All Chapters of Atlantis: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
Jaiden sighed as he walked down the hallway, muttering lots of swear words under his breath after leaving indoors suspension for the day.He took a deep sigh as he looked up at the school ceiling, making him feel like he was way smaller compared to anything above him.A feeling he once experienced before.Multiple times.He quickly snapped out of his trance as he looked at his phone for the time, using his other hand to run it through his dark, brown hair. "The twins shouldn't be home by now, and I'm sure she's got cheerleading practice....." Jaiden mumbled, walking as he scrolled through his contacts before putting his phone back in his pocket.Maybe I should stop by a cafe or something today.....Jaiden suddenly winced as he felt the pain from the small bruise on his back.I might've gotten a bit too far last time with Leo.Jaiden groaned at himself again, realizing that this was exactly why everyone saw him as just the "school delinquent." Sure, he was in a lot of fights, but that'
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"How was school today?" Mrs. Denver asked as she pulled up to a small cafe."Good....wait why are we at a cafe?" Leona asked, getting out of the car after her mom."I'm meeting a friend here, but there a few little shops where you can look around if you want! I figured I should bring you so that you can see the town a bit more," Mrs. Denver said with a smile on her face."Sylvia!!" A grown woman walked outside of the cafe, and Leona took that as her cue to leave.She didn't show it, but she was ecstatic to be able to walk around freely without worrying about her dad.Leona's eyes immediately went to a small bakery near the cafe. She didn't have any money on her but she figured that she could ask for the recipe to see if she could bake something herself.It had been a whole year since Leona baked something, but since she had a Cooking class now, she might as well get back into it.Leona walked into the cute little bakery, it's walls with a bright mint color and some peppermint patterns
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"Did you buy some cookies?" Mrs. Denver asked when they finally pulled into their garage. Leona looked down at the bag that Jaiden gave her and shook her head with a smile. "Someone at the bakery gave them to me...""You took food from a stranger?!" Mrs.Denver's tone changed slightly, startling Leona a bit."W-well I wouldn't call them a... stranger per se...""Oouu," Mrs.Denver chuckled as she turned to face Leona, both of them still sitting in the car even though they had made it home."Let me guess...was it that boy?" Mrs.Denver rose her eyebrows in a. suggestive manner as Leona quickly looked down to avoid her mother's gaze."'s probably a thanks...for tutoring him."Yeah...that's probably all it is.Leona stayed in her room for most of the day like usual, wanting to avoid the tension within the house everyday. Mr.Denver would always find something to complain about, and Mrs.Denver would just lose her patience with him and work in a separate room.While the usual was happen
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
Choir class ended and Leona was about to head on over to Geometry until she caught eye contact with Jaiden.Khloe looked between her and Jaiden and made a small "ohhh" sound as if she was realizing something. She suddenly went and grabbed Terrell from behind Jaiden and dragged him out of the classroom, waving a small goodbye to Leona."O-ow!!! Damn it, Khloe stop pinching my ear!" Terrell pushed Khloe's hand off and was face to face with her "what's-going-on-and-you-better-explain-it-to-me-right-now-before-I-kick-your-balls" face."I don't know, okay?! Like Jaiden said, he wanted to suddenly walk with her today, and I just kinda tagged along for the ride. Why don't you ask him?""It's not weird to you or anything? I mean, when did they suddenly get all friendly with each other? Honestly I'm just worried about Leona..." Khloe looked back inside the classroom where she spotted Leona casually smiling at Jaiden as he was talking to her."This...isn't some weird bet between you guys right?
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"Field trip? Camping? No," Mr.Denver said as soon as Leona reached home and showed her parents the form."What? I think it's a great idea!! The school thought of this as a way for everyone to bond right?" Mrs.Denver said, glaring at her husband but keeping her smile for Leona."We can't trust her going too far! Who...knows what might happen," Mr.Denver yelled, keeping his disgusted glare towards Leona."" Leona began to say before they would start arguing."I always get good grades, and other than the...wall thing...I haven't gotten in trouble or anything. May I please go?"Leona looked at both if her parents with hope in her eyes. This would be her first trip at Riverwood, and lucky for her, everyone she knew was in the same grade as her.That means we'd all be going on the trip in the same week right?Her parents looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Leona."Well I think you should go! It's a great way for you to see the rest of the town, and maybe make m
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"Leona...""Who is this?""You want answers don't you?""Of course, I do... why do I have these powers. And why haven't I felt them much recently? Am I finally free?""Far from it.""W-what?""You're right, you've been living quite peacefully lately. However, the chaos has only just arrived.""I don't understand...""You will soon. Your world will be turned upside down. You will feel the crushing pain of sadness in the near future once again, and must come face to face with your past. No matter what it takes, I will make you remember.""Remember what?""You are one of the very few still around... you must spread the precious melody of Atlantis. You must make the frail humans of your world rejoice at our existence once again.""I'm really confused at what you're saying. Are you talking about 'Atlantis' the song? Why is it so important for people to hear it?""You can find me at the Blue Mountains near the Oak River...""Wait—""Leona, mark my words, I will not allow you to forget me."
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
Leona awkwardly sat down at a table near the ice cream store's window, waiting for Jaiden to come back from the counter.She hadn't realized that she would be so nervous to be eating ice cream alone...with a boy of all people."With Jaiden of all people..." Leona muttered to herself while fidgeting with her fingers."Hey, mint chocolate, right?" Jaiden said as he carried 2 mint chocolate ice creams over to their table.Leona tried her best to sit up straight and proper, but she could tell that she was properly drolling while staring at the ice cream."Thank you..." Leona whispered, slowly taking a bite."No problem. I'm surprised you actually came here with me," Jaiden said with a small chuckle at the end.Yeah I'm quite surprised at myself too...They sat in awkward silence until Jaiden finally decided to break it."Leona...are you scared of me?" He asked, staring at his ice cream."What? No I don't think afraid would be the right word...""Then what would be the right word?"Leona t
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"I see you came to find me...""Yes. You told me I could find you here. I need answers!""Life doesn't just give you the easy way. What would you do if you knew everything? Wouldn't life be boring?""I don't understand why you're doing this...just who are you?! Why is it that you just so happen to be at Oak Lake during our field trip?""You'll know soon. I guarantee that when you come to me... You will be quite surprised.""Leona, wake up! We made it!" Khloe shouted as Leona slowly opened her eyes. She had her head on Khloe's lap and Khloe's blanket over her, so she couldn't help but smile a little."Thank you Khloe..." Leona said as she folded Khloe's blanket and gave it back to her."Yeah no problem! Come on, we gotta get off the bus."The girls grabbed their things and walked out of the bus only to be awaited by Jaiden, Donovan, and even Terrell."Did you guys already find a good camping spot?" Khloe asked, hitting Terrell's chest with her elbow as he tried to swing his arm around
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"Terrell, where are you taking me?" Khloe asked as she finally nudged his arm away."Nowhere in particular. It's pretty late so we wouldn't even be allowed to go out that far," Terrell said with a sigh.Khloe looked at him with uncertainty before turning around to walk back towards the camp site. As soon as she made it there, her eyes wandered over to Jaiden and Leona, who were sitting off in the distance talking."What's the thing with Jaiden?" Khloe asked, turning to face Terrell."What- Ohhhh you mean him and Leona...uhh I don't know," Terrell shrugged."You don't think it's weird? I mean, why is he suddenly this super nice guy? Wait...was he only being nice to me so that he could get to Leona?"Terrell shook his head as he looked off in the distance at his friend."Jaiden's always been a big softie, he's only mean to me."Khloe scoffed. "You make that sound like an accomplishment.""It is! That means I'm super special," Terrell said with a goofy smile. He slowly looked down and Kh
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Special Chapter: Secret of Atlantis
"Woah..."Harley's eyes lit up with amazement as the blob of water floating in Leona's hands slowly morphed into a small bird as Leona let it go."You sure you're not scared? I was worried you would think I'm weird." Leona said nervously, but Harley quickly shook her head."Leona that's...that's amazing! How is this even possible!? Does this mean you're fated to be some sort of superhero?"Leona giggled as she looked off into the distance from where they sat, on the grass in the school's field."I doubt it. I have no idea where these powers came from or even how long I've had them. So you gotta keep this a secret, okay?"Harley nodded, smiling widely at her friend and begging her to show her more tricks.You promised."It was her!"Leona could feel a faint voice scream in the distance amongst the sounds of police cars and ambulances. She looked over to where her friend was, Harley's eyes filled with envy and rage as they pierced through Leona.Why?Leona could feel the tears rolling d
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