All Chapters of Beg Harder: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
Baby Has it really only been eight days since I've loss control over my life? As I lay in this tub, flashes of Charles forcing me to participate in an act against my will haunts me. I just want to stay in the water until all the pain washes away. I've tried to get up but my body just wants to stay in the water. Pain. Is all I feel, I try to shut things out but everything just keeps coming back. My body has been flipped on the table, my stomach smack on the surface, and I feel the sharp edge of the table digging in on my thighs, Charles has spread my legs, his body in between, keeping it wide apart, I feel a hard slap on my butt cheek before he caress it, I feel him put his thumb touching my butt hole's ring before fully inserting it, I start squirming and wiggling my way as the feeling is uncanny. I heard him yell making me stop as he pulls my hair, I felt my whole head burn as he yanks it hard. "Baby I'm being considerate, did you know this is the best position in losing your v
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Charles After I claimed Baby, I'm unable to stop thinking about her. She completely has consumed my obsession. The minute I am away from her, I imagine her trying to do something stupid to herself again. I've never cared this much about any woman in my whole life apart from my mother. When I saw her trying to drown herself deliberately in the tub something in me ignited to possess her, I don't know what it is but I can't leave her alone. I am surprised at myself because after tasting her, I developed a strong desire to be around her. I am well aware of her current mental state, and I'm excited to subdue her and watch her accept the new life she's about to engage in. I could tell that I succeeded with making her believe my threats. She's been very obedient these past three weeks.Fear. This is an unpleasant emotion but very crucial. Fear keeps people in line when they have an extreme reverence towards someone above them and torture is one way to instill this. I have had enough of
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CHARLES'S POINT OF VIEWThe process of being brought together again as a front unified whole seethed me and this old grand theater full of artifacts that have been openly purloined is bringing memories back.Our great grandparents were normal people who just simply ran their empire before crossing paths with ruthless people. After getting burned, they simply took matters in their own hands and created a new world of terror. Playing nice wasn't on the table in the real world, you simply need to accept what you are and use this in your advantage to manipulate people and money into your power. Before you know it everything will fall into place as long as you're willing to simply sacrifice everything.SIMPLY.My father's favorite word. There's nothing so simple about being his son, yet this word barrages in our heads, making us think that things are all easy in this world. Easy to get, easy to kill, relating this to a six-year-old boy is not so simple but good for my brother, He had it si
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I've always been good with updating on time! make sure you click that star for a new chapter. ——————————————————BABY'S POINT OF VIEWThe will to continue to live despite this torture comes down to one goal. I need to get my hands on those Nanogex. I can use that to cure my Aunt Madonna, for she will fix this mess we caused and to do that, I need to compel my mind to do the one thing I'm trained for.Survive.I need to survive. If I die within 11 months, Carly will know something is wrong and she will definitely look for me, but I'm afraid she will never know who she's up against. I can never take that chance of putting her life in danger. All I need to do is get Charles to trust me.I know I'm still in the city; I was trying to figure out where I was, but Charles caught me snooping, mistaking it for what appears to be another attempt at suicide.There's something sinister about the way he looks at me. I could see he wanted to keep me around, and he enjoys assaulting me. I stare at h
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BABYTo be subjected to this unpleasant pain is genuinely frightening. Charles was true to his words. The minute we got back, I got slammed hard on the wall of the same room. I got my whipping. He didn't like that I still had a fight in me. He made sure that I feel the sting when he slowly slices my skin on all parts of my body. His eyes were determined to squeeze out all the blood in me. He didn't stop at bleeding me. He then took a paddle and started hitting my ass while I lay, feeling all the cuts bleed out some more. "You better think twice before pulling a stunt like that again." Charles sucks on my nipple gently right before slicing the skin under my breast.I get Punches on my face whenever I'm starting to drift. He would spray some kind of chemical to keep me up, and this went on till it's morning, for he laid me on the table, barely breathing while he eats breakfast. I stare at his face with my blood dried on his skin all over as he takes a bite of the sandwich, not bot
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All I hope is that you enjoyed my story telling, thank you so much for waiting and continue to support my book. BABY'S POINT OF VIEW There is no way of telling if he had seen the binary code that I had just typed in. This man is a savage, and I'm sure he's already devised a plan to eliminate me. After all those nights he would warn me, I'm sure he already reached his limits of me deceiving him. I can feel my throat drying up quickly. The smart contact lenses on my eyes, suddenly went black. I had to remove it off my eyes otherwise I will be blind. He presented me a dish to surrender the contact lenses, he sees my hesitation of giving it back. "That's enough work for one day." Charle's face has a huge smile while he says this. He walks over to the wall, a compartment automatically opens and he deposits the dish with lenses in. My eyes linger at where he hides them. That little compartment looks like where he sterilize all the used contacts. He takes my hand to go back on the e
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Baby These words ring in my head as if they were just words and nothing were real about it. "I won't exactly thank you for you are the reason why the virus was there in the first place. However you are also the reason why this new system is stronger. So for that here's a deal before midnight strikes if you get out of this building, you can have your freedom along with that billion dollar necklace but if not, you are to remain mine forever." "You-you will let me go?" I felt my face numbed quick. "As long as I have my foot out of this building?" My voice is somewhat coming out husky. "Yes, I'm even giving you two whole hours and extra twenty minutes." Charles exclaimed as he looks at the time. He air swipes a command, taking out the illusion and changing the window hologram view to a normal view. It's night time, I see the lights all over the city. "You have access to every door you wish to use, even the elevators but you have to step both feet out of this building before midnig
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CHARLES'S POINT OF VIEW The right to act, speak or think as people want without hindrance or restraint is what pushes people to ensure respect. It's also a state of mind called freedom. It's the absence of any pressure from the social, political and religious environment in which a normal person lives, but freedom is different on my level. It is when you have the power to dictate! Freedom. This is an illusion I offered Baby to have, but like any normal peasant, they can never be content with just that. She had to go to the other room and get tempted. I meant every word when I said I wanted her to win, because my obsession with her had become one of my weaknesses, but as the clock approached midnight and I saw how she would succeed, it just convinced me that I wanted her to be in my life forever. Seeing her pure determination was true entertainment. I was very sure that I would lose in this game, the minute she disabled my little insect babies, but the game changed the minute sh
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BABY The notion that I am being watched has fully taken over my mind, driving me insane. This is much worse than being in Charles's clutches; I'm constantly afraid that Charles or his men will come for me. The pressure is never-ending.I can't sleep. I can't eat properly. I stay in the tub and stare blankly on the wall.If not on the wall I stare most of the time at the Nanogex IV bag, just sitting on top of an old table with no chairs that came with the house. The hospital nurse had this in a bag for me before I left. I was informed that I was clutching it tight when someone found me. I close my eyes and pray for a single tear. "Come on, cry, get it out," I yell at myself. I can't even weep, despite my best efforts; not a single tear has fallen from my eyes. I'm not sure what's going on with me, but the way I'm acting is clearly a condition of shock, or am I suffering from some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder? Whatever the case may be, it must be managed. It's something I'
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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has a loved one battling cancer and is fighting courageously!BABY'S POINT OF VIEW "How are you planning to be an alcoholic when you don't even have a bottle opener?" Astor says, mocking me from the back, looking at all the wine bottles I just bought while rummaging through the random things I put in the cart. Astor notices how tense I've grown as I drive. He tried to lighten the mood by talking to me, mentioning all the favorite food I like buying. I simply giggle at his pranks and recall how much easier things were when I was still under his supervision. I wish I could be that innocent young lady again. It fascinates me that he could well be the same guy despite such gruesome torture. The drive had already been more than an hour, and I'm always on the lookout if there's any vehicle following us. I finally dared to ask about aunt Madonna's condition expecting a not-so-favorable response. Astor was suddenly silent. It took him a good m
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