Lahat ng Kabanata ng Dear Enemy, You're My Mate: Kabanata 101 - Kabanata 110
114 Kabanata
Chapter 100
Maya I stand in the shower for over half an hour, thinking about the pack I never got to be a part of—I was an outsider, but according to Finn, I'm now supposed to fight my sister for the alpha position. My hand touches my chest, and white hair falls over my shoulders in clumps. I'm conflicted. Do I even want to lead my old pack? Crying won't pave the way to acceptance, so I never allowed myself to cry and feel self-pity because I lacked a werewolf. I fought to be respected for who I am, and look at me now—there is no werewolf pack by my side. My kind couldn't accept me as part of the pack, and the people surrounding me today are humans. A voice sighs inside of my head. It sounds like a cunning female. 'But if you became the alpha, then you could make it so that the Winterbite pack accepted everyone, even the children born without a wolf.' My eyes widen. "Who said that?" There isn't a reply, and I turn off the water. Shit. I need to ge
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Chapter 101
MayaAfter having sex with Finn, I topple down on his broad chest, and he strokes his massive palm over my back in a tender fashion. No one is making a move to head for the shower, and my cheeks burn as I count the number of bleached scars on his muscular arm.Shit, why can't I get him out of my head?I'm trying my best to resist falling in love with Finn again, but I think the feeling never left. We had plenty of sex in the past, cuddles, and steamy moments, and I enjoyed riding his cock tonight. Yet it isn't those things that make my heart pound; it's the small intimate things he does, like caressing my skin after having sex.Finn is a gentleman, and although he takes charge in bed and resembles a white-haired fairy version of Jason Momoa, I know he would do nothing I didn't like. The man is a total catch—I'm well-aware anyone else would throw themselves into his arms, but I can't do that.There are too many reasons I should pretend my hear
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Chapter 102
Maya "So, how is drinking coffee at Espresso House supposed to help me find my inner wolf?" Finn chuckles. He is wearing a beanie, a grey shirt, and faded jeans that he summoned himself while looking at a catalog. It seems he has discovered other abilities, but he isn't bragging. "Your sister won't hurt your friend. Bianca is bait to lure you into Winterbite territory, which is why we won't rush to save her. We will take our time finding your wolf again." I smile at Finn and try not to drown in his eyes. His eyelashes are long and dark, touching his cheeks every time he blinks. Since I haven't given in, we aren't a couple yet. Still, I'm annoyed by the trio of girls giggling and checking our Finn from their beanbag corner. The fairy watches me drink my coffee while innocently smiling at me. "Hold still." I give Finn a questioning look and feel my heart claw at my throat when he dips his head to kiss me. It's long and sweet, fil
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Chapter 103
Kyra I've always been a tomboy. I wear pants rather than dresses, and I love sleeveless shirts since they bring attention to my defined arms. I'm rather proud of my appearance. I might be a woman, but I'm rigid like stone, and if anyone stands in my way, I will punch through them. "Let's see..." I lift my chin and read the letters. "Espresso House, huh? Is this where my mate is hiding?" For days, I've been haunting my mate. The tree of life seldom gives us fairies a mate, but it happened to me. I woke up one day knowing I had to leave my world behind to find my person. My heart wouldn't stop pounding, telling me my mate was in danger, and I couldn't live with the thoughts of them dying, so I left. I jumped into a portal, and now I'm here, one step away from meeting them. A wide grin graces my lips as I enter the coffee shop. I've learned a lot from Finn about the human realm, and from what I've seen, human females are stunning. I'm a l
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Chapter 104
Elijah I'm staring up at the ceiling, smiling for no good reason at all. It seems god has humor, after all. I came here to train Maya. Years ago, I made a promise to her father to always protect and stay loyal to his daughter, and I'm an honorable man—I always keep my word. So when Lily murdered my mate, Wesley, I knew I had to find Maya to end the white wolf's tyranny. It took me some time to get where I am today. I was imprisoned for an entire year, kept as a toy in Lily's dungeon, and every day, my psychic powers grew stronger until I one day escaped. Now, I've found Maya, and tomorrow I will train her for the upcoming slaughter. I should work out and prepare myself for war, but I'm lying here, tingling. I'm acting irrefutably out of character, and it amuses me. I cover my face with my bent arm, hiding my eyes in the arm crease as I snort laughter. "So breathtaking I can't fucking think straight—that woman sure blew my mind with tha
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Chapter 105
Kyra I might die from a heart attack any second now. I'm standing in the shower booth and finding it harder to stand straight as Elijah enters through the door. When my mate offered to get me cleaned up and took me to a human hotel, I didn't expect him to have hidden motives—I was wrong. As warm water pours over my head, I stand there, jaw slacking to the floor as I take in the adonis closing the door behind him. Elijah looks like he just stepped out of every woman's wet dream. He is entirely naked, making it impossible not to drool over his bulging biceps, muscular chest, and flat, washboard abs. I count the ridges and lose all breath of air. Perhaps I am more into men than I initially thought? Piercing red eyes that are even more intense now that we are both naked meet mine. Elijah smiles at me, a crooked half-smile that makes my heart seize in my chest and my belly tighten in suspense. He looks keen to eat me alive, and I'm horrifie
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Chapter 106
Kyra Elijah is bouncing me up and down on his cock. It's fantastic, his cock is so thick, but his piercing gaze is hard to swallow. I've been avoiding his eyes for the entire duration, embarrassed by the sounds leaving my lips. What if he is embarrassed by me? "Kyra...?" I suppress the urge to moan when he lifts his ass from the ground, thrusting deeply into me. Oh-my-fucking-god. Elijah is a beast. I see stars and grow weak in my limbs. "Kyra, look at me." I don't listen. "Kyra..." Elijah slows his speed, and the building pleasure stops growing, forcing me to bounce faster. But Elijah stills my legs, holding me in place as he speaks. "If you want my cock, then you need to look at me." The authoritative tone in his voice got me peering down at him. Elijah smiles in satisfaction. He looks downright delicious, with his captivating abs and mischievous eyes. I squeeze my legs, knowing I'm about a hundred times wetter. How t
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Chapter 107
Maya I'm stirring my milkshake while walking in the park together with Finn after sunset. The future concerns me, and I sigh. "No offense, but how am I supposed to beat Lily? Last time I checked, I don't possess any offensive abilities." Finn glances down at me, smiling. "Because only the light can defeat the darkness. It doesn't matter what you throw at the shadow creepers—sticks and stones, fire, water, earth, or even lightning can't beat them." 'Finn is right,' Lumi says. 'You're the only person who can put an end to your sister's dictatorship. She wasn't made for the role of alpha. No matter what, we have to defeat her.' I grimace. "I don't even remember how to shape-shift." Finn laughs, tapping my shoulder. "That's why we are here in the park at night. You can transform here, and..." he shrugs. "Pretend to be my oversized dog if someone sees you." My lips twitch. "You haven't seen my wolf's form when you're a human—are you
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Chapter 108
Kyra I wake up to Elijah pulling the curtain to the side. The sunlight streams inside of the room like an unwelcome guest, and the vampire laughs when I hiss. I drag the bedsheet over my head, and the vampire sits down at the edge of the bed. "Please pull back the curtain..." I beg. Elijah chuckles in amusement. "If I didn't know better, I would say you're acting more than a vampire than I do." I speak from under the bedsheet. "Don't your kind like the sun?" "Usually not," he exhales, seeming to drag his hands over his thighs."I love the sun, but the light burns my skin unless I wear a daylight ring. I'm an original vampire, one of the first. I won't die, but the sun still hurts." Slowly, I uncover my face, meeting his red eyes. My mate smiles at me, and it hits me that Elijah must be bored. He watched me sleep for the entire duration of the night and probably can't wait to leave the bed behind. Embarrassingly enough, I vaguely
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Chapter 109
Maya I splash cold water up at my face, meeting my angry, determined eyes in the mirror. It's soon time to face my fate. Lily has plagued me with her nasty words from the first day in high school. She looked down upon me and laughed at me for not having an inner wolf. Even though we are sisters, she spat in my face and bullied me until I saw no other option than escape from my hometown. I left my old town behind. I abandoned my pack. I cut off the ties I had with my family, and now, I'm taking it all back. I'm angry, pissed off because Lily thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants without consequences. But she is wrong. She killed Elijah's mate. She hurt our father, kidnapped Bianca, and I will make her pay. 'We will make her pay,' Lumi corrects me. 'Remember that I want in on this too. We will take our rightful place as the alpha of the Winterbite clan, and then NO ONE will laugh at us again.' 'I will become the a
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