Semua Bab Get me married: Bab 161 - Bab 170
209 Bab
Father's visit
The movement beside me, made me struggle and I opened my eyes. The fair skin and chest of Jordan was the first thing my eyes fell on and a smile appeared on my lips immediately. He looked down on me and smiled back, then he placed a kiss on my head.“Good morning, my love,”“Good morning, my prince,” I responded, slightly taken aback by the way I called out to him. His eyes sparkled like the morning sun, enhancing the brown within to seem like diamond and his grin only widened.“I see, that’s where you both are…” a voice suddenly came from behind me. I turned my head to find the familiar figure of mom Leona walking in. My cheeks heated up and I turned back to Jordan, burying my face in his chest. She was literally going to see us in such a position and just the thought of that reminded me of the previous night. Jordan had showed me in so many ways that he loved me. Even the way he moved inside me, the kisses he kissed, the groans of pleasure and the way he kissed my body. That memory
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A dying son
JORDANI froze at the familiar tone and the beautiful atmosphere and the beautiful air surrounding us suddenly disappeared. With his very presence, my happiness was sucked away and the suffocation that came with it almost seemed like it was about to take my life as well. With a hard gulp, I looked away from the dish in front of me and turned to the direction of the voice. My heart could only pray and wish that I was hearing the wrong thing but when my eyes actually fell on him, I realized that he was truly there. With the pomposity, confidence and aura of a man in power and of a Chase himself he came close, I must confess that he looked dashing for his age, even with something as a black suit. My heart skipped and a terrible feeling settled at the pit of my stomach. Something hard plunged right into my chest, hurting me so badly and suffocating me that my throat went dry almost instantly.I gulped hard and moved my eyes away from him. I would prefer to plug my eyes out than look at hi
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Longer years
I stared at him, refusing to react to his statement too. His words had reached a deeper part of my heart and the fear and guilt of the secret I was hiding from Genesis resurfaced almost immediately. But I didn’t say a word or make a visible reaction. He was really looking forward to hurting me with his words. Or he was either trying to figure a way to get information from me. What ever he was trying to do, I just didn’t care anymore and simply wanted him to leave.“Call my guards, Aiden,” I ordered, not once taking my eyes off him.“Jordan…” mom came closer to me, probably to tell me that I was not doing the right thing. But I didn’t have the time to listen to her and maybe she noticed and didn’t bother to continue.“Guards…”“Your guards?” father saw it as a joke and smirked at me. It was of course not a joke and just as quickly as his smirk came, footsteps followed behind me, lots of it. I looked away from him and told to the men that were supposed to be guarding my house.“How did
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Leaving again
Days went by quickly and life became better for me and everyone else. I was beyond happy, I was exceptionally happy and I could not help the way things were turning out for me. My life with Jordan had turned into a Disney fairy tale where I had my happily ever after and there was nothing more to it. We spent our days loving each other till our hearts content. Jordan didn’t seem to ever want to stop, he was always all over me and I loved it. If he went out, it was always for a short period of time and when he did come back, I would be treated nothing more than a princess and he my prince, charming.Just like every other day, we spent our time at home, doing absolutely nothing but loving each other as husband and wife were supposed to have done. But this time, I was at my studio, finishing up some work when the door opened with a loud bang, almost making me lose focus. I whipped my head to the door, feeling rather angry at the mistake that could have been made. It was one of the very ar
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Contaminated gene
My heart was aching so badly at the sight of her and so was my need for her growing so badly. I watched her walk around the room with so much restlessness, yet she was trying to hide the fact that she was restless and wary. And I was feeling the exact same thing.“My love,” I called out and gestured for her to come over to the bed. She turned to me and sighed, but slowly walked up to me. She got under the duvet and I pulled her closer to me, taking in the scent of her hair and body.“I will be back soon,” I tried to reassure her and myself as well, the thought of being so far from her didn’t seem good to me. I would rather remain beside her than miles away from her and that was what was required of me. How could the universe have been so unfair towards me? Was my fate really that bad? Did I do something horrendous in my other life to warrant such punishment? If my life was going to be this way, why make me feel this, why make my love her, why allow her into my life? It would have bee
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A long vacation and an unknown destination
The morning came so quickly. It looked like it was also against me and had risen quicker than it usually rose. Maybe, they also didn’t want me to spend time with her. My flight had been booked and I had to leave soon and early too. I had postponed by movement by two days because of the woman who was next to me and my mother was not getting pleased anymore, neither were the doctors. They had suggested that I went on with the procedures here in the state, but I had refused. I didn’t want suspicion or sudden news to break out about my current situation and knowing how small of a state it actually was, I could bump into someone I know or Genesis could find out somehow. But if I was reported to be away and out of the country for business, no one would want to poke their nose into my business and it would be better to hide that way.With a stifled yawn, I opened my eyes and turned to greet my wife a good morning, when I realized that she wasn’t there. I frowned, hating the thought of not se
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Needing a heart
Her voice sounded scared, like she was certain that I might not return and it scared me. But of course, I needed more of her love and without her request, I was going to return. “Yes, my love,” I responded with a smile. “Make sure you eat, sleep and don’t move out without guards. Do you hear? Also, stay away from Nate, my father and anything that has to do with them and that Tiana friend of yours,” I instructed, suddenly remembering all the things I wanted to warn her about. She smiled for a second and nodded her head. “Better don’t look at any women out there,” she chided and I chuckled. If only she knew how beautiful she was, she would understand that other women were simply garbage in my eyes. “If I do, go ahead and kill me,” I stamped my feet on the ground and turned a serious face like a soldier, making her chuckle. “Nice, comrade, I hold you by your word,” she responded and I chuckled. I took a deep breath immediately after, it was officially time to leave, to look for a lif
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Missing her husband
GENESISMy heart was beginning to ache again and my thoughts were running wide with more thoughts. I had not heard from Jordan for over a week and it was beginning to get me sick to the stomach. He had truly said that he would not be reachable before he left and even told me that he would not be available anymore but I had hoped that it won’t be so and even if he had to be unreachable, it would only be for a few days. I truly believed that it would not be so bad because we talked frequently the first few days and weeks he left. But not being able to reach him anymore was scaring the hell out of me. Sleep had started evading my eyes and my mind was always wondering where he was or what he was doing.I sighed seeing that the sun was up and got up from the bed weakly. The room was beginning to get lonely as the day went by and my heart was beginning to ache. Talking with him was better than not being able to hear from him at all and the three weeks he spoke off had elapse. Did something
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Father in law's strange request
I stared at my reflection with a gloom look on my face. Nothing seemed right, nothing seemed good, nothing seemed perfect, nothing seemed to be worth it anymore. All I could see was a girl who missed her husband and who is worried sick for him. How could he not be reachable? He might be sick? He might be dying, he might be in a hospital, he might need me. But there was a big possibility that he didn’t feel any of this. If he did, he wouldn’t have allowed me remain in the same depressed state I was in. My husband would have come to me, to hold me, to kiss me and whisper loving words in my ears where I would no longer be able to let go.But what if he can’t come to you?I swallowed loudly and felt a tightening feeling in my chest. My annoyance was gone in a swift mood and that question rang in my head as a miserable feeling settled on me. I was so worried about him, it felt like I would lose my mind anytime soon if I heard nothing.His cousins were not back yet, so I certainly could not
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Almost complete
With a deep breath, then an exhale, I stepped out of the house. It was sunny, but the air was cold and I was grateful for the coat I was putting on. I wore a white gown that stopped above my knees and a pair of white heels and a black colored coat that was just as long as the gown I was putting on. My makeup was heavy but the shade I was putting on did well to hide this. Then I packed my hair into an updo and wore jewelries and a matching bag.Lots of guards were outside of course and a car was ready for me. Jasmine was right beside me, and she was doing her job. Listing the names of people who I had specially invited and names of the artists whose art would also be exhibited. I was partly listening to her as she spoke and partly thinking about my mother-in-law and my father-in-law who I had spoken to earlier. I was about to step into the car that had the doors wide and open for me when my eyes caught sight of something sparkling and shining. I stopped in my tracks and turned to the e
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