All Chapters of My Alpha, Her Mate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
204 Chapters
027 In The Morning
Samantha I woke up late in the morning feeling exhausted and tired. I remembered what happened to me in bed, and it made me afraid. I had never experienced that kind of darkness and pressure before in my life. Whatever happened was unusual, and I hoped it never happened again. I looked at the window and saw that the sun was very much in the sky. I knew it was somehow close to the afternoon, getting the twins here would be impossible if I had to go myself, so I reached for my cell phone and called my mother. We had done some improvements to our settlement, so we had a cell network there now. I requested my mother send the twins over, and she promised she would do so as soon as possible. I hung up and was about to get off the bed when Alex entered with a breakfast tray smiling. "I felt you wake up," he said, kissing me and placing the tray on the bed so I could see what he brought. The spread was definitely not his making. Other than sandwiches, which he made for the twins often. "My
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028 The Solar Eclipse
Ellis I returned to my room after spending time with the mages in the gazebo. Our discussion left me unsettled, and I was anxious. We had limited or no options to defend ourselves, and I knew time was of the essence, and we were running out. I sat on the couch watching the television in our bedroom. I wanted to clear my mind a bit so I could think straight. One thing was unavoidable. I had to tell my husband what was going on. There was a soap I enjoyed watching, and this was the time it came up. While it played, I could not follow the story because I was worried. We had no plan and no solution. I hated being in these situations where I did not have the upper hand. I hated being unprepared, and whatever was coming, even though I was aware of it, I might not be prepared for it. I sat on the couch looking at the screen but not paying attention. Someone covered my eyes from behind, and with the tiny fingers, I knew who it was. I grabbed the hands and kissed them. "Join mommy on the cou
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029 The Talk
EllisI took a deep breath, gauging the situation. I honestly did not know where to start from, and William knew. He leaned close to me and kissed me passionately."You can tell me anything, Darling. I promise I won't be mad," he repeated, and I nodded and opened my mouth to speak. I did not feel comfortable speaking while sitting, so I stood up and began to pace back and forth in the parlour of our bedroom. William looked at me with a straight expression on his face, and I smiled at him nervously."I have been having nightmares for six months now. I thought they were just nightmares, and it would pass eventually. That was why I did not tell you. Soon they became more frequent and robbed me of my sleep. I would stay awake most of the night, afraid to close my eyes and be drawn back in. S
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030 Support
Ellis William stared at me, waiting for the answer, but I did not know how to explain it to him. "You said Ephraim answered your call. What did he tell you?" he asked, trying to make it easier on me. I told him all that Ephraim, and I discussed, and William was shaken. He tried to put up a brave face, but it showed on him. The situation was not favourable to either of us, and it was obvious. "What are our odds?" He asked, and I shook my head. He motioned for me to come to sit next to him. I did, and he held me. "This was why you were crying," he stated, and I nodded my head. He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. "We will get through this together, love. With you by my side, evil will not rule me, nor would it rule my heart," he said and used his hand to lift my chin so he could gaze into my eyes. "I have you to pull me back from the brink," he said, and a tear rolled down the side of my face because his words got to me. "Promise me you will wear your godly shoes pro
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031 William's Nightmare
William What Ellis had told me scared me. Although I tried to maintain a brave facade, I was frightened deep down. How could she have been dealing with so much and not tell me? I felt sad. I had to hide my true feelings so she would not beat herself more than she already had. I knew we needed to take what she told me, seriously. She was a demi-god after all, and if Ephraim had confirmed it, then it was possible it would happen. I could not believe that Dinah had been trapped. I hated the god for a while, but we soon grew fond of her, and she was family to us. The thought of her being trapped somewhere broke my heart, and I knew Ellis missed her. I remembered my words to her when she warned me of the darkness. Had I somehow doomed myself by saying those words? I threatened that I would join forces with the darkness and come for her and the others. I was hurting when I said those words but with what Ellis had just told me. I regretted it severely. My wife lay in my arms, and I knew I n
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032 Trapped
William The woman was wearing white, and her dress radiated. She glided towards me, and I looked around to see if anyone else was with me. I heard the slithering sound again, and it came from behind her. She smiled at me, and even though she was pretty, the smile was evil-looking. It was dark. I searched her skin with my eyes for dark veins but found none. I did not understand what was going on. "William, child," she said, and I frowned at her. Why would she call me her child? I looked around and called Melena and Audrey, but no one answered. "I don't bite," she said and smiled at me as she approached me. I tried to move backwards, but I couldn't. I was stuck in one spot. The woman caught up to me and stood in front of me. "William Moonchild," she whispered with an eerie voice, and I cringed. "I have been dying to meet you.." she said. I tried to move my hands and legs, but they were stuck. An invisible force was holding them in place, so I continued to try hoping it would stop.
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033 Sleeping Handsome
Ellis I was worried as hell. It had been two days since William had been trapped in his sleep. None of us knew what to do. After I told him what happened, we stayed up all night, and everything felt right. He was planning a getaway trip for us. I was so excited about planning it that I woke up in the morning energised. I did not have a nightmare, and it felt great. At first, I thought he was tired and needed to rest, but when it was noon and he didn't wake up, I became worried. I tried to wake him up, but he did not move, he didn't budge, and that was when the alarm bells went off in my head. I linked the mages to join me immediately. Melena and Audrey were worried because of my tone. When they arrived in my bedroom, they realised why I was in distress. Now it had been over twenty-four hours, and he was yet to wake up. I sat by the bed crying. Audrey came to hold me, but I did not want her to hold me. I did not want anyone to hold me. I wanted William to hold me. I wanted him to wake
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034 Prayers
William The creepy goddess had succeeded and scared the hell out of me. I was powerless. My wolf was silent, and it seemed Samantha and I had no hope. The woman laughed most of the time and kissed me a couple of times which disgusted me. "Your body is just perfect for Apophis. I can't wait for him to devour me in that hot sexy body," She said, and I wanted to puke. "You are mad," I told her, and she frowned at me. "Sam is literally my distant cousin. You want Apophis to screw you, which means my body will be screwing hers. Do you know how sick that is?" I said, and she frowned at me. "There is nothing wrong with that. I am sure the four of us, Or will I say six of us, including your wolves, would love it," she said, and all I could see was the madness in her eyes. Something felt wrong about the entire setting. For someone that had something sinister planned out, she seemed too chatty. She should be carrying out her plans of taking over our souls and body right now instead of maki
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035 Awake
William I felt a bit disoriented when I woke up, and it was mainly because my body had been asleep for two days. After drinking some water, Ellis brought me soup, and I gladly ate it. We had been through a huge ordeal, and no one except us and maybe the Wildbreeds knew. After eating the soup, I placed a call to Alex. It took a while before he answered. I just needed to be sure Samantha was okay. "Hello," Alex said. "How is Sam?" I asked him, going straight to the point, and he sighed. "Thank you, William. I am grateful for what you did for my mate. She was asleep for two days. She told me Ellis was the one that got her out." he said, confirming what happened. "How is she?" I asked again because he hadn't answered my question Yet. "She is fine. Just bathed her and my mother had the hotel bring food," he said, and I relaxed. "If you do not mind, Sam and I would like to visit you and stay for a while because of the new development," he said, and I did not know how to feel about it.
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036 Sam's Side
Samantha I woke up shaken and afraid. Alex had lost it, and I heard he almost killed the Shaman that came to help. My mother did not know what to do either. Dinah wasn't available, so she too was handicapped in that situation. They had all given up completely, except for Alex who they said kept talking to me and begging me to wake up. I did not want to hurt his feelings, so I did not tell him that I did not hear his voice in the void. When I woke up and found out there was no black sky and the Eclipse was yet to come, I felt cheated. Everything I had witnessed felt real. I was angry, and I hated the fake moon goddess for what she did. I knew deep down that that slithering bitch was not the goddess but kept it to myself. I thought I was doomed until I saw William. The sight of William gave me hope. I knew that his wife was a Demi-god, and if the rumours about them were true, then they would figure a way out. I had begun to doubt my resolve after talking to him and realising we were in
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