All Chapters of The Chosen : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 Chapters
Last Shot
“You... how dare you!!!” she approaches Amelia who is now shaking, she starts moving back as the queen moves next to her and suddenly, now the sky starts getting dark and it seemed like it was almost raining, she was so powerful that she could control anything under her territory. Edward does not know what to do, Geri is now terrified as he looks at her scary face, she was not happy at all and no one could stop her. They do not know what to do and they await to see what she is about to do.Amelia takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. she now finds the perfect time to use her one and only weapon that she has always kept like a secret, she had the scream of death, a weapon that no one knew she was the one possessing , her eyes are still closed trying to concentrate before she unleashes the scream of death, it was so strong and powerful, loud enough to make anybody around lose their hearing on the spot.The queen mother is now facing herd directly and looking a
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The witches wish
Amelia breathing heavily and she is wounded by the queen mother, she tries running as hard as she can but she doesn’t seem to be moving and now she will not be lucky at all if it goes on like this. It was just a matter of time and she knew that. Edward and geri on the other side aren’t speaking at all, Edward takes a step and starts heading back but suddenly he hears a cry that stops him, it was Amelia, he now starts running to the direction and increases his speed as the cry goes on. She was indeed in trouble just from the way she was screaming. Edward struggles as hard as he could to reach her but it was too late, he arrives at the area and finds Amelia lying on the floor and he could barely identify her, he feels her body and realizes she was not yet dead, he thinks again and lifts her up, carries her body and starts running, she was definitely still around, looking for them in the woods.Amelia was fighting for her life and Edward could not allow her to die, he
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The Rebirth
Amelia was transformed with the crowns power and the queen mother was not able to do anything, the crown was the core of her power and she is filled with unlimited power, the queen mother is on the edge of her defeat. One of her own kind who was viewed as the weak now stands a chance to finish her, she never viewed her ending to be this way and now the worst that she could never wish for was about to happen to her. Amelia rises like a reborn creature, she is surrounded with unlimited power, now the powerful witch, she rises and standing so high above everyone else she now turns to her queen mother, now fragile, her own power is nothing as compared to Amelia, the crown held an enormous kind of power that has always been in some mean hands, now it falls on the hands of Amelia and she has to choose what to do with it, the queens wrath now stands by Amelia’s power.Amelia was filled with pain that she had longed yearned to let it go, she had always learnt to live with the pai
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Silent Hunter
The two run through the field and both of them were amaizingly fast, they were even faster and they pass a lion chasing the deers at the field, Geri was fast but Edward was more than fast, his legs could barely be seen he runs past Geri in a matter of few seconds. Geri cannot let him win this time, he was a wolf but he knew he had a monster with him, he unleashes it and he is now running on two legs, as Edward approaches the end of the field, Geri takes a huge jump and lands at the end of the field before Edward could reach there. He turns back and looks at Edward who was just some seconds away, they don’t stop they go on running through the next woods, they run and run, and now they are level, something weird happens as they are looking at each other, there is a third wolf, dark as the night, its eyes were invisible, he was running with them, it was just like a dream, they cannot clearly see who it is due to the high speed. The black wolf runs past them and goes ahead of them
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Love Struggles
Life back at the community was now getting better and better, Geri was back, everything was back to normal and each one of the wolf was living a peaceful life. Geri and Edward get to live together and Geri even gets to meet and know lupita, he knew her before but now she is Edwards girlfriend and they get to get out frequently and hang out together most of the time. One beautiful day the three of themare out in the forests hunting and they are having a really good time, each one of them has to show their hunting skills and they begin with lupita.“Come on girl, show us how you catch dear out here” Edward tells her as they slowly walk through the forests, she hasn’t been out hunting for so long and she has not choice but to join them in the test.“Okayy, just give me a minute” she tells them and walks ahead of them, they both look at each other and wonder what she might be up to. Lupita starts looking through the bushes and bends down to the gr
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Edward chooses a different path and wants to hunt something bigger, he walks between the trees and runs into a bear, a huge one, and it did not look friendly, he meets it unexpectedly and they both stop looking at each other, he tries walking past it and it did the same, they slowly walk past each other while maintaining eye contact, each of them ready for a move. Edward now looks behind him and the bear was also looking at him, no one was willing to leave so soon, the bear wanted to watch Edward walk away but Edward also wanted to do the same, both of them did not felt like something was not right at all and Edward makes the first move and turns back to the bear. Standing on two feet, the bear starts roaring out loud. Edward jumps right at the bears and they start fighting, the bear takes off and Edward was behind him, not giving him a chance, he wasn’t going to let him get away, he follows the bear to a direction he is not aware, all he wanted was to put the bear down and wi
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Road to nowhere
Mary goes on thinking about it and she cannot get over it, she knew he wasn’t far from them and he was he really missed him so bad, it has been a while and her life has never been the Same since Geri left him with his brother and disappeared to nowhere. Edward had spotted them and he now heads back to where Lupita and Geri were. He does not catch anything as they expected him to be back with a huge catch. He found them quiet, just looking at each other.“What’s going on here, what’s with the silence guys?” he starts talking.“So you managed to catch nothing at all Edward, kept us waiting for almost an hour” Geri says to him as he stands up.“What do you mean an hour, I haven’t even…” Edward tries to explain himself but Geri walks away before he even finishes his sentence, he turns to Lupita and she looks down.“What is going on here, why are you all acting weird!” he shouts at her and
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Friends from the moon
Geri roars at Sam and he blacks out on the spot. He turns and looks at the truck driver holds his hands.“if you want to live you have to listen and do to everything I tell you to do, okay?” he tells the driver and he agrees with him.“Stop the truck now” the driver slowly slows down and parks the truck at the road side and Geri jumps out still looking at him, he was so scared and he was now raising his hands. Geri looks behind and sees Edward and Lupita running towards him.“What was that all about” Edward asks him and Geri shows him the bullet wound which was already healing as they were speaking. He looks at the truck and notices the guy lying helplessly on the seat and turns to Geri.“You killed him??” he is now shocked.“No, he is alive, now let’s take a ride, it will be fun” he jumps up and slowly lifts Sam’s body and puts him outside, the truck driver tries speaking but Geri looks
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Nowhere To Run
Lupita walks towards the store nearby and gets in, the shopkeeper looks at her and does not seem to understand her at all, she has never in a long time seen such an outfit she is putting on.“Hello darling, welcome in” the old woman smiles at Lupita as she welcomes her in, she picks her sunglasses and puts them on to have a clear view. She was indeed a beautiful lady but she wore some old clothes and the old woman fails to understand why. Lupita walks through the store and looks at the foodstuffs she picks a chocolate candy and starts eating immediately, she is so amazed by its taste and she picks some two more and quickly heads outside to give them to Edward and Geri. He gets out of the store and does not see them, she hears them speaking from the back. She tries going to the back of the store but she is stopped by the store owner.“Hey darling you need to pay for those, and please do not get in there, those are the males washrooms, ladies this way&rdquo
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Monster Trap
Now they were in the middle of a huge problem, out here in the public, they had nowhere to run, the truck slows down and suddenly comes to a stop in the middle of the road. Geri is pissed of and so is Edward and Lupita, they were freaking out, not knowing what to do. They knew the driver was the cause of all this but they could do nothing, killing him could only make it worse and they choose to do nothing to him.Several police vehicles are blocking the road ahead of them and others come from the back, they can hear a loud voice from the helicopter above them telling them to step out of the truck hands on their head. They remain calm for some minutes and this confuses the police officers, no activity was going on in the truck and not even a single sound was coming from there. The police cannot have a clear visual of what is going on.“Put your hands up and slowly step out of the vehicle immediately” one of the police officers takes a loudspeaker and tells them,
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