My Alpha, Her Mate의 모든 챕터: 챕터 51 - 챕터 60
204 챕터
051 Irresistible
Ellis The dinner went well. William was able to gain new alliances. All the guests finally left, two in the morning. I made sure I didn't get close to William to the point that his mate would take offence. Mirabel had warned and schooled me on the mate bond and how dangerous getting between the two could be. I watched them retire together to his room. My heart was breaking, but that was my curse to bear. I went to my room alone. I was seven months and some weeks pregnant now. Seeing William had aroused me. I wondered if he could smell it or the mate bond had taken over his senses too. Mirabel had bought me a vibrator in town. Although William said I could be with anyone, I couldn't do it while carrying his child. I didn't want to disrespect my baby that way, and secretly, I wanted to keep myself for him. He was the only man I had ever been with, I wanted it that way for now. I sat on my bed and spread my legs to pleasure myself as usual. My hormones had been raging since I got pregn
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052 The Truths
William I couldn't believe what had happened. There was a time that Ellis was everything to me, and I never saw myself wavering from my resolve to be with her. I promised her everything and assured her that I would never leave her, but here I was, sharing my bed with another woman because the moon goddess willed it. The way the mate bond buried my feelings for Ellis was disturbing. The intense affection I felt for her was now a distant memory. All that occupied my mind was Emma. Her scent was mind-blowing. Emma wasn't perfect, and she had big shoes to fill in comparison to Ellis, but Grey loved her regardless and held on to the bond. Seeing Ellis in that short white dress, stirred up a strange feeling in me. I knew her feelings towards me were the same. I still had the same effect on her. I could smell the scent of her arousal throughout the party. It was so strong that I couldn't sleep. I stayed up wondering what she might be up to. Although I no longer had feelings for her, I s
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053 Naughty Rebellion
Ellis. William had instructed me to pack. He said I would be returning to the settlement. I didn't want to go, but he said it was an order. I wasn't looking forward to returning to that place. Patrick hated me and Susan wasn't allowed to talk to me. The only friend I had was Gamma Philip, and all we did was spar. How did William expect me to survive? Mirabel could not follow because she was an outcast. William will not have time for me because of his mate. He was hell-bent on making sure I was isolated from everyone. He had seized my vibrator and he promised me that I would beg him. I wanted my husband back quite alright, but not in this way. He couldn't lay with me with confidence. He had to wash off my scent, He couldn't hold my hand or show me any form of affection. I wanted to fight for him and help him remember our love, but the odds stacked against us were high. Everything he was doing now, was out of duty because he swore by his wolf. I packed the little things I came
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054 Sudden Attack
William. Emma was cold towards me the whole drive back to the settlement. She had shed some tears and tried to blackmail me emotionally, but my mind was made up. I instructed the pack members to fix up the guest house that was beside the Alpha quarters. I had bought things for the nursery. The guest house had three rooms. One was going to be for Ellis, the other for the baby and the last one was going to be for Rose and Gretchen, the wolf nanny I had hired. Ellis was thirty-six weeks gone, we were expecting the baby anytime soon. Emma was so angry she refused to let me touch her and Grey refused to let me leave her alone. Emma would cry and beg me to end her life. She tried all sorts of blackmail tactics, but I refused to budge. I didn't like her attitude at all. Ellis had never tried to control me or order me around before. This woman had done more than that. Trying to make me swear by my wolf not to sleep with my wife again. Trying to make me swear by my wolf not to recognise
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055 Understanding Emma
William. I sat in my office playing with the note Dimitri had left me, I was contemplating whether or not to read it. Then I got a call from one of my servants at the estate. He reported something that annoyed me, and my mood became worse. As things were, I was already in a bad state of mind and I wondered if what the note contained would take me off the bend. So I opened it to read its content. 'Clearsand you overstepped your bounds when you got involved with my business. This is a taste of what is to come. Tell Emma I said hello, and she shouldn't miss me much.' I crumbled the paper in my hand and rushed to my apartment. Emma would explain to me why she was significant enough for Dimitri to mention her in his note to me. Was she involved? Did she betray us? Was that why she hid in the closet? Grey tried to control me and calm me down, but I knew confronting her was necessary. Her jealousy could have made her mad enough to work against me. I slammed the door open and found Emm
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056 Our New Situation
Ellis William sounded harsh and indifferent towards me on the phone. Philip told me what happened at the settlement and why he wouldn't be able to visit the next day. I had rushed to the hospital to render some assistance. Doctor Thompson was kind to me at first, but he became rude after speaking to William. I began to suspect that William had given him the go-ahead to disrespect me. I didn't take offence. Kevin drove me back to the estate immediately. When we got there, I found William's driver waiting for me. Rose and I bid everyone farewell and got into the vehicle to head to the settlement. When we got to the settlement about four in the morning. There was no one there to welcome us and I could understand it was because the pack had gone through a traumatising event. We headed straight to the guest house and I went to the master bedroom and slept off. I woke up at ten in the morning. I was hoping to see William but instead, he sent for me to see him in his office. I felt a bit
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057 Conflicted
William. The look on Ellis's face confirmed everything. I was so mad. She refused me only to pick Mirabel. I was so angry when I got the call from one of the servants in the estate who I had stationed to keep an eye on her. He said according to the footage she had asked Mirabel to accompany her to the bathroom. I had guessed the sex part and Ellis had confirmed it. I intended to make her suffer for picking Mirabel over me. I sent for groceries to be delivered to her house and I instructed the pack members not to interact with her. She disgusted me. Patrick rushed to my office. " William, Jasper Wild is here," he said and I told him to let him in. Jasper arrogantly entered my office and made himself comfortable. " To what do I owe this visit?" I asked him and he smiled. " I am still looking for Mr Ross," he said with a big grin. " I have told you this before, I cannot help you with that," I said to him a bit irritated. " I heard you married a human where is she?" He asked and
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058 The Dream
Ellis I left the hospital alone. A kappa had come to get me and my son in a truck. Waking up in the general ward and seeing how badly the medical staff had treated me, I knew something was off. I returned to the house William allocated to me. Nobody came to greet me and I did not care. The house was stocked with food and everything the baby will need. I also found my vibrator in the drawer of my dresser. My son was really cute I hadn't thought of a name yet but I knew William wouldn't allow me to name him. I was a bit disappointed in Susan. If it were the other way around I would have damned the consequences and gone to see her. She was the one that had created a problem between Patrick and me. I was really angry. I felt abandoned and alone. I felt I was living on borrowed time. William. Ellis's had disgusted me. I was mad at her for what she tried to do. I decided she will have all she needed but I will never speak to her again. A few months passed, there were times I wanted to
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059 Apologies Needed
William. My father brought my son in the dead of the night. He raised an alarm that Ellis had run away. " When?" I asked him trying to see if we could still catch up to her. I saw my son in his arms and I was overcome with remorse. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He had silver eyes and platinum coloured hair. Why would Ellis abandon him and run away? " She brought Derek to my house in the morning and asked me to watch him. She said she wanted to get some herbs in the forest and she might be late," he explained and I almost punched him. She had no business with herbs. Ellis had a very good head start, knowing how determined she was, it would be difficult to catch her. I was about to head out when Emma held me back. " Let her go, Will. Your son is here. Let her go." Grey was angry for the first time, he compelled me to push her away and I ran to the guest house. I searched through her things and then I found a note she left, addressed to me I opened it to read.
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060 Severance
Ellis. I couldn't believe that William will swear by his wolf not to hurt me. When I saw him naked staring at me in the cage, I was scared. I thought he would beat me for running away. To my surprise, he was sad and remorseful. When he kissed me, all the emotions that I had pushed away came tumbling down on me again. As my knees became weak and p**sy became wet, I became scared, my body was betraying me. How could he still have this effect on me? I was completely powerless. When he touched my cl*t, I knew I wouldn't have the willpower to say no. My head warned me but my heart and my body wanted him. I wanted it. I needed it. My whole body was in need. I felt like a fool and tears began to roll down my eyes. How could he have this much power over me? I knew he would do want he wanted and take what he wanted and I wouldn't have the willpower to stop him. When he began to suck my n**ples, I was gone. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him to suck on them continuously. They were ha
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21 Protection Status