All Chapters of Mr and Mrs CEO : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
~ Chapter 49 ~
"I think you should wake up now" a deep and husky voice muttered in Amanda's ear, but she just made a noise of disapproval and snuggled closer to him, she ran her hands over his body, hoping to feel the smooth and silky texture of her pillow, but instead all she could feel was hardness and warmness underneath her finger. She ran her hands over his body again, to be sure she was feeling the right thing and when she felt the same hardness and warmness, she snapped her eye open in surprise, only to meet Alan's face staring down amusedly at her "that was cute" Amanda's face heated up in embarrassment and she muttered a weak "shut up" in retaliation. "I could watch them all day you know?" Someone whispered behind them, and Amanda whipped her head back in shock at the unexpected intrusion, only to meet the squad staring at them with smiles tugging on their lips. She immediately felt like the ground should open and swallow her whole. She swallowed down her e
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~ Chapter 50 ~
Sadness and a gut-wrenching silence loomed over the hospital room where Jonathan's dead body laid, over 3 pairs of pain-filled eyes watched the nurses intensely as they removed all the tubes attached to his body and covered him up with the piece of white cloth that Amanda threw off him a while ago. Adilah and Malia held Amanda as the nurses wheeled Jonathan's body away, their eyes were filled with tears as they watched the body that is now covered with a piece of white cloth, but Amanda couldn't cry anymore even she wanted to. She couldn't grasp what was happening anymore, her eyes were blank and devoid of any emotion as she stared at her dead brother, her mind was blank and filled with nothing but darkness, she felt no pain, just a thick and enveloping emptiness that was drawing her in bit by bit. The nurses stopped when they got to Alan; who was seated in a wheelchair with Mark behind him. His body wouldn't stop shaking as he stared at the body, he felt a p
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~ Chapter 51 ~
"He's getting discharged today. Congratulations on recovering fully, Mr. Weasley" the doctor said with a smile on his face, but Alan just stared blankly at him. The smile on the doctor's face just doesn't make any sense to him, why is he so happy? Why is he being congratulated? Should he be happy that his body is whole but his memories aren't? Is he even allowed to be happy when the boy he came in here with, is dead?. He let out a breath and clutched his chest in pain as he remembered the broken look on Amanda's face as she watched her brother's corpse get wheeled away. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, and he immediately squeezed them shut. "Alan..." Adilah called out shakily as she took slow steps towards him, "it isn't your fault, I swear" she repeated the words she has been saying for over a week now. Her eyes glazed over him, filled with pity and sadness, she couldn't bear to see her brother beating himself up for something he didn't do. Si
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~ Chapter 52 ~
Amanda laid on the bed, surrounded by darkness courtesy of the curtains that haven't been opened in a week, she was trying to force herself back to sleep like she has been doing the past week when a loud knock came on the door. She groaned and covered herself with the duvet to block the noise out till it stops, it always does, in 5 to 10 minutes it will eventually stop and she will be left alone again.She laid in that position unmoving waiting for the sounds of loud knocking to be drowned out by the silence she has grown comfortable with, but the time went from 5 minutes to 10 to 20, yet the knocks didn't stop coming. This made her slowly sit up in the bed, "please leave me alone" she muttered weekly, praying the knocks will stop coming and the memories pushing at the gates of her mind will disappear, but none happened.Sighing, she laid her head against the headboard and pushed Jonathan's plushie closer to her chest, and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to dro
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~ Chapter 53 ~
Amanda submerged herself fully inside the bath, hoping she will suffocate but seconds turned into minutes and she immediately pulled her head out of the water.She started coughing hysterically and hitting her chest repeatedly, her coughs suddenly turned into cries and she began mumbling apologies "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry" she kept mumbling as tears streamed down her face. Disgust crawled up her skin at the thoughts she had, her skin suddenly felt too tight and she wanted to claw it out. She couldn't believe she wanted to end the life that her brother, her brother that hasn't even lived a quarter of his life sacrificed for her to have, she let herself cry for a few more minutes and continuously mumbled apologies before she slowly wiped them away."I promise to avenge your death with the last drop of my blood, Jonathan" she mumbled with bitterness dripping in her voice, her pain was now replaced with anger, resentment, bitterness, and need
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~ Chapter 54 ~
COUPLE WEEKS LATERAlan's eyes rested on Amanda as the mass for Jonathan was being carried out, her face was devoid of any emotion but if you look close enough, you could see her clenching and unclenching her fists, she would occasionally blink away the tears or bite her lips to hold back a sob.A deep sigh left Alan's lips and he moved away from where he was standing and went over to her, he softly grasped her hand in his without saying anything. She immediately looked up at him, surprised by the grand gesture because they barely had a proper conversation in the past two weeks.He could tell what the look on her face implied but he discarded it and mouthed "it's going to be okay", tears welled up in her eyes as he said that, but she nodded and tightened her grip on him before turning back to face the coffin and the priest leading the mass.A surge of gratitude washed through Amanda even tho she didn't say it out loud, she spent all week wondering how she
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~ Chapter 55 ~
"What the fuck do you both think you are doing here?" Amanda spat out as soon as Andrew and Alice were close enough, she instinctively stood in front of Jonathan to keep them from seeing his coffin."That's not a nice way to welcome your elders!" Andrew said with a stern look on his face and a scoff left Amanda's lips. His features softened a little when he managed to catch a glimpse of Jonathan's coffin despite Amanda's attempt to block his view, but there was no trace of remorse or sadness in his face as he stared at it "I'm here to pay my last respects to my brother" he stated, turning back to Amanda and staring into her eyes.Amanda stared at him in confusion for a while before a low chuckle escaped her lips, "you!" She shouted, shoving her index fingers into his chest "you! You want to pay your last respect to him?" She pointed her fingers back at Jonathan's coffin, her face contorted in pain and anger "the same boy you killed?!" She
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~ Chapter 56 ~
Alan sat rigidly on the sofa, his eyes would occasionally dart towards the stairs and each time a sigh would leave his lips when he doesn't see her coming down. He couldn't tell if it was a sigh of relief or nervousness, he doesn't know if he wants her to come down now or wait a little longer and the worst part, he hasn't figured out how to tell her."Calm down Alan, calm down" he muttered to himself and rested his head against the sofa as he continuously took deep breaths, after a while, he managed to relax and calm his fast heartbeat, but before he could fully relax, he heard footsteps approaching and his heartbeat skyrocketed again and he immediately sat up.He gulped nervously as his eyes took in the woman standing before him, she looked stunning even tho she was dressed in a very big oversized hoodie with tights, and her hair was wrapped up in a towel. He dragged his eyes from her legs and with great difficulty rested them on her face that was radiating with a smi
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~ Chapter 57 ~
Amanda strode into her company with a casual smile on her face, she couldn't remember the last time she was in there, and the shocked look and calculative stares of her employees made her nervous. Her smile never wavered as she confidently walked into her private elevator, the moment the doors closed she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, avoiding people for over a month has clearly done more harm than good. The elevator opened to reveal Oliver standing there in a suit with his tablet and a cup of coffee in his hand, a welcoming smile graced his face the moment he set eyes on Amanda "Welcome back, ma'am" She smiled back at him and nodded, "Thank you, Oliver" she said and took the cup from him, "shall we?" She asked and with a nod from him, they started walking to her office while he briefed her about the things he forgot to add in the email he sent last night. "Thank you for handling this company while I was away, you've done so well." She said gr
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~ Chapter 58 ~
Amanda slowly opened her eyes with a beautiful smile gracing her face, she stretched out her hands to touch Alan but she only felt the warmness of the sheet and a sigh left her lips knowing he just got up. She stood up and stretched lightly as she did, her smile widened even more when she heard him laughing downstairs with their child. She couldn't believe how much the years have passed and how things have changed, little teardrops made way to her face as she remembered how much her life has changed within 5 years. *~ 5 years ago ~**The moment she got to Morgan's law firm, she parked hurriedly and stepped out of the car ready to run to her office but met her standing by the firm's door with a huge file on her hand and beside her stood a worried Alan, who kept darting his eyes around searching for something or rather someone because the moment he set eyes on her, she could see the relief wash through his face.*
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