All Chapters of Phasma: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
128 Chapters
Chapter 11 - How We Develop
The two went on their way. From the main gates, they went straight ahead to the main school building, a vast castle which housed the business offices of the University, professors' dorms, and faculties for the 3 major Divisions, namely Military and Sports Division, Science and Technology Division, and the Magic and Arts Division. They turned to the left then, on a clockwise direction, where the main Military grounds lay. Most of the University's west side was for this division, including training grounds and sports fields which lay under the Military division. This includes horse tracks, soccer fields, basketball courts, Olympic size pools, gymnasiums and the likes. The West Dormitory is a large western style building used as barracks for the students with rooms housing as many as 60 students each. They could see 2 of them from a distance, side by side to separate the male from female soldiers. To the north was the Science Department's main building, a massive buildi
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Chapter 12  – Elemental Riffle
The three passed the Science department to buy some snacks on their way to the military department. The Science building had several food dispensers located in front and Dorin bought a lot of snacks from each. His satchel was near bursting when they finally went on their way to the shooting ranges. "How come we don't have food dispensers in our dorms?" Dorin asked, popping some candy inside his mouth. [Magic students kept messing around with it, the food inside always disappear in the morning] Seb with a wafer stick hanging out of his mouth. "Really, you two, hurry up and finish your snacks." Mar said with a frown, "Eating is prohibited in most areas in the Military department, particularly in the training fields."  [Roger] Seb gulped his wafer. Dorin placed the rest of the candy in his mouth and chewed vigorously. "We'll be passing the Sky Gate." Mar pointed at a gatehouse with 2 guards standing in front.  The grounds of the
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Chapter 13 - Medical Care
"Sebastian!" Mar ran to her friend's side. "Are you okay?" "What the hell is going on out here?" yelled someone from behind. People in the barn rushed outside to see what all the commotion was about. "Major General Muller!" saluted Drill Sergeant Robinson, his face turning pale, "There's been a weapon malfunction."  "Sir." Mar stood in attention, "A civilian has been injured by a weapon malfunction." The general approached and looked at the crater where the target used to be before checking on the two students on the ground. "Would someone tell me what happened here?" he demanded, when Dorin suddenly looked up.  "Dorin?!" the general said with a gasp. "What are you doing here?!" Dorin stared at the general wide-eyed, thoughts swirling in his head. He looked down at his friend, unconscious in his arms. "Marcus," he said, staring back at the general, "my... friend... is hurt."  Major General Marcus Muller stared at
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Chapter 14 - Under My Protection
"You sure you'll be okay?" Margarette asked for the umpteenth time. Sebastian nodded beside her. "If you're really sure..." "Don't worry Margarette, I'll take care of Seb," said Dorin. They were standing in front of the entrance of the East Dormitory. Sebastian's bandaged right hand hangs from a sling around his neck. It was a good thing that only the tips of his left fingers got injured. Mar looked at Seb one last time and sighed. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then," she said, turning around, "my training ends at 2 PM, I'll go to the Photography Club room as soon as I can. I'll keep in touch." The two were left in silence. They made their way to their room, not saying a word. Dorin placed his bag inside his closet and changed into a shirt. Seb took his coat off and was about to climb up his bed when Dorin stopped him. "Seb," he called to his roommate. "I want to apologize again for what happened." Seb nodded and proceeded to go up to his bunk b
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Chapter 15 – Kitchen Duty
Dorin woke up early the next day. He took a quick bath and hurried to the kitchen, leaving Sebastian snoozing on the top bunk. The kitchen was still under renovation, so he made his way outside to the canteen. It was still closed. He sighed, stifled a yawn, and waited for the cook to arrive with the key. He was getting hungry. Good thing he brought some snacks.  He was humming while he ate, squatting on the ground, when a pair of rugged sneakers stopped in front of him. "What are you doing there?" asked a frowning guy in a frayed shirt and faded jeans. "The canteen won't open till 7 am." "Oh, I'm here for kitchen duty," Dorin said with a smile. "Do you have the keys?" he asked. "Only the head cook has the keys," the guy said, squatting on the ground away from Dorin. He had close-cropped reddish dark brown hair, a dark complexion, and sunburnt arms. "You aiming for scholarship too?" he asked, eyeing Dorin's new clothes. "Scholarship?"
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Chapter 16 - Criteria
-  Criteria   Finally, Josiah accepted the invitation. The 4 of them walked past several other clubhouses, mostly art and music-related. As they walked, the woods seemed to go deeper, the trees closer to each other, soon the light of the sun was covered by the trees. They followed a paved road which led to an archway, on top of which was the sign 'Magic Division Main Campus'. By the side was a sign saying 'Only bonafide magi are allowed to enter'. The group went straight through. As Dorin did, he felt as if he passed a kind of membrane, but the professor held his hand, as well as Josiah's, and they were able to make it inside the grounds. They walked for a couple of minutes more until a grand castle come into view. The castle stood in the midst of a vast clearing, surrounded by a wall of trees. Its grey walls looked ancient with moss and lichen growing from its cracks and covering it with vines. There was a veil of
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Chapter 17 - The Winner Is
Dorin and Seb sat in the lecture room with the rest of the students as the judges went around to see the photos. "What do you think will win 1st prize?" Dorin asked Seb. [Hard to tell.] Seb answered, [We might have our favorites, but it would depend entirely on the judges' discretion.] "But if you were to choose, which one would you pick?" ['Shadow lace', How about you?] "I like that photo of the moving lights, I'd like to capture something like that soon..." [Hmph. Something like that is already common here in the city. Shadow lace is more interesting. The composition is unique and the lighting was perfect.] "I guess so... How about my work? What do you think about my brick oven?" Seb looked at the picture, the flames dancing inside the oven, the steam from the newly baked bread. [It's good, looks fit for a bakery commercial.] "Commercial?" Dorin looked at him, questioning. "Oh, the judging has begun!"
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Chapter 18 - Elements
The small group made it to the Magic Dorm's outer kitchen just before 5. The cook, Mrs. Cooper, let them in the cafeteria but was on the way out herself. "Professor Dupont," she greeted the teacher, "It's been a while since you came by." "Hello Mrs. Cooper!" replied Professor Dupont, "I just came from a class and heard that Dorin here is quite the cook, I decided to try some of it out myself." The cook laughed. "Well, if he could keep himself from blowing up my kitchen, I'd say he's quite the good cook!" Dorin looked embarrassed. "Get in the kitchen boy," she added, "you can start peeling the potatoes while I go out to buy something." [Perhaps I can be of assistance?] Seb showed her his slate. "Not unless you have some baking soda up your sleeves." Seb was silent for a while, then shook his head. [I can buy it for you] he writes. "No thanks. I know how high your 'service charge' is..." Mrs. Cooper waved him off.
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Chapter 19 - She's a Woman!
The three finished the food and were served some apple crumble with custard for dessert. The canteen was full by then, and both Dorin and Johan had joined them by the counter. "How do you like the food?" Dorin asked the professor. "Very enjoyable!" replied Dupont. [I liked the roast, medium rare] wrote Seb. "The apple crumble was my favorite," said Mar. "Oh, that was Johan," said Dorin. Johan merely frowned at them and continued eating. "Don't tell Mrs. Cooper, but he's got this way of keeping the temperature of the old brick stove at a certain level..." "How did you find--" Johan blurted out, but cut off and returned to frowning at his plate. "Don't worry, I don't plan to rat on you," said Dorin defensively, "I'm just amazed at the kind of control you have on the fire, back at home, I had to bind a spell on our brick oven to keep the temperature level and to time my cooking the way the cookbooks asked for," he added, "
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Chapter 20 -  Preparations
Preparations In the end, Professor Dupont decided to walk Margarette half way to the Military Department. She was against it at first, but the good natured professor convinced her that he had been planning to drop by the Science and Technology Department to visit Professor Newton. Johan simply waved as they parted, while Dorin accompanied Sebastian to see his aunt Althea in the Infirmary."Well, the arm seems to be healing nicely, nothing to worry about there." Althea said after checking up on Sebastian. "The burns might take a while to fade though."She took some patches and placed it on top of the burnt wounds after applying some ointment on it, then wound bandages around his arm. "No need for a sling, just keep it clean and dry."[Thank you professor Althea.] wrote Seb, inspecting his right arm."And as for you..." she said, addressing Dorin, "Here's the other charm I told you about." She handed him another translu
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