Waves Of My Destiny의 모든 챕터: 챕터 11 - 챕터 20
62 챕터
Chapter - 11:
Next day: Kushi pov: Today mamma and papa are going back to Delhi. We are waiting for Papa and monster to come. They both came. "Kushi take care" Mamma said hugging me. "You too mamma" I said. "Happy journey papa and come home soon" I said. "Thank you and we will come soon only for my daughter" papa said. "You both totally forgot about me" Monster said. "Grow up Adi you are not a kid" Mamma said ruffling his hair and he groaned in response. We all laughed.
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Chapter - 12:
Kushi pov: It has been one week and nothing has changed between us. I'm getting bored by sitting in the same room so I started going to the hospital from the last 4 days. When I'm in my thoughts someone knocked on my cabin door. "Come in" I said and Arvi came inside. "Shall we go for shopping I need to buy some casual clothes" Arvi asked. "When?" I asked. "Today evening and Priya is also coming" Arvi said. "Yeah sure" I said. ...... "Let's go" Arvi said.
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Chapter - 13:
Kushi Pov: Next morning when I woke up I saw him sleeping peacefully. His hand was holding on to my waist. When I tried to remove his hand but he tightened his hold. Relax kushi and try again I said to myself. After struggling for some time I came out of his arms. I quickly did my morning chores, got ready and made breakfast. He also came downstairs and we started having breakfast. "Breakfast is so tasty" he said. "Thank you" I said. I don't why but I felt happiness bubbling inside when he complimented about my cooking. "Maid will come from tomorrow" he said.
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Chapter - 14
Karthik pov: We all reached the venue with baarat. They all welcomed us inside. I was made to sit in the mandap. I was waiting for her to arrive. She made a grand entry with the garland. She is looking breath-taking in her bridal attire and I was lost in her. When she was about to put the garland around my neck, Laksh and bhai lifted me up. Her brother and Aditya lifted her up. The jaimala was done. We took so many photos. Later the priest called me to the mandap. He started reciting mantras. Arvi is called and her friends made her sit beside me. "You are looking dead drop gorgeous" I said in her ear. She lifted her head to look into my eyes and again she averted her gaze.
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Chapter - 15:
Aditya Pov: "Kushi come down or else we will be late for the wedding" I said. She is not fighting with me now like she used to at least we are on talking terms now and I'm waiting for her to accept me as her husband. I'm longing for her love when you will understand me angel. Some things take time to happen but when they happen they make you realize why it was worth to wait. I will wait for her till my last breath. "Coming" she said breaking my stream of thoughts. I'm going through my phone I lifted my head when I heard footsteps. My breath struck in my throat and I was dumbfounded. She is wearing a blue colour lehenga. She is came and stood in front of me.
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Chapter - 16:
Karthik pov: Arvi made Gazar halwa today and it is so tasty. Everyone praising her but I kept quiet and went into our room. I know she will come to the room. When she entered the room she started searching for me. I hugged her from behind placing my head on her shoulder. I praised her but she asked me why I didn't said it before. So my wifey is upset about it. I gave her a bracelet. I made her wear the bracelet. I took her hand kissed her knuckles before going out. I came out of the room with an idiotic grin. "Why are you smiling?" bhai asked. "I'm not smiling" I said. "Lost in your wife thoughts" he asked.
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chapter - 17:
Arvi Pov: "What happened?" he asked me with concern. "Ice-cream" I said. "You want to eat ice-cream in this weather" he asked. "Yep" I said. "You are crazy" he said. "Only for ice-cream" I said and we came out of the car. He brought two ice-creams but I took both the ice-creams from him. "Hey that's mine" he said. "Now it is mine" I said stucking my tounge out at him. "You will eat two ice-creams" he a
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Chapter - 18:
Kushi pov: I tightened my arms around the pillow below me and sighed happily. It's felt warm. I smiled and snuggled more into the warm yet hard pillow. Since when did my pillow became this warm and hard? I opened my eyes and my eyes widened because I was sleeping on top of someone. That someone was Aditya and I was on Aditya's chest. All yesterday's events started flashing in front of my eyes. I am scared about thunderstorms since my childhood and yesterday he handled me very well. For the first time I felt safe and secured with a man other than my chacha. A smile came on my face by looking at him. I think he is not that bad like I thought before. I don't know what came over me I touched his hair and started cares
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Chapter - 19:
Arvi Pov: "Ma I'm going to the hospital. Bye" I said to ma while hugging her. "Bye but be careful" she said and kissed my cheek. I reached hospital in 30 minutes. I'm meeting Kushi today. The moment she saw me she came running towards me and hugged me tightly. "Seems like someone missed me" I said hugging her. "Very much" she said smiling at me. "Me too" I said. We both went inside and all started congratulating me on my wedding. Later we both went to our cabins. I attended one surgery. After lunch the receptionist gave me two files about the patients and I started reading it.
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Chapter - 20:
Aditya pov: I started searching for Kushi but she is nowhere in the sight. I'm panicking about her. Where did she went now? "Nisha I will just come" I said and came out of the dance floor. I started searching for her but she is nowhere in the sight. I went into the lawn but no one is there in the lawn, I turned around to leave suddenly I heard a laughter. I followed it. There she is sitting on a bench and laughing to herself. "Angle what are you doing here alone and why are you laughing?" I asked her. "Oh!! Mr.Mehra why you came here just go enjoy with her" she said. "Angle are you drunk" I asked kneeling down
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