All Chapters of Paper Widow: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Chapter 21
Nate, Oliver, and Joseph stepped off the train with a spring in their step.  After a long and frustrating assignment out west, they were finally back in their homeland of Philadelphia.  Joseph planned on heading to his farm just as soon as they checked in with the Philadelphia Pinkerton office, while Nate and Oliver had plans for long baths, good meals, and a visit to the gentleman’s club.  They did their best to coerce Joseph to join them, but he was adamant about getting his family together and discussing their future plans.  The more he considered Nate’s offer to oversee the ranch out west, the more attached to the idea he became.  He wanted to waste no time getting started.Nate and Oliver quickly settled into their homes, kissed their families hello, made themselves feel and look human again, and then headed off to the Philadelphia club for a night of good food and cards.   They were seated in the dining room at a table near
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Chapter 22
“What are the odds of running into Elise Joselyn of the Boston Brahman in Philadelphia?” Oliver chuckled after he and Nate rode their horses far enough away from the Joselyn residence to insure their voices would not carry back for anyone outside to hear. “You did hear her introduced as Joselyn, correct?  From what I gather, even Alexander isn’t aware of her little paper marriage.  Tsk, tsk, such skeletons.” “I feel like I’m cursed,” Nate growled.“Seriously,” Oliver continued.  “We’ve lived here all our lives and never encountered the Joselyns.  Then, out of the blue, we befriend a dude from New York who just happens to be their nephew.  He invites us to their home for dinner where we’re hosted by the Paper Widow, but we seem to be the only ones who know her as that.  I mean, seriously, what are the odds?”“I wish you wouldn’t call
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Chapter 23
“I didn’t know you were part of the Joselyn’s social circle,” Lilith said as she looked up at Nate sitting tall on his hunter.“Considering you are still new to it yourself, I would imagine it will take a while before you meet them all,” Nate said with grudging politeness.“Is this your horse or is it borrowed?” she asked coyly.“Still judging people by their cover, I see,” Nate said scornfully. “Or in this case, their horse.   Let me assure you, this nag belongs to me.”“Nag?” Lilith said as she stroked his horse’s neck admiringly. “Really Nathan.”“You know I hate that name,” Nate grumbled.“Yes,” she said sweetly as she seductively sipped on her champagne.“Almost as much as I hate you,” he mumbled between clenched teeth.At the sound of her gasp, Nate realized he did the uninten
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Chapter 24
He swore off Elise Joselyn. She was cold to him whenever he was around her while exceedingly flirtatious with others, so why wouldn’t he swear off her? He was on the market for a solid, dependable wife of good standing. Elise fell short of these things.  Of course, only he and his buddies were aware of this fact. The rest of the eligible men of Philadelphia society were scrambling over each other just to be the recipient of a smile from the beautiful Boston heiress.He did not disapprove of her because of what happened out west, although it could have been avoided had she been a bit more sensible and stayed home.  He attributed her actions to that of a spoiled socialite who lacked not only common sense, but worldly exposure. What stuck in his craw was the way she flirted with the men who crowded around her at every opportunity. Her behavior reminded him of Lilith when she was just coming out - and even still. He was so proud when Lilith chose him out of all th
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Chapter 25
“Mr. Samuel Jacobs sent his card this morning,” Mary Joselyn said with smug satisfaction when Elise joined her and Sidney for breakfast. “It appears he wishes to be included in your afternoon entourage, my dear.”“Well, well,” Sidney said with equal smugness. “Now you are making some headway. The Jacobs are a mighty influential family on in the northeast.”“Truly?”  Elise said with feigned surprise. “He made no indication of such.”“The sign of a true gentleman,” Mary offered as she slathered butter on her toast.“They have a good deal of family in the south, I believe,” Sidney said thoughtfully. “A bit of a mess, actually.  From what I hear, the family was torn apart by the war, but they rallied together once it ended. That’s what families do in a crisis.  They rally together and support each other.”“Perhaps we sh
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Chapter 26
It was decided that the benefit ball for the Philadelphia chapter of the Sisters of Charity would be a masquerade ball.  Sidney Joselyn was delighted.  He found the semblance of anonymity the costumes provided a welcome relief from the constant pressure of having all eyes on his family’s every move.   Worry over the antics of his niece being discovered before he found a suitable match for her caused him particular angst.  His younger brother, Edgar, was ready to give up and allow the girl to live out her days as a wild and free spinster, but he would have none of that attached to the Joselyn name.  He assured his brother that he could find the girl a suitable match so that the Joselyn’s could hold their heads high or his name was not Sidney Joselyn.Sidney and his wife Mary had no children of their own.  They enjoyed all their nieces and nephews, but took a particular liking to his brother, Edgar’s, middle child, Elise, and
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Chapter 27
As they lay, satiated, in each other’s arms, the sound of party goers approaching registered enough to rouse them.  They quickly made aright their appearances and scurried out of the maze.  Although still quite heavily under the influence of the whiskey, Nate was coherent enough to realize the scandal they would cause should he be seen coming out of the maze with Elise on his arm; especially when she was still in considerable disarray.The only thing they had in their favor was the fact that they were in disguise. He mentioned this to Elise, who quickly put her mask over her face before leaving the maze and Nate behind her.Because Nate’s coordination made him a little slower to replace his mask when he finally decided to don it after procrastinating so that he could watch Elise disappear into the night without obstruction, he was recognized by a very angry Elizabeth Pratt.  Fortunately, Elizabeth was not informed of the costume Elise chose t
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Chapter 28
The table was abuzz over the prior evening’s excitement when Elise joined them for breakfast.“Just because a woman dressed as Cleopatra was seen scooting across the garden at the same time Elizabeth Pratt managed to hunt down Nate Kimble does not mean that Cleopatra and Nate were in the maze together.  Elizabeth created an astonishing scandal out of spite.  I happen to know that Nate was ditching Elizabeth during the ball.  This was her way of retaliating,” Alexander argued.“What an ungentlemanly thing to do,” Mary gasped.“I don’t believe it was his intention to leave her alone for so long,” Alexander declared defensively.  “I’m partly to blame.  I introduced him to some of my friends and we were drinking whiskey.  Nate was unhappy about discovering old man Pratt considered him an unsuitable match for Elizabeth so he imbibed more than he should.  His condition comin
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Chapter 29
Nate woke up the morning following the masquerade ball with a head that felt like someone beat it with a sledgehammer throughout the night and was beating it still.  He struggled to remember the events of the evening, but was only able to assemble bits and pieces together.  If he was not mistaken, he was assisted home by the very amiable and understanding Mr. Alexander Smithfield.  He was also coerced into drinking an abundant amount of whiskey by that same Mr. Smithfield and his circle of friends.He crept downstairs in hopes of avoiding his mother and sister.  He had no desire to converse with anyone, especially giddy, talkative females.“There you are, dear,” Margaret Kimble called to Nate as his slippered foot touched the highly polished bottom stair of their elegant foyer.  “I was beginning to wonder if I needed to send George up to check on you.”“It was a late night,” Nate explained.&ldq
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Chapter 30
Elise was at a loss of what to say to Alexander.  It was day number two since Nate left his seed inside her.  She was desperate to get to the underground apothecary for treatment to assure she would not get pregnant, but, once again, Alexander was insisting he go with her on her errands.  If she did not know better, she would have thought he suspected her of some mischief. He would be right.“I simply wish to run my errands without a man present,” she said desperately. “It has nothing to do with you.  I don’t wish to have any man along.”“I have known you too long to swallow that malarkey,” Alexander said angrily. “I demand to know what you are up to or I will take the matter to our guardians.”Panic filled Elise. Anthony was not one for idle threats. She saw no choice but to confide in him where she was going and why. Telling Alexander was even harder than she imagined, but i
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