All Chapters of Omega and the vampire prince: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
149 Chapters
Final surprise
Although not in direct sunlight Ray drew the ring of Sol from his finger, smoke suddenly came from him with a 'hiss' the ultraviolet light that reflected from the trees caught him still.Farah frowned at him."I wear this ring during the day, it was a gift from my father! It protects me from the sun!""Put it back on Ray!" Tala said seeing his skin turning red.He replaced it and gasped."Give me one good reason I should let you go to pursue this Sara?""First tell me why you hate the Vladimir's?""Your grandfather, Vlad Dracul, was the one who slayed werewolves, we feared him like death""Vlad is old news! He's not around any more! Victor sees the better future between vampires and werewolves! He doesn't want war!""The Vladimir bloodline still runs, that's why I don't trust you""Woman! I'm engaged to a werewolf!"Farah twitched "What?""Here!" He took Tala by her shoulders "She's my fiancée
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New king of Transylvania
Tala blinked and looked at the ground immediately in front of her, there was no madness, no rage, she felt... Calm.She wasn't sure if she saw right, in her ears the roars and howls still shattered the night sky, but she felt nothing, not a hint of anger, pain, not even the lust for flesh, she wasn't even hungry!She stood up looking at her human hands, on her left the blue ring glowed brightly, its radiance making her squint at it, she slowly turned to Ray who stood leaning against the cage smiling at her."What's? Going on?"He came over to her and lifted the hand with the ring "Luna, the ring of the moon goddess, it grants the werewolf wearing it sanity on the full moon, as long as you wear it the moon has no control over you"He lifted his ringed finger "Just as Sol, the god of the sun, protects me from its rays"Tala drew a fist back and struck his chest "You bastard! You bastard! I was so worried! I already said my goodbyes! I made peace with it!"
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"Dammit!" Lia yelled "Will I be cursed to see my brother die in font of me!?" She wove a hand and the vines forming the cage retracted, she came over to Tala and tried to draw the ring off but it was stuck, she tried harder but to no avail, it was like the thing was one with her finger"Ok then!" Lia drew a knife "I will cut off that finger or drown him in her blood!" She screamed but this time Farah stopped her."What!?""That's enough""He has to die! He has to!""He just said he will help you get your brother back?""How!? He could barely defeat Sean in a fight!? How will he ever defeat Brian!?""Maybe he's a little too young, give him time to become a man and he'll be able to conquer much more than a mere half breed""Become a man? How long will that take?" Lia asked and looked at the two lying passed out on the ground, her heart sore, she knew her brother was probably long dead and tears flowed down her cheeks
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For the love of a woman
Ray groaned feeling drunk in his head, his opening eyes revealed him caged still, but looking around he saw himself alone in there."Tala?" He said sitting up and holding his head.Just outside the cage Tika sat with her back to him, a husky like wolf, and even as a wolf dedicated to her job as guard of the cages."Little one" he said getting up, she only twisted her head to him "Where is Tala?""Great hawk take Tala" she said."Great hawk!?""Lia became great hawk, took Tala away" she said gesturing with a paw.Ray suddenly felt his dowzyness gone "What do you mean she took her!?"Another wolf came closer Ray saw it was Farah, she bent and looked into the cage "The little witch made a deal with you prince""What deal!? I was passed out due to her foul magic!""She said she gave up on her brother, to her he's dead, to avenge her you must go kill the two hybrid brothers, only then will she return your Omega""This is outrageous!"
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The Queen of Svalbard
Tala screamed when the giant hawk came down quickly, it threw her down and landed next to her.Tala made distance between it and her then it shifted back into Lia, Tala was shocked "You!?""So you opted for this?" Tala heard the voice of a woman and saw the short white haired vampire approach, Tala felt the evil demeanor from her, her eyes also constantly red, not the bright blue like Ray's.Lilith looked at Lia when she stopped in front of them."I'm sorry master, I had no choice, my brother's life is not that important right now"Tala blinked 'Master?' "Your brother is still alive, you don't have to worry about him, I tried calling you but I didn't get hold?"Lia had a brighter face but was still begging "I, I dropped it because of my decision, you do understand master?""I do, that's why I tried to call you, is the prince still alive?""Yes, she was the one they ultimately got to kill him" Lia said pointing at Tala.
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High alpha
Tala felt like a heavy pressure just forced itself upon her, Lilith stood glaring at her but she didn't move."It would have united our kingdoms..." "It, makes sense" Tala said."Oh well it can't be helped then, I'll just have to kill you""What!?"Lilith laughed "Joking, this is brilliant actually, I never thought the prince would fall for a pup""I'm not a pup!""You're an Omega""But, wait, how did you know that?""I have a werewolf that serves me as well, and she's much more powerful than you..." Lilith held her chin "She's an Alpha, although, she did warn me when she returns I should not have another wolf with me, or she will kill it..."Tala panicked "I didn't come here out of free will!""Yes... My witch brought you""Still! I don't want to die!"Lilith smiled "Come then" her eyes glowed and Tala felt herself move."What are you doing?" "You're under my mind control spell, for the time bein
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Ray followed Tika through the forest, her ears constantly scanning, her head turned to use her one good eye.Ray only watched her tail, he had his ears do the listening as well, her tail would give away if there was danger.They got to a river and Tika jumped in, Ray halted seeing her doggy paddle through and climb out, washing the blood off her in the process, she saw him on the other side and wove a paw."Vamp..." He bucked his head feeling that was too loud "vampires can't cross large moving bodies of water!" He whispered as loud as he dared.She heard him but he saw her shoulders sag."I'm sorry" he said rubbing his head.She looked left and right, then pointed down the river.Ray followed her as she went until there lied a tree that fell over a narrower part.Ray climbed over it and joined her, her face not impressed."Powerful vampire like cat, afraid of water...""I'm not afraid! I just can't!""Why!?" She asked as they w
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Secrets of vampires
One leap, Asena was high over the table and above Tala who shrieked, but Lilith had her by her rear foot and dragged her back over the table and slammed her into the ground on the opposite side again."Try again" Lilith said and giggled at Asena's angered face.Asena went through a shift Tala has never seen before, half a shift, her body covered itself in pure white fur, her hands widened to paws, ans her feet lengthened to claws.Lilith leapt up and landed on Tala's back rest, balancing there perfectly "You are not to move Tala""Are you kidding me!? Look at her!?"Asena stood watching Lilith, then those eyes came on Tala again "I'm really going to die!"Down under the table Asena went but Tala felt herself being grabbed and lifted out of the chair, up still and over Lilith's shoulder, then Lilith ran with her over the long table, Tala hanging over her shoulder saw Asena was up and on the table as well in full stride."Faster! Here she comes!" Tal
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To transmutate into a wolf, then split your body up hundreds of times then shift them into bats, how Shelai knew to do this was beyond Ray, but she showed him none the less."Basically that same energy you use to cast a small illusion or hypnotise someone, that you focus out of your mind into your body, and take in that mental form"Ray tried picturing it, but it was difficult."You have hypnotised someone before right?""I, well I hypnotized a mouse before, to go pester my mother..."Shelai frowned at him, Tika was in giggles."Ok then, it seems you need to learn that basics first, try hypnotising Tika"The wolf stopped laughing "Why Tika!?""I need to make sure he does it right""But..." She looked at Ray."It's ok, it doesn't hurt" Shelai said.Ray shrugged at her and she sighed "Ok then, don't make Tika do something stupid""I won't" he said and they turned to each other."Basics, why don't you hypnotise her so she
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Your last alpha
Tala felt her neck stretch, this was real! It was close to taring off! Asena only had her claws out, now one on her snout the other around her jaw pulling, her foot in the nate of her neck pushing in! She was about to die!Her heart went out to Ray who so valiantly faced all odds to free her, even if he lost that fight, she felt like having that courage, she wanted to prove to him She'll be there when he one day finds her again!Tala took her claws away from Asena's arms and struck them in her sides bending as far back as she could, Asena screamed letting go but this allowed Tala to pick her up, bring her over and slam her head first into the carpeted floor, she wasn't done! Claws still in flesh she lifted Asena over her head and threw her down the long hall.Asena hit the ground tumbling, leaving darker red lines over the bright red carpet, crashing through an ornament table then slammed her claws into the ground, taring away the carpet to stop her from sliding furth
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