All Chapters of Rejected Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter-11: MANSION
Sya's POV:My jaw dropped when I stepped out of the car and took my time adjusting to the fact that Kane lived in this huge of a house. Not even a house. It was a mansion! And so beautiful too. I never imagined Kane would be this wealthy. Other rich kids at college never missed a chance to show off a new exclusive Gucci bag or a Rolex watch or BMW. But Kane had never let it be known to people that he was this rich.My heart fluttered. The guy just wants me to melt.The mansion was all black and oh so modern and beautiful. Most of the second floor was made of glass panels while the exterior walls had a black brick texture to them. Even though it was all black, it didn't give off that whole ‘spooky vibe’. Instead, it was perfectly sophisticated and only looked more magnificent and luxurious.Kane walked up to my side and closed my open mouth with his finger beneath my chin. A furious blush crept to my face becaus
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Chapter-12: The Breakfast
Sya's POV: The sun rose the next day and I was ready to leave just as I had decided. Although I had no place in mind to go to but I couldn't let myself be a burden to someone, especially Kane. After I went down in the nightclothes Cara had given me to wear, to tell Kane I was ready to leave, he wouldn't listen. He made me shut my mouth by saying, "You have no place to live right now and we have no issue with you being here. You can stay here as long as you want." He had almost snapped at me and him getting mad at me was the last thing I wanted to see. I decided to accept his offer and promised myself that as soon I got my first paycheck from the café, I would search for a place on rent though I was not sure how much money Jason would actually give me since I skipped the day after Kane made that mess. A week passed by after that, pretty uneventful. Kane and Bryson got my stuff from my Aunt's house. They never told me h
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Chapter-13: Double Date
Sya's POV: Kane and I stepped into the almost empty hallway, happily enjoying our moment together as we walked to our first class. Horror washed through me when Kane opened the door to the classroom and the entire room fell silent. But the thing that dreaded me the most wasn't the sudden silence or the jealous glares of other girls on watching me and Kane together. It was the fact that my best friend was sitting at her desk with an angry scowl resting on her face. Her eyes dropped to my hand in Kane's and her scowl only deepened. She glared at me for a moment and then turned her face away. Before I had a chance to say something to her or do anything, the teacher entered the class and I took my seat beside her. The whole time she wouldn't talk to me or even look at me and that was killing me from inside. Guilt was eating me alive as I looked at her indifferent presence through the corners of my eyes. That day when John planned to murder
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Chapter-14: Amusement Park
Sya's POV: "No way! I'm not wearing this!" I protested but, of course, it fell on deaf ears. Hannah nonetheless thrust the dress back into my arms. It was so beautiful but the problem was, it was too revealing. I didn't have a problem with the whole ‘revealing' part but I did have a problem with showing my body. I had such ugly scars all over it. And a fresh one from the recent beating John had given me.  In addition to that, the other old scars, although not that prominent anymore, could be still seen. I can't wear this. Kane will surely feel repulsive. He will think I'm ugly. I don't think I can bear to see the disgust in his eyes for me when all I've seen up till now is love. Hannah squeezed my shoulder as if she had read my mind and gave me an encouraging smile. "You will look beautiful in this dress, Sy. You know what? There are so many people out there with flawless bodies but they have very ugly scars on their soul
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Chapter-15: Confession
Sya's POV: As soon as we were inside, Hannah and I dragged the boys around a lot. We stopped by the arcade games first, playing The Dead Man's Cove and Shoot The Ducks. Bryson won a blue koala, which he gave to a very chirpy Hannah. Kane won a brown teddy bear for me. Then we went outside where there were so many rides. None of us knew which of them were the most fun except Hannah so she took us all to different ones, ones I didn’t even know existed. We rode the classic Merry-go-round, the Ferris Wheel (Kane and I took our own car and it was hard for him to keep his hands to himself), Dodgem cars, Infinity, and the Helter-Skelter. We were famished afterward so the boys bought us dinner. Pizza and fries for us girls and only cold drinks for the boys. We had so much fun we didn't even notice the boys not eating at all. We were heading back to our car to go home, content smiles gracing each one of our faces. Tonight couldn't be any bette
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Chapter-16: Edison
Sya's POV: I swung my legs around, munching on the apple in my hand. I was sitting on the kitchen stool, near the kitchen island, and chatting casually with Cara as she did the dishes after dinner. I did ask her to let me help her but she refused and forcefully put me on the stool. Turned out, she was great company. She was funny, smart and I didn't even realize she was an old woman. Well, she hadn't come off that way the first time I met her anyway. A smile made its way to my lips as I remembered how she'd teased Kane the night she first saw me. Speaking of wh
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Chapter-17: Jealousy
Kane's POV: I watched as Sya dragged her ‘cousin' Edi to her room, both arms linked with his right one. Edi's presence was boiling my blood and I couldn’t keep my eyes away from where his filthy hand had been lying on her shoulder. It wasn't Sya whom I didn't trust. I trusted her with my entire existence, trusted her love. It was that stupid Edison who was making the back of my hand itch. The way he was looking at Sya, even a fool could tell he liked her. No doubt my innocent mate had no idea her ‘cousin' was crushing on her. She was too gullible to notice stuff like that. Heck, she hadn't even realized I liked her until I said the words even though I went around slamming people into tables and trash cans for her. My rage had reached its peak when she suggested he stay in her room. Just the thought was enough to make me want to punch the dude to pieces but I refrained. And obviously, caved into Sya's puppy dog eyes. But the thoug
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Chapter-18: Insecurities
Sya's POV: Later, as we had breakfast at the table, it was super awkward. Bryson was eating his food without much thought but the other two had a sort of staring competition going on. I tried to catch Bryson’s eye. When he didn't look up, I nudged him under the table. What? He mouthed. I motioned towards Kane and Edi. Do something. I mouthed back. He simply shrugged before downing the rest of his cereal and juice and abruptly standing up. “Come on buddy, let's get ready for college,” saying this, he began to drag Kane out of the living room. I sighed. Stupid boys. "Thanks, cupcake. For letting me stay and for the breakfast,” Edi said later, as I walked him to the front door. “I'll be in the city for a while so I hope I keep seeing you. It was nice, to catch up like this after so long.” I smiled and nodded, “Thanks for dropping by Edi. I had fun.” He gave me a lopsided g
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Chapter-19: Shopping
Sya's POV: I think I'm going to die. No, no wait. I think I might’ve dropped a lung back on the escalators. “Oh my God, would you look at this dress, Sy? It's so gorgeous! Red really brings out my eyes. I'm so getting this one,” Hannah said as she twirled around in front of the mirror, holding a red strapless dress. I helplessly stared at the more than ten shopping bags in my hands. “Hannah! I'm kind of dying- here.” She noticed how the bags were killing me and quickly grabbed half of them from my hands. “Better?” I nodded before looking at the clock, “The dress is lovely. Now can we please get something to eat? I'm starving!” We'd arrived at the mall around five and it was almost seven now. Hannah had me walk around the entire building twice, since it had only two functioning floors, and she'd bought at least five different outfits, bags, and shoes. Jewelry separate. I’d gotten mysel
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Chapter-20: Mate?
Kane's POV: --Flashback-- I could barely open my eyes. I had already lost so much blood and I felt so weak. The dark figure or vampire or whatever he was, still had me gripped tightly by the neck. My body was hanging limp, still in his chokehold. The person who'd shown up earlier, Bryson, had his hand clapped around the murderer's throat. "I told you to leave the damn boy alone!” Bryson yelled. A sinister smile appeared on the vampire’s bloodied face, “Fine. I could use a healthy exercise before my meal.” He hissed and bore his fangs to my face before letting my weak body crumble to the ground. Bryson moved forward with the first punch but after that, they became a massive ball of blur. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was no use. I was too weak to even move. I felt so light-headed and my body felt like it weighed a ton. I let the darkness take me in after struggling against it a few times.
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