All Chapters of The North Star: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Buried at sea: Ariadne spent all day focusing on the isle contact; she couldn't find what she was missing. It was frustrating she knew it was there but it wasn't standing out to her, Orion was now overlooking it as well. He was becoming just as frustrated. Ariadne had come up with a list of men who were on the Ariadne’s Crown and Andromeda. So far she had five names. It wasn't uncommon for men to swap ships. Especially if they were in the business of making money. Many times men would hop off one ship and jump on the other with no breaks just to continue earning money. She rubbed her forehead as Orion came through the front door. “Any luck?” He asked her as he sat more papers down. “I have five names that were on both ships.” Ariadne said, sighing deeply. “Ok let me
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Chapter Twelve
Bucket: Ariadne stumbled up the walkway to their house every now and then clinging to her brother. Orion laughed as he steadied her. “Why don't you just lean on me the rest of the way.” Orion said, trying not  to laugh as he tried to grab Ariadne before she stumbled again. “No, I am just fine.” She said, drawing out the last word, swatting her brother away. “Oh I bet you think you are.” Orion laughed letting her wander from the path a little. “I am! I am just great!” Ariadne said, stopping and looking at him as she flapped her arms exgrateredly.  “Mhmm. Your head is going to feel really great in the morning.” Orion laughed walking past her.
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Chapter Thirteen
  Note Fairy: Danica stretched, warmth radiated from the side of her. She wiggled closer to it curling into it slightly. She felt it tighten around her. At that moment her brain woke up. Her eyes shot open and she found herself tangled up with Kaleb. His arm draped across her pulling her tightly to his chest. He was still asleep. She got lost in the moment, a small smile came across her face as she watched him. His face was originally scowled but as his grip tightened he seemed to relax. She watched the small amount of sunlight dance across his auburn hair and fall across his face. He had a stumble forming on his chin and lower jaw she reached out and ran her finger down the length of his jaw, the stumble tickling her finger. If at all possible it made him even more handsome. He responded to her touch by wrapping his other arm around her. He nuzzled his face into the nape of her neck, sending
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Chapter Fourteen
Error: The door slamming behind her drew the attention of the crew. They all seemed to pause and look her way. The glare was still on her face as eyes fell on her. Several of the crew members looked away quickly and the ones still looking wished they had followed suit. Danica narrowed her eyes at them and it was chilling. The men quickly went back to their duties. She walked away from the door and began walking down the stairs. The cabin door flew open behind her. “Dan- Captain.” Kaleb said, catching himself as Danica spun on her heels facing him, her eyes burning holes into him. “Watch what you say.” Danica said, taking a step towards him. “I was just, can we go talk -” Kaleb began trying to find the right thing to say but not draw attention which was already on the
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Chapter Fifteen
  Fall: Danica stood at the helm, her hands firmly on the wheel, the sun beginning to set. Jacob had come by several times to take over but she was still too annoyed with Kaleb to leave the wheel just yet, Jacob came by offering food and a quick break just before sunset and Danica threatenly chased him off. The sky was beautiful shades of red and orange with hints of pink streaks as she shifted her foot slightly. She felt awful but she told herself it was because she had been so annoyed today. Her headache and she felt shaky but she pushed it to the back of her mind, enjoying the sun set. “Captain, I know it's not my place but you really should switch out. I think  you  might hold the record for staying at the helm the longest.” Adam said coming up behind her with a small smile on his face, trying to keep the mood light.
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Chapter Sixteen
Mutiny: Screaming, loud angry screaming. Danica shifted in the bed. She couldn't have been asleep long. Checking her surroundings he realized that Kaleb was gone. She stood quickly heading to the cabin door. The yelling becomes louder and clearer.“She's not fit to be captain!” An angry slur came across.“She is Gavin and Morgan’s daughter, it hers right.” Jacob’s voice said calmly.“She has no fucking right beiing on this ship, never mind commanding it.” The voice yelled back.“Watch your fucking mouth.” Kaleb said back.“Listen boy, I'll run my sword through your gut so fast you won't even know you're dead t
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Chapter Seveteen
Kiss: Ariadne slammed the last bit of paper down. She had redone all current contracts. She was exhausted and had an awful headache. She didn't know when the last time she ate was. She heard a soft knock at the door of the office. She looked at it wondering who it could be, Orion would just walk in. “Come in.” She called to the door, she was holding her head in her hands. The door opened slowly and Patrick popped his head in. He smiled at her as he pushed the door open the rest of the way. He then held up a plate of food and a glass to her. She smiled widely at him. Her stomach grumbled immediately seeing the plate. “You’ve been here so long, I've left and came back twice. I thought you might be hungry.” He smiled and brought the plate over.
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Chapter Eighteen
*Chapter contains Sexual content*Never:Danica sighed as she walked into the captain’s cabin, her arm was throbbing. She was ignoring  the best she could. She walked over to the desk and sat down. She glanced down at the piece of cloth she had tied over her wound, that was once white now bright red. She sighed again, her hand was starting to ache the pain radiating down into her finger tips. She pulled open the drawer to the right of her. Reaching, she grabbed some bandages. She frowned and she needed something to clean it with. She stood going to walk to the door. The door opened up and Kaleb walked in holding a basin of water in his hands. She frowned instantly seeing him. She went to fold her arms across her chest to emphasize how displeased she was that he was here but the pain in her arm made her wince instead. 
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Chapter Nineteen
Caught: “I can't do this anymore!”Patrick shouted, slamming his fist down onto the desk causing the various items on it to shake. His father sat on the other side of the desk staring him down. He grabbed a hold of his glass of wine that was shaking tightly. He watched Patricks shoulders move up and down as he took  deep breaths trying to calm himself down. Patricks fist was still resting on the desk as he matched his father’s stare. Their eyes locked burning into each other. Not one of them budging. “What do you mean can't!” Ed shouted back at him, breaking the silence. “This,...this whole scheme. I can't do this. It's wrong.” Patrick said, throwing his arms about as he talked. “You haven't even done anything. You h
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Chapter Twenty
Secrets: Patrick didn't flinch hearing the noise, he was more annoyed than anything. He eyed the man standing in the doorway. He was an older man with bronze colored hair standing in the door, his hand flinching on the sword hanging from his side. His hazel eyes burned into Patrick’s. Patrick’s hand shifted from Ariadne’s waist to his hip where he kept his dagger. “Can we help you?” Patrick asked through his teeth.Ariadne hadn’t even heard the shout. She seemed confused as she shifted herself to look behind her. Her face turned several shades of red as she went to move away from patrick. Patrick held her in place, his eyes deadly locked on the man in the doorway.“Get your hands off my niece before I remove them from
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