All Chapters of The Goddess of Wisdom and creation. (A dark gods novel): Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
243 Chapters
Risk I need to take
(Mazaya The Goddess of wisdom and magical creations pov) "Klaus we have to do something." I cried out as time reset again. Luckily the spell finished awhile before time cracked otherwise Kye would be stuck in transition. For the last 4 hours time would crack and then reset. When the crack happened not even 5 minutes would go by before it was resetting. "He's trying to get you to come to him." Klaus gritted out. "Well I have to stop this and you can't come with because." I was stopped short by a ripple in time. That was faster than before. I watched as pieces of time started to crack off and break. The vines were now floating in the air. It was getting worse. The world looked like a huge mirror had broke and now was only reflecting pieces of the image. "Watch your movements." I whispered. I didnt need to cause more ripples. 5 minutes went by fast but they didn't rewind time back this time. I walked forward and looked through a piece that was missing in the rea
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Sit down
"What. What did you do?" I softly asked. Time was going slow and it was making me sluggish. I expected to hear a smart remark from Alex. Not a baby gurgling and whining. Blake's baby talk was tugging at my heart. This was suppose to be a simple in and out job. "Shhhh it's okay. Mommys here now." Alex cooed out to our son. I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. All the blood was making me jittery because the longer these Gods stayed dead the worse off all realms would be. I looked at Meridith and knew time was limited. She was the dark part of time and I was just the light. "Alex. I need to rewind time. You. Umm. You have to help me so I don't go back to the wrong time." I stuttered out. I was thrown off balance from this. "Come sit down." Alex whispered. I couldn't see much of him because of his chair blocking him. A constant babbling came from behind the chair. Blake was really active. "Mazaya sit." Alex said alittle more forceful. I looked around at
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I closed my eyes and time flashed before me. Usually it was instant but it was actually rewinding everything like a video. I peaked and watched everything move at lighting speed backwards. This was bad. Meridith was critical to time. This was why I was suppose to become one with my dark magic. I made a huge mistake. After feeling and hearing time rewind for a handful of minutes, it finally stopped. I rocked back and forth from dizziness but other than that I felt normal. When I peaked my eye open my heart dropped. A sob got stuck in my throat and my gut churned. Everything was falling off. It looked like the inside of a fun house had fallen apart. The void was taking over and it was dull now. The animals that were once alive were now taking their last breaths. "Klaus." I yelled as I realized he was no where. "Klaus please. Kye. I know we agreed not to use your name but please Kye. Where are you." I cried out as I rushed to look for him. I kept having to go around missing
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Dark magic now
"As long as you're with me that's all that matters. You are everything to me beautiful." Alexander whispered. He didn't understand that the meek Mazaya was gone. I was only doing this to save the universe and because him being married made this the smartest option. "Okay can you fix this? I don't like sitting in the dark." I whispered. I needed him to fix this before it started to cause permanent damage. "I need you to promise first." He said as he brought me closer. "Promise what?" I asked trying to hide the dread that I was feeling. "Promise that as long as I look you in the eyes and am genuinely sorry, you will give me another chance." He said. That wasn't to bad. He wasn't asking for much. "Okay." I rushed out. "Okay." He repeated as he kissed me as few times. I had to hold in the frustration from him kissing me because this was not how things were suppose to end today. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Even in the void I could smell spice and cinnamon.
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Every meeting
After Alex lost interest in me, everyone else seemed to also. For the rest of the day I listened to reports on things I would rather not have to be bothered with. Who would've known that these meetings could go on and on? After listening to pointless arguments for hours on how to get the rebels to back down I decided I had enough "Enough." I snapped out as I banged my head on the table gaining everyone's attention. I closed my eyes and prayed to the God makers to guide me because I was about to die of boredom. "Is something wrong?" Alex softly asked. I blew out some air before I was looking up at him. "If you are bored you can head out." He suggested. I smiled alittle before closing my eyes again. "I bet you would like that. Unfortunately for you though, I will be joining every meeting because I don't trust you." I dryly stated. That seemed to receive a reaction. "You aren't required at all meetings. We have." Alexan started to speak but I stopped that qu
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So much power
(Alexander The God of absolute dark power pov) I had never known what I was missing until this moment. The power that I felt traveling through my body was intoxicating. I watched as more and more power flowed through me. After my wife showed me how to take the dark power out, it was like I knew how to do it all my life. "When the last ounce of power flows through you, we will have to release it together and combine it." She said as she leant over my shoulder alittle to get a better look. I had to contain my smirk because If she eventually allowed me full control over her magic we would not have to take the extra step. I would bide my time but eventually I would wear her down with love. I felt more and more power flow into me and it felt right. "Okay you are almost done. Release it forward like I did and I'll do the same. But do it slow." She ordered right as the last drop of power was absorbed into me. I took a second to allow the magic to flow through me. I felt like a
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I was in complete dispair as I watched Alex's eyes turn black. "We had an agreement. Peace for my daughters hand in marriage." Silas snapped out. "I think I'll just break that agreement now. Tod." Alex declared. I watched as Tod broke the bond within seconds. I looked down at Alexs wrist to confirm. His wrist started burning inscriptions confirming the broken bond. I looked forward and watched as Alexans eyes turnt purple. They weren't really going to fight over a marriage. "Alex let's not start a war." I softly pleaded as I grabbed his hand. He looked at me before kissing my hand. Butterflies fluttered in my heart just from his lips lingering. The stubble tickled my hand causing Warmth spread everywhere. I pulled my hand back as I realized our bond was fixed and he just broke his marriage with Angel. A scream pulled my attention from Alex. I looked over to Angel who was holding her chest. "Daddy." Angel screamed in agony as tears ruined her perfect face. B
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For you
I looked at Alex and felt the power projecting off of him. He had absorbed the essence of some of the most powerful Gods in existence. I looked at all the Dead Gods on the floor or slouched over their chairs and realized I had to leave before he bound me to him forever. My soul may weep from being away from him but atleast I could protect the universe from afar. I tried to teleport out but it was completely blocked off. I looked over to Meridith who was talking to Alex. I had to thread lightly otherwise he would know I was trying to leave. "Hey beautiful." He smiled as I walked up to them. I had to walk over multiple dead bodies so I definitely was not able to fake a smile. So before I could even talk he was grabbing my face and making me look at him. He seemed to contemplate something before he gave me a small kiss. "You're upset. I know this seems extreme but I did this for you baby. I knew how jealous you were about having to share me and he refused the divorce s
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My son
"We had an agreement. Peace for my daughters hand in marriage." Silas snapped out. It took a second for me to come to my senses. That was a vision. Blake. All the deaths of the magic court guards. "Agreement now. Tod." Alex ordered to Tod again. Without much though I was freezing everyone in the room besides Alex. I got a second chance. "Wheres Blake?" I rushed out as I looked around. Alexs black eyes turnt back to grey faster then before. That was good. "Is everything okay sweetheart." He asked me. He grabbed my hand and my heart jumped. I looked down at our connected hands and felt the connection our souls had. That was impossible. Blake's fussing had me looking over. "You asked for Blake my lady." The subordinate stated as he handed me Blake. I gained the biggest smile as I looked at him. "Oh mommy's baby." I cooed as I cheesed from ear to ear. This was the best outcome. Blake had the biggest teethless smile which made me even more happy. "Baby is ever
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God of unknowing manipulation and control
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) I watched as my beautiful wife fidgeted with my book. She was at war with herself right now. She was fighting the love. One minute she was all in love and happy and the next she was remembering that I was dark. I could see it in the way she played with her hands. I had been standing here waiting for her to get up for awhile now. "You know everyone is still frozen beautiful." I whispered out seductively next to her ear.. That seemed to work wonders. She pushed back a bit before she was reluctantly standing up. I would've been offended but I could see the love in her eyes. Plus the way her cheeks turnt a rosey red when I called her Beautiful meant our love was strong. She was scared of my love. Scared that it was a all a lie. Soon she would learn she was smart to be scared but not for the reasons she thought. "You can sit down." She softly pointed out. Her voice was like a kitten. She thought she had bite but she def
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