All Chapters of Transmigrated Into A Billionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
124 Chapters
Signing her first deal
Chapter 11:Signing her first deal Today is the day she has been waiting for. She was both excited but nervous, enthusiastic but worried at the same time. The future of the company depended on this deal she was going to pitch today. Araceli has been working on the deal for over 6months with a whole research base and backup file, she knows that the contract wasn't only important to the company but to Araceli too, this was most of her life's work, hence why she couldn't afford to mess it up. She got up an hour before her alarm due to her restlessness, so she decided to take a run to clear her mind, A run and a good coffee will keep her straight,so she left the house at 6:27 am jogging up to her estate. The sun had partially risen and the air was cool again her face but she could feel the sl
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Rachel Met Yandel and his childhood friend at the cinema
Waking up to the smell of frying bacon and toast is something Rachel can never be used to, she turned in her bed while looking at the time figuring she probably slept through her alarm. She had been catching up on a series she had watched in her past life and slept late, you know, totally "normal" stuff. She went into the bathroom to wash up and wore some casual band tee and comfy sweatpants. On heading downstairs,she could hear Ace telling the cook what he wanted which was quite obvious from the time she has known him, it has always been pancake with chocolate syrup with a glass of cold almond milk, this was Ace every morning breakfast and on rare days he chose to make scrambled eggs with toast and orange juice. She headed to the coffee machine to make her morning dose of caffeine to start the day, she too
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Searching For Ace
 "Nice to meet you Ace, I'm Yandel," Yandel replied, bending his waist to the kid level as he gave Ace a knuckle bump.  "Yannyyyyy!!!. the queue is too long can you help me get the popcorn" Maya whined as there were just four people in front of her. Yandel groaned and rolled his eyes while he went to the popcorn stall to get three large popcorn packs for Celi, himself, and Ace. "Maya come over here please," Yandel called to her. "Yes," She answered sweetly. "This is Araceli, CEO of Garcia's Enterprise and Ace, her kid brother,"  Yandel introduced. "Hi"   Maya said indifferently, not really caring about the ki
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I wish you were my brother in law
While Yandel was driving them home, Rachel got lost in thoughts as she stared outside the window thinking of everything that had happened within the past two hours, she looked sideways to yandel and he was just focused on the road, he turned to look at her too and gave her a reassuring smile as if reading her mind for her need for affirmation he gently squeezed her hands on her laps that were fidgeting a little and she let him as she turned to the window. While Ace went missing, she and Yandel had splitted ways, and she had called the police station straight away, reporting a missing child and described Ace as a brunette boy above 3'9 with green eyes. She was hysterical that time. She felt like the whole closing down on her. "Ma'am you need to calm down if you want us to really hear you"   the police replied, Trying
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Bringing Ace home
"I like Yandel better than Xander…." Rachel finally got the courage to look at him after Ace had said that. "He doesn't like my...fiancé"   Rachel said with a little pause before referring to the evil bastard as her fiancé. "Well he didn't fail to mention it to me too," Yandel added, laughing a bit at the mean face the kid made when he referred to Xander. "He also said he wished I was his brother-in-law too,"    Yandel added with a confident smirk knowing it was going to evoke a reaction from Celi. "He said that…!!"   Rachel asked surprised and curious o
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The uninvited guests
Chapter 16 "Xander…". "'s the so much excitement to see your fiancé for me," Xander said bitterly and sarcastically. The Gracia’s driver came towards Yandel and took Ace from him and took him upstairs after just watching what was transpiring in front of him. "For someone who planned her rape and tried to break off the marriage he seemed pretty pissed when i should be the one pissed…"  Rachel thought. "Excuse me, what are you talking about, you badged into my privacy and you expect me to be awning with joy and smiles because my lord and saviourXander decided to grace me with his pres
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Not so successful breakfast
Rachel woke up feeling refreshed and surprisingly in a good mood and she couldn't comprehend why. Looking at the clock she realized she slept through her alarm which meant she couldn't go for her usual morning run. It was a few minutes past ten with no where to go seeing it was a weekend, she decided to just sleeping some more. She checked her phone for messages and saw the message yandel sent to her yesterday, just seeing it and thinking about it made her smile unconsciously. Yesterday was one of the most stressful and hectic days of her life and she couldn't imagine telling Ace's mom and dad about him going missing for a few hours, it wouldn't have spoken well about her. She went to the toilet to do the regular morning routine before she heard a notification bell,she headed to her phone eagerly subconsciously wishing it was yandel and lo and behold,it was him and he sent a Good m
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It's a date!
"Just your British accent,I mean I have heard traces but this time it was really….more pronounced I guess,”   she replied. "Schooled in london...remember??"  Yandel said while tapping her skull lightly as if to make her remember. "Well I will be damned…"  They both turned around to see a pissed off xander. Rachel rolled her eyes a double three sixty at how fast he was able to ruin her time of admiring a beautiful male specimen which was Yandel ofcourse...not that she was gonna tell him or anything. "Xander…."   Rachel called out warningly trying to silently tell him not to start a fight because the look in Yandel’s eyes said he was ready today for any shit that wa
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Going to Wonderland
"Come in," he heard in a muffled voice."Hey, Celi…are you okay?" He asked, not really knowing what else to say"Yeah. I'm fine, sorry you had to witness that...that was so embarrassing," Rachel apologised still talking into the pillow."Hey, it's okay…I grew up with all of that.""I got an idea!" he suddenly shot up while he sat at the edge of the bed."Alright, I'm listening,”"How about we go out this evening? Nust the two of us, to wash out the bad energy from this morning. What do you say?""Is it a date?" Rachel turned over to smirk at a jaw dropping yandel."Omg!" Rachel burst into a fit of laughter at the super perplexed look on his face, I mean he is really hot and successful and nice any girl will be lucky to have him but he is just not the man for her, sadly Talon was still occupying the back of her mind and she still thought about the image of seeing him and that rich old hag of a woman in that position, she could swear to die was worth it because the pain wasn't very prom
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Executing her plan
It was more than 15 minutes that they had been on the road and she was starting to get impatient with the whole surprise thing till she realized she recognized this area, it was the route to the amazing wonderland amusement park."Are we going to wonderland?""YeaP" Yandel smiled at her growing excitement."Woah, that will be so cool, I have always wanted to come here but Ta— Xander always thought it was childish and noisy," Rachel said almost slipping up. It brought back serious memories to her,how she will always beg talon but he never wanted too,but she always went to watch baseball games with him at powerwatch pub, it was always frustrating how she could break her rules for him like going to watch games with him even though she hated sports but he could go will her to the theater or musical or how he never wanted to go the wonderland with her."Well, that's on him, he will be missing out on all the fun,corn dogs and cotton candy. I told you he is a sadist," Yandel said."Sadist."
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