All Chapters of That Billionaire Loves Me! (ENGLISH): Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 Chapters
11 After Interview (1)
Naomi held her chest, which was still beating hard. She was grateful that she did not show her nervousness when she was interviewed earlier. But she also didn't think that she could be so confident when she answered some of the questions that were asked for her. At this time she began to enter the empty elevator that had just opened in front of her. This building has 20 floors high and she was currently on the 14th floor. Naomi entered the empty elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. Naomi sighed heavily. She wanted this nervous sensation to end quickly. She caught her breath and began to close his eyes, "The important thing is that I gave my best," she thought, adding a smile that soothed her soul. Ting! The elevator opened and several people got into it. She started to shift herself as soon as a group of people entered. And not long after when the lift opened again, everyone came out on the ground floor, so did her.
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12 After Interview (2)
Initially, Naomi intended to stop working as a freelancer while waiting for the announcement that she would get from Louis Studio. But she can't wait in uncertainty, because she also needs money to survive, So she keeps doing some work while waiting for the announcement. On the sidelines of her busy life, someone called her. When she saw that the number was not in her contacts, she started to take out her phone and slowly she put it to her right ear, "Who's calling at this time of night?" she asked with a curious mind, Naomi wrinkled her forehead because no one was still on the phone. After a split second of thinking, she finally decided to open her mouth, "Hello?" she said doubtfully, The wrinkles on her forehead did not go away when she also did not hear anyone's voice there. She tried to raise his voice, but no one was heard on the call, Naomi removed the phone from her right ear and stared at the screen with a frown that ha
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13 Rejected
It's Friday and until now there has been no information from the Louis Studio company regarding the acceptance or rejection of Naomi in the company. Even so, Naomi continues to carry out her activities, namely helping her father.  The girl did not let go of her warm smile to the customers who bought their wares. Even though she has a small body, her face is very beautiful to look at even though she is only dressed in ordinary clothes. No wonder she sometimes gets temptations from male customers who adore her beauty, Naomi only thought the compliments and temptations were just a thing of the past. She just smiled kindly and ignored the temptation, no matter how handsome the man who complimented her. And now she was giving a plastic bag of mie ayam and bakso to a person who had been asking for her contact. "Oh, my question hasn't been answered before," he said to her,  "I broke my phone, sorry..." she said politely. The man looked disappo
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14 Rejected (2)
After Naomi washed all the dishes, she turned back to her room. As soon as she turned around, she saw her father standing in front of her, asking whether she got an email or not. She lowered her gaze and shook her head slowly. Her father, who understood her sadness, moved forward and patted her shoulder, hoping his soft pat would ease her sadness. "Maybe this isn't your luck," said Benny, who nodded slowly by Naomi. Wearily, she walked past her father who was worried about her being sad like that, Benny sighed, Maybe she needs time for herself.  Naomi closed the door and took a place for her to sit on her bed. She was still thinking positive, maybe she should wait a few hours. Until it happened, she walked to her desk to pick up her phone which was still charging. She kept refreshing her inbox hoping there will be a new message for her, She closed her eyes, trying to shift her gaze to her laptop which was waiting for her to continue her w
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15 Will Meet Again
Naomi always recited those words to calm herself down. That man shouldn't know she lives here, because she has moved several times due to being chased by debts. She had just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly her phone rang again, and again she shuddered in horror at her phone. She tried to hold herself from holding that phone until the call went off by itself. After the call had been cut off, Naomi slowly approached her phone and picked it up to see who was calling her again. And unexpectedly, the number wasn't the number which previously called her. To be precise, the current number which called her was a different person from the previous one. She was too curious, her heart beating like crazy, she called the number again. She waited for the number to pick up the call, but it didn't pick up. She was just about to hang up the call but finally, her call was picked up. And not long after that, a voice greeted her. She fell silent at the vo
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16 Good News
Before she called Seira, Naomi chose to begin with showering because she was very sultry and she had been sweating a lot. Although she was curious about what her conversation would be with Seira, she chose not to rush to ask Seira about it, Naomi enjoyed the freshness she just got after she took a shower. She rubbed her hair with a towel before he hung the towel in the closet. Her eyes caught on the phone that she had previously placed on the table. Her hand began to reach for her phone and after it was in her hand, she looked for Seira's contact. She took her place to sit in her bed before she pressed the dial button to call Seira. And not long after, Seira picked up her phone, "Hello Seira, I'm home..." she said as she laid her body with her phone still attached to her right ear. ”Oh yeah... great, so let's get started..." The girl blinked her eyes with curiosity that still dominated her. Naomi was a girl full of curiosity, once she was curi
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17 Second Encounter (1)
As usual, Naomi woke up at 5 am and she started helping her father to make their wares. While she was helping her father, Benny hoped that his only child would return to rest because he knew yesterday Naomi had been doing her work until late at night. However, as usual, Naomi refused and persisted to help her father in making their wares. Naomi stretched her body after she finished making all the meatballs for her father to sell. She glanced at the clock on the wall that wasn’t far from her vision and it was a half-past seven in the morning. "Alright, just leave it. Let me take care of everything," said Benny to her. Naomi nodded and got up then walked to her room to get a towel for the shower. She couldn’t hide her pleasure as she rubbed her body, she also hummed. As she enjoyed her shower, she was reminded of a word from Alex that made her stunned, "Will see you again" She did not understand what Alex meant by saying it to her, maybe it was
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18 Second Encounter (2)
Naomi was stunned, even when Alex got up from his chair, Naomi was still stunned in her place. Was this meant by meeting again that man once told her? Naomi didn't understand, why did she have to deal with that guy again? What was her sin that she had to meet again with Alex, a guy who had smashed her to pieces? Unexpectedly, that guy came back to her with a sweet promise she could no longer trust. Right now, it was officially that Alex was his boss, it was certain that Alex would use his authority to govern Naomi as he pleased. Naomi closed her eyes, holding back all the feelings that wanted to stick out of her. Naomi’s eyes followed him as he walked closer to her. Alex looked at her with a crooked smile as if he was the one in charge of her right now. He came closer, playing with Naomi’s bangs, which Naomi's hand soon pushed him away. Naomi turned her gaze to Alex’s brown eyes, exactly it was the same eyes that make her once melt. But now she was a
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19 Lunch Time
Naomi turned her body and planned to leave that man alone. However, before she left his majestic room, Alex seems drugged her by calling her name. Naomi didn't understand her natural reaction to that voice, moreover, this wasn’t the first time he call her like this before, seems like Alex had the power to influence and dominate whoever he targeted. "Stay here," he ordered to her until she fall silent. Without Naomi’s knowing, Alex walked over to her who was about to open his majestic door, and when she turned around, she already found Alex who locked her with both hands that he put on the door. Naomi had no other way to escape from him. He couldn't even take his eyes off her because Alex was leaning toward Naomi tightly. She swallowed her saliva, from her point of view, this man was still handsome… but no, he looked more handsome than he was in high school. His intimidating brown eyes, high nose, and sharp jawline from the perfect proportions of his face drugged her for a while. His
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12 Protection Status