All Chapters of The Undead Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
122 Chapters
Start of a friendship
However, his wide smile turned into shock upon seeing Calhoun. “Good morning, Cal-...just what the hell are you wearing?” He asked him with wide eyes and Calhoun replied with a smile, “Good morning, alpha. I thought we were going to meet for lunch, not breakfast.” Dominic arched his eyebrows, “So that is your answer for just putting on the first thing your hands touched?” The mage chuckled and eyed Patrick before answering, “Actually, I was just going to go for a walk but then saw Patrick arrive earlier than expected. I wasn’t going to do anything special either so I just came along.” Patrick realized that Calhoun had just saved him from receiving a scolding from his alpha, but he stayed quiet. He only bent his head a little and turned away to leave but Dominic stopped him. “Not so fast, Patrick. I asked you to send him clothes, food, and some essential stuff. What is he wearing?” Patrick turned around but his eyes were fixated
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“How fast does your hair grow, alpha?” She dropped the bags and placed her hands on her hips. However, on seeing another person with him, she immediately squinted her eyes. She couldn't sense the wolf within him so she tried to correct herself thinking that he might be a human. “I mean, alpha of the real estate business…” She added weakly not knowing what to say. A small part of her feared that the alpha would so cold her for barging in the room without making sure if anyone else was around or not. Dominic waved at her and smiled, “He knows, don't worry, come in Martha.” Martha breathed a sigh of relief but then immediately raised her eyebrows, “I don't sense a wolf, is he human?” “Well….yes.” While Martha eyed Calhoun with suspicion, he got up and smiled at her, “My name is Calhoun and I am a mage.” His introduction left the whole mansion eerily silent for some time and the only sound one could hear was the faint flapp
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He added in a small voice as he recalled how the Ancient One had promised that he would help skylark look as good as a real bird if he were to complete a task for him. But now his master wasn't around so he had to figure out all the things for himself starting with skylark and the real reason for him being amongst the werewolves- finding out who was trying to hurt/possess Valencia. The thought of the archon made his heart jump but he didn't know why that was the case. A small part of him was eager to meet her again even if all she did was scowl at him or smile a little too sweetly at him. Martha replied, “Ohhh…” and began trimming his hair. For the next few minutes, the only sound was the clipping sound of the scissors as Martha worked her magic on the mage.  He didn't even know how long his hair had grown or the last time when he had gotten a haircut. Well, if he ignored the one time when a sword had slashed through his hair, missing his neck by
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Inner desires
Looking at the pile of clothes, he spent a second deciding if he was going to go with his initial choice but then gave up. He was never good with picking clothes. He simply pulled down the trouser he was wearing given by Patrick and wore the black jeans given by Dominic. And then he removed his oversized and worn-out shirt and was about to put on the new one when he heard skylark’s caws. That made him walk to the window where Skylark was as usual hovering over the roof. He had become afraid of Martha and slipped out of the room the moment she had been distracted in pulling out the appliances from her bags. Skylark had seen her walk out but was unsure if she was lurking so he had given a call to his master to check if it was safe for him to come inside. After Calhoun repeatedly assured him that it was fine the bird perched on the windowsill and kept looking at the door and every other corner, expecting her to spring up from a corner and lunge at him at
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My bad
Valencia rolled her eyes at the thought and did her best to not look at Calhoun. After the food was served, they began eating quietly and after a few minutes of silence where the only thing audible was the soft clanks of spoons against china, Dominic asked, “So, did you hear any news from your side?” Calhoun knew he was asking about the death of the Ancient One and if it had been discovered. The mage only shook his head and answered, “None, yet. I guess, the mages are all under hibernation or deep meditation themselves.” “Oh, I would like you to be very, very steady in front of me.” Valencia’s wolf chuckled and she hastily added something without thinking, “Why didn't you go to meditate as well?” The wolf chuckled inside her and Valencia realized how rude she must sound to someone who had arrived in their territory after saving her and keeping the fact secret that the highest authority that is the ancient one was dead because of her, no not because of
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“I just saw you leave the lunch unfinished so wanted to check on you. Is something bothering you?”Valencia looked at him and responded, “Why do you think he is here? Is he really going to help us?”The alpha folded his hands across his chest and answered, “I think we shouldn’t really judge him based on the bad blood werewolves and mages have had for centuries. He came in our territory, alone and defenseless, after all.”The last line made her think. She hadn’t really thought of it this way. Though she wouldn't give him credit for that. “You left the table in the middle of lunch. At least, finish your meal.”He added to make her feel good. He didnt like sorrow on her face and would do anything to see her smile again.While they were talking they saw someone come rushing at them through the far corner. Valencia squinted her eyes and put a hand on her eyes as the sunlight was da
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Before either of them knew what was happening, a huge gust of wind threw her to the side while Dominic was suspended in the air as he felt something brush his fur. He looked up to see skylark flapping his large wings and holding him by his claws but ensuring that they didn't hurt him. Relief broke out on the she-wolf’s face to see that the alpha was safe and that the mage’s bird had arrived. That meant the mage was nearby too. She looked around in confusion and sure enough, she saw a man rush towards them wearing a blue shirt and black pants, the same dress she had seen him in some time ago. He looked at the she wolf and then immediately moved his hands like a ball of light shot out of it, hitting the hycwen who had dropped Dominic straight in the chest. Seeing the ball come out of nowhere scared the hycwen as it tumbled down, taking the next one with him. Gritting his teeth, Calhoun marched forward as he sent bursts of balls towards e
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The thought was absurd but as it was almost a direct command of their alpha, they couldn't openly deny her. As such they only looked at her silently and Dominic came to her rescue. He clapped his hands and spoke, “We are also proud of you all for your support and teamwork in today’s battle. Now, please excuse us as we work on finding why the hcywens suddenly attacked us. Those who are okay please tend to the ones who are injured. Dismiss.” He said and the crowd thinned but everybody kept glancing at the mage who had reverted his attention back to his pet bird who was perched on his shoulder. In the sunlight, he looked even better as the blue shirt complimented the grey of his eyes The bodies of the hycwens lay on the ground, half mutilated with some having their organs scattered all over the border. When all the others left, Valencia stifled a scream as pain shot up her leg. For a second, she thought the pain of the wound had returned but when
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A little trouble
For a long time, he kept watching at their retreating figures as even when they were considerably away from him, he could hear their voices perfectly well owing to his magic. “Why is Calhoun such a snub?” Dominic answered, “He saved my neck today so I won't call him that.” She laughed at that, “Yeah, if he hadn’t then?” Dominic seemed to think about it for a moment and replied, “Not even then” She giggled and the sound of her laughter rang in his ears and it went straight to his heart. It made him feel warm and soft inside. It was music to his ears and he wasn’t sure if he had heard such a melody before. What was going on with him? Since when was her laughter music to his ears?  He shook his head as he began walking towards the round hall. He had seen something flicker in the hycwen’s eyes and he wasn’t sure if it was an illusion or if it was real. If it was real, there was more danger to the werewolves tha
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Patrick, Dominic's beta, had taken his leave and quickly exited the place before Dominic could call him out for his mistake. Now, fryege carefully pulled out the book from his bag as if it was made of porcelain and held it in his hands. It was an ancient book with a large hardcover and its pages yellowed and delicate.  Freyge showed his asset proudly to the mage who could only stare at the book in shock. “Where did you get that?” Looking at the book, he walked near and flipped a few pages carefully, not quite believing his eyes. It held information on curses, potions, and hexes along with ingredients, where to find them, the brewing process, and a lot more. It looked like an encyclopedia and a guide to being a mage.
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