All Chapters of Ang bodyguard kong bading (TAGLISH): Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
215 Chapters
Chapter 141
[Tawa-tawa ka dyan samantalang kami dito mababaliw sa kakaalala saiyo!] Napatigil ako sa pagtawa dahil sa pag bulyaw nito sakin. Naiintindihan ko naman kung kung ba't ganyan siya ngayon, alam kung concern lang talaga sakin si Bellie."Pasensiya na Bellie, mahabang kwento kase kaya i-ku-kwento ko nalang pag nag kita tayo okay? Saka ayos na naman ako ngayon pero di pa ako pwede umalis ng bahay eh, bantay sarado ako ngayon alam mo na." Wika ko. Dinig ko naman ang buntong hininga nito. [Sige basta't ba ayos ka na ngayon sapat na sakin yon. Mag iingat ka dyan palagi, ikaw lang ang nag iisang super bitch friend ko kaya alagaan mo ang sarili mo!] Natawa naman ako sa sinabi niya."Okay na sana eh, sinabihan mo pa talaga ako na bitch friend huh." Iling kong saad.[Hayst, na miss kita Vee. Pag nagkita talaga tayo sasakalin kita hmmp!] Baklang to! Masakit pa nga katawan ko tapos sasakalin pa ako baliw talaga gosh."I miss you---" hindi ko natapos ang sasabihin ng may biglang humablot ng cellpho
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Chapter 142
Vee Anika Wisconsin's Pov.."Anong ginagawa mo??" Taka kung tanong sakanya. Nakaupo siya ngayon sa sofa at may laptop sa harapan nito."Video call." "Ha? Kanino??" Nandito lang ako sa kama ngayon nakahiga na nakatakilid habang nakatingin sakanya ngayon."Don sa mga bata sa orphanage.""Ahhh, mga bata pala.' Tumango-tango ako.[Kuya Jamesss!!] Dinig ko ang boses ng mga bata, medyo malakas kase ang volume siguro.Nag usap-usap lang sila nong mga bata at nagtatawanan hanggang sa ilang minuto pa ang lumipas ay tinawag ako ni James. "Ms. Vee gusto ka daw nila makita." Saad nito pero umiling ako bilang sagot na ayoko."Vee sige na excited silang makita ka saka miss ka na nila." Mahinang sabi niya."Okay, fine." Bumangon ako at dahan-dahang umalis sa kama saka nag lakad papunta sa gawi niya. Tumabi ako sakanyang umupo at nakita ko naman ang mga bata nakaupo sa sahig.Kumaway ako sakanila at ngumiti ganon din naman ang ginawa nila. Ilang minuto pa ang lumipas ay nakiusap sila kay James na ma
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Chapter 143
"Never fear," said his friend. "Only sit quietly, and there will be no danger."They had now risen far into the air, and Bamboo could look down over the great forest of Hsi Ling all bathed in moonlight. There were the broad white roads leading up to the royal tombs, the beautiful temples, the buildings where oxen and sheep were prepared for sacrifice, the lofty towers, and the high tree-covered hills under which the emperors were buried. Until that night Bamboo had not known the size of this royal graveyard. Could it be that the turtle would carry him beyond the forest? Even as he asked himself this question he saw that they had reached a mountain, and the turtle was ascending higher, still higher, to cross the mighty wall of stone.Bamboo grew dizzy as the turtle rose farther into the sky. He felt as he sometimes did when he played whirling games with his little friends, and got so dizzy that he tumbled over upon the ground. However, this time he knew that he must keep his head and
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Chapter 144
"Ate Vee ikaw naman po mag kwento!" Saad nilang lahat."H-Ha? Ano oum, si Kuya James muna oh, madami siyang kwento sainyo ngayon." Sabi ko. Tinignan naman ako ni James at kinurot ko siya sa tagiliran. "Sige na kaya mo na yan." Sabay bulong ko sakanya."A-Ah, s-sige I mean, oo marami."Prince Yamato Take."The insignia of the great Japanese Empire is composed of three treasures which have been considered sacred, and guarded with jealous care from time immemorial. These are the Yatano-no-Kagami or theMirror of Yata, the Yasakami-no-Magatama or the Jewel of Yasakami, and the Murakumo-no-Tsurugi or the Sword of Murakumo.Of these three treasures of the Empire, the sword of Murakumo, afterwards known as Kusanagi-no-Tsrugugi, or the grass-cleaving sword, is considered the most precious and most highly to be honored, for it is the symbol of strength to this nation of warriors and the talisman of invincibility for the Emperor, while he holds it sacred in the shrine of his ancestors.Nearly
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Chapter 145
The governor then led the Prince to a wild and extensive plain where the grass grew high and in great abundance. Quite ignorant that the governor had laid a trap for him with the desire to compass his death, the Prince began to ride hard and hunt down the deer, when all of a sudden to his amazement he saw flames and smoke bursting out from the bush in front of him. Realizing his danger he tried to retreat, but no sooner did he turn his horse in the opposite direction than he saw that even there the prairie was on fire. At the same time the grass on his left and right burst into flames, and these began to spread swiftly towards him on all sides. He looked round for a chance of escape. There was none. He was surrounded by fire."This deer hunt was then only a cunning trick of the enemy!" said the Prince, looking round on the flames and the smoke that crackled and rolled in towards him on every side. "What a fool I was to be lured into this trap like a wild beast!" and he ground his tee
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Chapter 146
"Ohh, ikaw naman Vee ang mag kwento sabi mo kanina diba marami ka rin kwento." Nanlaki naman ang mata ko sa sinabi niya."Gagu kang bakla ka wala akong sinabing ganon!" Bulyaw kong bulong sakanya. "Talaga Ate Vee? Heheh.""Siguro nag handa ng mga magagandang kwento si Ate Ves satin heheh.""Love na love tayo ni Ate Vee heheh.""Wala naman akong sinasabing heheh." Panggagaya ko sa boses nila.Ilang segundo ang lumipas ay tahimik lang sila at ako rin, pati si James. Mukhang may inaantay yata sila eh.Napaisip naman ako sa i-ku-kwento kong bago sakanila. "Okay sige ito na mag k-kwento na ako The king of the ogres."In the land of Annam there once dwelt a man named Su, who sailed the seas as a merchant. Once his ship was suddenly driven on a distant shore by a great storm. It was a land of hills broken by ravines and green with luxuriant foliage, yet he could see something along the hills which looked like human dwellings. So he took some food with him and went ashore. No sooner had he
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Chapter 147
"The story of the old man who made withered trees to flower."Long, long ago there lived an old man and his wife who supported themselves by cultivating a small plot of land. Their life had been a very happy and peaceful one save for one great sorrow, and this was they had no child.Their only pet was a dog named Shiro, and on him they lavished all the affection of their old age. Indeed, they loved him so much that whenever they had anything nice to eat they denied themselves to give it to Shiro.Now Shiro means "white," and he was so called because of his color. He was a real Japanese dog, and very like a small wolf in appearance. The happiest hour of the day both for the old man and his dog was when the man returned from his work in the field, and having finished his frugal supper of rice and vegetables, would take what he had saved from the meal out to the little veranda that ran round the cottage.Sure enough, Shiro was waiting for his master and the evening tit-bit. Then the old
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Chapter 148
"Giauna the beautiful."ONCE upon a time there was a descendant of Confucius. His father had a friend, and this friend held an official position in the South and offered the young man a place as secretary. But when the latter reached the town where he was to have been active, he found that his father's friend had already died. Then he was much embarrassed, seeing that he did not have the means to return home again. So he was glad to take refuge in the Monastery of Puto, where he copied holy books for the abbot.About a hundred paces west of the monastery stood a deserted house. One day there had been a great snowfall, and as young Kung accidentally passed by the door of the house, he noticed a well dressed and prepossessing youth standing there who bowed to him and begged him to approach. Now young Kung was a scholar, and could appreciate good manners. Finding that the youth and himself had much in common, he took a liking to him, and followed him into the house. It was immaculately
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Chapter 149
"Gusto niyo ba ng Japanese story. Sige yong may gusto taas ang kamay, okay sige mukha lahat naman yata gusto ah.""The stone of five colours and the empress Jokwa."Long, long ago there lived a great Chinese Empress who succeeded her brother the Emperor Fuki. It was the age of giants, and the Empress Jokwa, for that was her name, was twenty-five feet high, nearly as tall as her brother. She was a wonderful woman, and an able ruler. There is an interesting story of how she mended a part of the broken heavens and one of the terrestrial pillars which upheld the sky, both of which were damaged during a rebellion raised by one of King Fuki's subjects.The rebel's name was Kokai. He was twenty-six feet high. His body was entirely covered with hair, and his face was as black as iron. He was a wizard and a very terrible character indeed. When the Emperor Fuki died, Kokai was bitten with the ambition to be Emperor of China, but his plan failed, and Jokwa, the dead Emperor's sister, mounted the
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Chapter 150
"Princess Haise, a story of old Japan.Many, many years ago there lived in Nara, the ancient Capital of Japan, a wise State minister, by namePrince Toyonari Fujiwara. His wife was a noble, good, and beautiful woman called Princess Murasaki (Violet). They had been married by their respective families according to Japanese custom when very young, and had lived together happily ever since. They had, however, one cause for great sorrow, for as the years went by no child was born to them. This made them very unhappy, for they both longed to see a child of their own who would grow up to gladden their old age, carry on the family name, and keep up the ancestral rites when they were dead.The Prince and his lovely wife, after long consultation and much thought, determined to make a pilgrimage to the temple of Hase-no-Kwannon (Goddess of Mercy at Hase), for they believed, according to the beautiful tradition of their religion, that the Mother of Mercy, Kwannon, comes to answer the prayers of
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