All Chapters of Longing Hearts (Book 1 of Precious series): Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
31 Chapters
PROLOGUERain is trying to hold his tears as he runs out to the garden. His back is to the rough wall of the gardener's hut made smooth by his constant leaning on it whenever he talks with Ami. Today, he felt numb and so heartbroken. His beloved dad just passed away leaving him in-charge of their company. He couldn't believe it, after happily celebrating his 11th birthday two weeks before.Suddenly, he felt a comforting arm draped over his shoulders. He knew who it was before he turned his head. Ami just gave him her sweetest, most comforting smile. Ami in her usual tattered jeans and worn, mud-splattered shirt. She is their neighborhood's famous hoyden and his best friend."Sir Rainier is now in a safer, pain-free world," she said while squeezing his shoulders. Rain is so thankful that she never mentioned the tears silently running down
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The morning after the party was one of gloomy and unhappy events. Ami went to the manor wearing a second dress that week thinking she was Rain’s bride-to-be. Rain’s kiss is still fresh on her mind and lips. It felt like he branded her with his lips. Her hand was on the doorknob when she heard a car turning up the massive U-shaped driveway. As she turned around, she saw Rain helping down a beautiful merchant’s daughter known in the neighborhood as the local flirt. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She was even more dismayed when Mrs. Gonzales hailed them from the terrace overhead. Obviously none of them saw her. Ami was so crestfallen that she ran towards the back of the manor in the direction of  the gardener’s house given to them by the Gonzales’. In her distress, she did not stop to think and rationalize what happened. She passed by her uncle happily nursing his favorite cup of Benguet coffee. As soon as she got inside, she locked herself in her r
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“Who would have known that one of my heart’s wishes will come true today,”Mabel happily hugged Ami while they were waiting to board their flight. “Boohoo,” Ami laughingly responded but Mabel noticed her cousin’s lifeless eyes. She just kept it to herself and tried to cheer her up. Don’t worry, Ali, one of my employers’ sons will be there to help you forget...uhm… just forget.”,Mabel teased her. Ami’s eyes clouded over but she bravely pushed the emotion back and said gaily, “Hah, who needs forgetting? I will not waste my energy crying over someone… or something.” “Aptly said Ma’am”, a handsome American said over his shoulder. Mabel and Ami looked at each other and laughed. “ What is so funny
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Across the miles, Mrs. Gonzales and son are busy preparing for the worst as they once again welcomed the Santiagos into their home. Fiona as always is as beautiful as ever in her pink suit while her father looked boring as usual. He rarely smiles unless they are talking about money, people don’t only describe him as boring but money-greedy as well. Well, today he is all smiles as he clapped Rain on the back saying “Well, my boy, let us proceed with this engagement then, shall we?” Rain winced as if he had been punched in the gut. He looked to his mom for help. “Come Barry, let us leave the children for a while. Let us give them time to talk,” she said motioning for Barry to go with her. “My son and I are looking into a business venture and I value your opinion.” Rain rolled his eyes upon hearing this, nonetheless, he smiled. Mrs. Gonzales and Barry were about to go to the adjoining verandah when Ronnie walked
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The next day, Rain woke with a hang-over. It didn’t help that his cousins were standing by the open door sneering at him.”At last, loverboy awakes, “ teased Robert in a loud voice but not loud enough to be heard by their mom who was busy preparing a fresh coffee for him. “What do you want?” asked Rain, squinting at the two brothers. “Not even a thank you!.” said Jerry obviously enjoying Rain’s predicament. “Don’t you remember anything yesterday, “ he laughingly asked. “Drat you!” muttered Rain. You know perfectly well that unlike you or your sister, I can’t remember anything once I’m under the influence of alcohol. Suddenly his aunt appeared and shoved the brothers aside. “Happy birthday Ambot!” she cheerfully greeted him. Rain sat up suddenly and  felt dizzy. “Ay sinalbag!,”
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Contrary to Rain’s belief, Ami did remember him on their birthday. She also saw an i*******m post but she ignored it telling herself maybe it is a one-off fling of Rain’s like in the past. She was busy typing an email required by her employer when Mabel barged into her room with a loud “Happy Birthday!” She was followed by Madam Mariam, Sir Abdullah, Ali and Mansour and their sister. “Since your planned trip to Ferrari World did not push through because of my emergency meeting, I am giving you this day as a gift. “ Madam Mariam uttered. “Ali or Mansour is just too happy to escort you ladies.” Ami looked to Ali who winked at her and she just rolled her eyes to hide her blush. In all the six months that she has been with them, Mansour felt like a brother to her except Ali who seems to know her more and feels something far different from that of a brother.Despite the awkwardness she feels in his presence, A
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The day after her birthday proved to be a very tiring day for Ami. First, she had to travel to Dubai with Madam for a business meeting with one of the largest clothes retail shop in the middle east. After the meeting, they went to Al Ain for a business lunch with the Sheikha’s mother. By the time they got back to Abu Dhabi, she was drained but she still has to send emails to the family’s business partners,failing once again to notice the cc’d individuals. Belatedly though, she had a suspicious feeling in her gut that made her look into her sent emails. There, why is it that she didn’t notice it before? “I don’t believe it!, she spluttered. All the while I have been communicating with them.” “Nooo,” she said over and over even when she was called to dinner that evening. She was so distracted that she ne
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A month has passed since Rain and Ami’s birthday and still no word from her. Perhaps she had forgotten about him. Just like the previous month he immersed himself in overseeing their businesses,It’s about time he pulled his weight and lessen the burden on his mom’s shoulders. He was busy reading an email when his phone rang. Without looking, he just swiped the off button. In a few minutes, his aunt came all flushed from obviously running up the steps to see him. He still can’t understand why she wouldn’t just use the elevator to make her life easier. '`Rainaldo Lyssander!”, she admonished. “Rain got startled and leapt up from his swivel chair and looked at her with guilt on his face. '`Yes Auntie?”, he asked apologetically, giving her his most adorable expression. Obviously it didn’t work because she scowled at him and crossed her arms across her chest. Oh no, this is not going to be a normal conversation, he thought to himself. Without any preamble,
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As it happens, Jerry forgot to remind Magnolia to delete her post of her and Rain and since one of Magnolia’s friends is connected to Ami’s social media account, she saw the photos and the captions. She was busy browsing through her FB account when she caught sight of the post on her friend’s timeline. There was a strong pang in her chest that she couldn’t name but made her sad and gloomy. It was her day off but since the Al Fahezi residence is far from the city center, she just stayed in her room. She couldn’t understand why seeing the post made her emotional. She was never this emotional back home. Maybe she is just homesick, she told herself. That’s probably it. Missing all those glorious greens on rolling hills, her neighbors, oh not that specific neighbor, she tried to tell herself, oh well him too. She was about to take a nap when there was a knock on her door. “Shuhada, who is it?! She shouted. Nobody i
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          Before they boarded the ship, Ami and Mabel couldn’t help but gawk at the massive ship. For her part, Ami had only seen photos of it when she was in college. The Gonzales’ just purchased the ship and Rain was so proud that the first thing he did was show a photo of it to Ami. Of course over the years, the ship had undergone a makeover to modernize it. It had nearly cost the Gonzales’ their fortune. If not for Mrs. Gonzales’ business acumen, they could have gone bankrupt. Now gazing at it up close, it felt surreal for Ami. Her jaw dropped at the massive size but she at once remembered who she was with so as quickly as she could, she nudged Mabel on her side which earned her a glare. “Close your mouth,” ordered Ami. “Otherwise, we’ll embarrass ourselves and our employers..” “I just can’t believe it,” owned Mabel. “We are actually spending weeks in that, that big boat?” she asked,
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