rubbed a hand over my face, exhausted from lack of sleep.'Yoo-Mi," he said again. This time, I could hear the pleading in his voice. 'I'm sorry. I fucked up. I..I just thought about staying with you and having Jeonghan coming back. I don't know if I can..if I can handle it while he's here. With you."'I wouldn't do that." I started as I looked over at him. 'I would never make you feel as uncomfortable as you made me feel last night."He nodded his head and licked his lips. 'I'm just…"'An asswipe?"'No."'Then what are you?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in m
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YOO-MI's POVI anxiously stood in the doorway biting my nails. Josh and Honey left to grab dinner at her favorite restaurant and then they were going to watch movie after.Honey wanted me to join them but I was having leg cramps and Jeonghan will be coming.Darkness had taken over the mountain as the stars twinkled and sparkled overhead. But I didn't pay them attention because I was desperate to see his headlights pulling into the driveway.Two days without him was too long. It's too damn long.The moment he arrived, I took off running. He hopped out of his car as I launched towards him, my arms circling his neck before he had a chance to react.I held onto him as tight as I could, my heart beating restlessly against his. Home. He came home to me.Jeonghan's arm wrapped around me as he pulled me even closer, burying his face into the crook of my neck.'I missed you so much." I told him as I breathed in his expensive cologne.He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his slim waist.
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JOSH's POVThe ball hit the ground before bouncing back up at me. I gripped it in my hands, bent my knees and shoot it towards the basket.It soared through the air and hit the rim, fell to the ground without ever touching the net.I missed.I always miss.I've been trying to learn how to play this fucking game but I didn't know why I couldn't master it.I dribbled the ball a few more times and took another shot.Another miss.I brought a girl back to Yoo-Mi's place and fucked her. Probably the lowest point of my life. Everything was just too much. But that girl couldn't get off my mind. I didn't even get her name. And she didn't tell me that she was a fucking virgin.It sounded insane to me but I realized it wasn't just sex with her. There was a level of intimacy I never experienced with any other woman, even with Yoo-Mi.I couldn't forget how the way she arched her back whenever she was near, the way she always tried to clamp her legs together if it weren't for me holding them down.
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