All Chapters of The Alpha's Hidden Child: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
91 Chapters
Chapter 68: The Sacrifice
EmeryThe first thing that I felt upon waking up was coldness. Then it was followed by pain. Amelia poured ice-cold water over my head and slapped me awake. I tried to cup the painful area on the back of my neck, but my hands were restrained with metal chains.I looked around the room and saw Dante and Karina huddled over a corner, tied together with a rope. I glanced at the other side of the room and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Devyn was resting in Noah’s arms.Noah looked at me apologetically while stroking Devyn’s hair. I could see Devyn’s tear-stricken face from here, and I wanted to comfort him. I tried to break free from the metal chains once again, but they were attached to the house’s posts.I heard Amelia chuckling beside me. “Aww, can’t do anything, huh? It’s so satisfying to see you in the palm of my hands, Emery.”I mustered my most heated glare and looked at her. “Amel
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Chapter 69: The Prisoner
KairoI bit my lips and bounced my leg as I looked at my watch in anxiety. It’s been over four hours since Emery and the others departed to go to Noah’s farm, yet I still haven’t received any confirmation that they’ve already arrived there. Moreover, no signs of intrusion have been found near the borders. I’ve doubled the pack warriors on duty today so we can have more protection, but it seems like those efforts will go to waste.Why do I feel an unsettling feeling in my stomach?I dialed Dante’s phone for what I felt like the hundredth time, but it only kept on ringing. Shit. Didn’t I tell him to update me as soon as they arrive? Dante always keeps his promises, so I feel like there is definitely something wrong.I started biting my nails, but two small hands grabbed my hand before I could.“Daddy, no! No biting of nails. Mommy said that it’s bad.” Arlo said in a reprimanding voice
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Chapter 70: The Breed
Emery “Dad?” The chained man turned around, and I broke into tears. He really is dad! I ran to where he was and held his wounded face in my hands. “Dad? Dad? It’s me.” I said while trying to get him back to his right state of mind. It seems like they have given him some kind of drug that made him lose all of his senses. His eyes were blank, but he was panting very loudly. “Water! Give him water.” I looked everywhere in the room but found no traces of water or food. Tears continued to stream from my eyes after I saw that my father’s ribs can be seen through his skin. “Fuck! What the fuck! You guys are fucking sick. I’m going to kill all of you!” I screamed while trying to get to Kamala and strangle her with the chains. But she just held my hand in place and threw me to the ground. I hit the floor in frustration. Fuck! I can’t even beat her. I can’t even do anything for my father. I stopped trying to attack her when my father started
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Chapter 71: The Apex
EmeryI sat down and leaned against the hard and cold wall. I looked to my father once in a while, who was eating the meal portion that was meant for me. I smiled as he ate the vegetables and bread happily.“How often do they feed you here?”“As Kamala said, they feed us at most two times a week. But, when you disobey their commands, we’re lucky that we’re at least given water that week.” He looked at his exposed ribs and chuckled. “Your big pops had turned thin, eh? I’d rather starve than obey what they say.”“You can’t joke about this, dad. You could have died, for real this time. Speaking off, can you tell me what exactly happened back then? I thought you died, dad.” I said while looking at him with concern.He sighed and slouched his shoulders. “I thought I was going to die too. I was even prepared to leave this world and go with your mother. Thinking about it now, I
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Chapter 72.1: The War
Kairo“Have you filed the war request to The Apex?” I asked Dalton, who was the one assigned with all of the paperwork in the upcoming war.“I have,” he nodded. “They were quite hesitant at first because they were worried for our safety. Although they don’t support The Council, they’ve never been able to bring them down because, let’s face it, man! The Council’s incredibly strong. If you weren’t our Alpha, then I’m pretty sure that we don’t have a single chance of winning this war.”I nodded my head, “That’s why we have to be very careful. If we lose this war, then all of the Blood Shadow pack will be under The Council’s name, and our pack would cease to exist.”He sighed, “That’s what I’m afraid of. But I’ve already accepted that we’re going to win this battle. I ain’t settling for a loss, Kairo.”“Y
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Chapter 72.2: The War
KairoWe are now nearing the borders of Kvenland village at exactly 4:00 in the afternoon. I sped up my steps because I couldn’t let them release the gases. We trudged over to their territory and saw over a hundred soldiers on The Council’s side. I smirked. I expected this much, so I prepared about the same amount of warriors. To add to that, some of their soldiers right now are on our side.I raised my hand to signal the warriors to a halt. Kamala walked closer to where we were, along with the other members of the Superior Council and their pet Klaus. My eyes narrowed while looking at their smug faces.“Alpha Kairo— or should I just call you Kairo? You’re bound to lose your title anyway since we’re going to claim your land and honor once we defeat you in this war,” Klaus started off.“Exactly. Those four years of you running away from us will all be in vain, and you’ll finally fall into our arms. Don&
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Chapter 72.3: The War
Emery“Well, that was quick,” I said as I kicked the door open. “I could have done this yesterday if there weren’t so many guards in front of our door.”We went out of the room and saw the trembling faces of the rare-bloods. Almost all of them were covering their noses in fear of inhaling the gases. When they saw us, however, they suddenly backed away and assumed a fighting stance.“Don’t worry, calm down. We’re not here to hurt you. We’re the ones in the room next door, and we’re here to release you,” I said while subtly moving closer to them.They started putting their guard down as I opened their door. They hesitated to go out, but I made sure to keep them comfortable. “It’s okay. You can come out. The guards aren’t here right now, and Kamala is busy with the war upstairs.”“T—the war?” The young girl asked meekly. I clenched my fists in a
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Chapter 73: The Funeral
EmeryI placed the white flower on the casket as a tear fell down from my eye. Arlo and Devyn were right beside me, and they held onto both of my hands. I looked into the transparent glass and peered over the deceased figure.It’s been four days after the war, and although we had won the war, it felt as if I had lost one of the most important people in my life. I held back my tears as I went back to my seat. It was a saddening reality that only my children were right beside me. I craved for my mate’s comfort and touch, but I’m afraid that he wouldn’t be able to do that right now.It was time for the last words, and Dalton came onto the podium. He tapped the mic and cleared his throat. He tried to speak a couple of times, but he choked back on his tears. After calming down for a few moments and taking deep breaths, he finally started speaking.“I would greet you all a pleasant afternoon, but I would be lying if I say that what
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Chapter 74: The Proposal
EmeryAfter finding out that Kamala was pregnant, Kairo still wanted to push through with his plan. However, I talked some sense into him and said to him that the child doesn’t have any fault in all of this. He or she is just like Arlo and Devyn at this point.Since I compared Kamala’s child with our children, his heart softened, and he postponed her punishment just until she gives birth. He also said something along the lines of, “It’ll also become much more painful if I take her child away from her.”Kairo kept his word and never harmed Kamala during her pregnancy. He even had Dante facilitate her labor. However, his kindness ended at that. After the daughter was born, Kairo took her from Kamala and turned her over to Cy, who was now the leader of Kvenland village.In a span of one month, Kairo would always go down to the dungeons and come up with bloody clothes. I don’t really know what he did to her in that month an
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Chapter 75: The Wedding
I bit my lips nervously as the hairstylist curled my hair. Karina gently slapped my shoulder and scolded me.“Stop biting your lips! You’re going to make them dry, and the make-up artist will have a harder time putting lipstick on you.”I played with my dress and couldn’t sit still. “But I’m nervous, Karina! What if Kairo gets into an accident? What if I trip? What if the catering service suddenly backs out?”She chuckled and stroked my back. “Calm down! Kairo’s getting ready with the boys downstairs. You’re not going to trip since your shoes are made really well. And the catering service is already at the reception, how can they back out? Just relax. Everything’s going to be just fine.”I sighed and slouched my shoulders. “But I can’t help but think. It’s my wedding day, after all.”“You’re right. It’s okay to think. But your overthink
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