All Chapters of Sarah Killian Serial Killer (For Hire): Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
Chapter 20
CHAPTER 20My musings are interrupted by a knock at the door—it’s David, delivering my micro ear monitor.“Thank you, you’re a dear,” I say, giving him a peck on the cheek as he hands over a small package, about the size of a ring box. “I’ll get this back to you ASAP, I promise.”“Take your time, it won’t be noticed as missing anytime soon,” he replies.I thank him again, and then close the door. I cross to the dining room table, and open up the package, inside of which is what looks like a tiny, tan-colored, plastic candy corn, which is designed to fit right into your ear canal, but can only be seen if someone sticks their eye right up to your ear.It is currently attached to a small USB cable, which I plug into my laptop. Once my laptop has connected with the device, an application automatically opens up, requesting a serial number. I type in the serial number for the bug we had planted in Davison’s office, and after a second there is a beep and the application notifies me that
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Chapter 21
CHAPTER 21Seeing as I have no car, and taking a taxi would be too conspicuous, I walk to the school. It’s fortunately only a twenty-minute walk, and since my adrenaline is pumping rather higher than normal, I make the walk in fifteen minutes. The sun is starting to set, and the autumn air is quite brisk, acting as extra motivation to walk faster than normal.Before entering the school, I do a quick surveillance. Once again, Davison’s car conspicuously stands out as the only car in the school parking lot. But, I also notice a Mercedes that looks suspiciously like Christy’s car, parked conveniently across the street.As nonchalantly as possible, with my heart racing as it is, I cross the street and enter the school through the front door, which I find is still unlocked after Davison left it open for Christy to enter.Once inside and out of the range of prying eyes, I pick up my pace—hoping Davison and Christy will be too involved to hear me approaching. As I move through the vacated
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Chapter 22
CHAPTER 22As William drives me to Enger Tower, I sit back in the town car, and try to think through this situation. I know I’m walking straight into a trap. I’m not stupid. But I also need to get this mess cleaned up as soon as possible.I also can’t help but wonder what the hell Nick thinks he’s playing at. He gave me the place to go to, but never mentioned the date or time I was supposed to go there, so how in the name of porcupines will he know I’ve deciphered his message and am on my way into his trap at this exact moment?The only thing I can figure is that, despite what David said, Nick must have me bugged, or under surveillance, or something David wasn’t able to detect. However Nick was able to know exactly when Bethany and I were going to kill Christy—and then know we were going to the school to bug Davison’s office—must be the same mode upon which he’s relying to know when I’m heading to our rendezvous.When we arrive at Enger Park, William turns back to me and asks, “How
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Chapter 23
CHAPTER 23Weary and sore, I reverse my trek through the dark Enger Park and set into the streets of Duluth. I find a gas station with a payphone and place a call to William Henry. He’s still with his current client, but he’ll be able to pick me up in about an hour or so, so I give him the address of the gas station, and return inside, where it’s warmer.I buy a magazine so I have something to keep my mind occupied, but I can’t focus on the words on the page. The last forty-eight hours play themselves out repeatedly in my head. Worst yet, I can’t believe I actually fucked that sonofabitch. The sex isn’t even what makes me feel most violated. What makes me feel most violated is somehow he knew that making himself look similar to David Brennan would be an effective way to manipulate me—and it fucking worked, damn it.Then, of course, there’s the whole letting him get away thing. On some level, I know I should just be grateful that I walked away with my life intact, but it doesn’t stop
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Chapter 24
CHAPTER 24Naturally, school got cancelled for the rest of the week, in response to the additional deaths of Bethany Martin, Anthony, principal Davison, and Christy Lee Spinner. Can’t say I was disappointed to have the extra time to recuperate and not have to pretend to be Jennifer Donner for a while. I spent the time alternating between soaking in the tub and watching Mister What on streaming. I decided to skip over Brennan’s episodes to the episodes featuring Matthew Smytheson, the actor who replaced Brennan after he left the series. If in the next couple months a Matthew Smytheson look-a-like shows up on my doorstep, I’ll be sure to slit his throat. With my luck, he’d probably turn out to be the real Matthew Smytheson. Ugh.Anyway, after the week’s slight reprieve, I return to classes for my last week of the assignment, just to smooth things over. According to the ‘official’ story, I was attacked at the same time as Bethany and Anthony Hill, and I was left for dead, which provides
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Chapter 25
CHAPTER 25First thing the next morning, William Henry arrives to take me to Duluth airport. I sit the ride to the airport in silence, staring absently out the window at the passing scenery. I tip William well, then begin my mythical and arduous quest of passing through TSA security. I go through the moves blindly and numbly. Check my bags. Wait in line. Keep waiting in line. Get felt up by the TSA operatives, at least this time it’s a woman, so she doesn’t overdo it on the groping. Thank porcupines for small favors.Sit around waiting for the flight to board. Wait in line as the flight boards. Spend four hours getting hit on by the skeezy businessman I am lucky enough to be sitting next to. Wait in line to depart the plane after arriving in Los Angeles, knowing full well that Skeezy Businessman is taking advantage of being behind me to ogle my ass.Meet the town car driver at the bottom of the escalator, holding a sign for ‘Jasmine DeLaney’—the name my return flight was booked unde
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