All Chapters of Omega and the vampire prince: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
149 Chapters
Still hungry
Tala clenched her fangs as she sat on a high building, her stomach still turned of hunger and now having a moment to breath she realised why she remained so hungry.It was because of Flufftail, she just had to go stuff herself every time a large piece of meat was given to her, like a spoiled brat, now naturally she won't be satisfied until she gets roughly the same amount of meat.Tala closed her eyes and held her gut, she was so hungry she'd kill anything now, it feels like every hunt she goes on gets interrupted, and now being in the middle of this giant city, where will she find a dear or elk to hunt!? She's in trouble and she knew it.Down below in an alleyway she saw movement, focusing she couldn't believe her luck, it was Wayne, but now found it fishy seeing him sneak around in these dark allies.Her eyes followed him to his car, and as he climbed in she ran and leapt down, he was about to set off when she landed right in front of him making him slam the br
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Safer with my kind
Asena slowed down to a trot, that smell so familiar to her, wolf yes but Muraco's destinct scent with it.She strolled through the forest with Lia on her back, both of them scanning the area, then ahead over a crest the glimmer of eyes in the moonlight made Asena stop."Uh, that looks scary" Lia said and swallowed."I'm looking for Muraco" Asena said.The large wolf similar to her came out to them "Asena?""Yes"Another large wolf came in next to him, but Asena sensed he wasn't normal, Lia shivered at his red eyes."Who's this?" Asena asked."I'll tell you, question first, what's going on Asena? You're far from Lillian's estate" Muraco said."I came looking for the prince, last I could figure he came here looking for information about the rings"Muraco twitched his head at the black wolf "Here he is then"Ray looked ar Muraco "She friendly? Because the one on her back isn't"Lia flinched "Ray!?""Where is Tala!?" He ro
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Lie to an old friend
Lilith sat at the table, Ray sat across from her "Her bother is fine now"His eyes widened."I sent her to guide you to me, but Sean intervened, his brother as well, they were the ones who kidnapped her brother, but I managed to get him back"Lia stood just out the room to hear that lie, she turned and left."That's good news, I'm glad" Ray said.Women came and served them each a bowl of blood and bowed leaving."So, you're queen now?" He asked tasting the blood."Yes..." She looked up sheepishly "And technically you're king"Ray looked at her but his gaze spelled the troubled thoughts he had about it "Not yet, Brian has my throne""That doesn't matter..." She looked away shyly "I was wondering about, if your father ever mentioned? The way we can unite our kingdoms?"Ray sipped the blood, that idea of marriage had his thoughts with Tala, but he did remember what Victor said "I wonder, if I didn't go on my little adventure, would we h
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It's a small world
Kaylee... A fey... Tala never thought someone like her existed, a being of pure light, unlike a witch who calls the forces of nature, cast spells and tricks, shape shifts into giant hawks, she's just pure, no other words are left for it.She sat one side on a stool watching her draw pictures, so at ease with her little cage, didn't she want out? Hasn't she made some sort of plan yet?Tala silently stood up and came in behind her, she was baffled to see a live drawing of a man, he was handsome, broad shoulders, and familiar... It looked like Hector."Is that?"Kaylee quickly closed the drawing with her chest and peeped surprised."Is that Hector?"Tala saw Kaylee was red in her face, almost like she was embarrassed "It, is him""Why would you draw someone who keeps you hostage here?"She brought the drawing forward again and looked at it "We are all hostage here""Even Hector?"She nodded."How? Hector has powerful spells, he's a
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The men were loud, Tala did feel like the alcohol started working but just sat watching them cheer, sing, dance, even play a game of mini basketball in the bus.She seems to have disappeared from their thoughts, even Rian next to her more interested in some of the girls up front, they seem to be the cheerleaders.Although it would make sense to put the cheerleaders in different busses, the girls where drinking just as hard as the boys, and it was their eyes that frowned on her when she entered, some of the boys here are probably boyfriends, or soon to be...Tala wondered about the human lifestyle, what would a normal human girl do to get a man's attention? To wolves it was easy, she needed to be strong, fast, fertile and beautiful, but to humans it seems it works different, the man had to work to get the girl... How odd? Yet the girls don't stop flirting, which signifies they are also interested in the men!Her head spun, and all that info didn't accommodate "Mor
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Big bad wolf
Tala wanted to save the best for last, and that was Sabrina, Turok she wanted to save badly, but he had to wait.Sabrina second, Sean first, why? Tala walked calmly towards the local vampire cage, she was glad she didn't eat that entire piece of beef, and now glad Flufftail liked to stuff her face so much, she rubbed her belly when it gave a soft groan, she wasn't hungry, but she could eat, and nothing will disturb her hunt now.Tala wanted her strength to be on full bar when going for Sabrina, and she reckoned a final good meal before she does that will insure she's maxed out, Sabrina's flesh will not be swallowed, she will tare her apart and sow her meat over the whole of the Appalachian mountains if she was able to.She reached that familiar gravel driveway belonging to Sean's little hideout, he never paved or tarred it, and it seems his Butler Benson didn't stay here, there were no place to park a car.A rotten smell hit her and she gagged, to her left she sa
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The plan with Tala
Without so much as a warning Tala grabbed Odine around her neck and lifted her up, then walked back through the house with her and threw her on a couch, the ash of the first two victims making her cough and wave along with that choke feeling in her neck.Tala feeling her new strength addicting braced and stretched again, taring more of her shirt "Now, little coward vampire, I want to know everything"Odine only looked at her and swallowed she never thought she'd find a woman this intimidating, considering what she was "Everything?""What did Sean do? What was his plan, his motive, to throw my entire life upside down!" She roared making Odine shake.Tala took a step back and allowed some of the pressure over her to lift."I'll say anything, but, I don't want to die""You never really fucked with me Odine, sure you chased me around a little, so the odds of your survival depends on how well you can explain what Sean did""Ok, it all started before Hel
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The hunters
Raphael entered the boardroom making the ever slight hushed whispers among his clan members go completely mute. He sat down at the head of the table and clasped his hands."It seems the world is moving up, more and more rules are being broken and left un punished, why is that?" He asked looking at the faces."Sir, we where under the impression everything went smoothly" a woman answered "Its been years since the Velvitali had to bring judgement, the world of vampires and werewolves were at a hairtrigger check, no one made any moves until now""What sparked it?""The announcement of Raymondias Vladimir sir""How can the announcement of a prince trigger anything like this!? We have a dead king and queen, a high alpha roaming around that I had no idea of! And now I must also find out Brian and Sean where not taken care of!?""Yes sir we are aware of all of it""Then... What's first?"A man lifted his hand quickly "Before we continue sir, I hear Mu
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Revenge is childish
Sticking to the forest around town mainly Tala kept walking with pace, she still had her wolf out partially and didn't want to call her back just yet, she also itches for revenge, and its best to let the wolf sniff, keep her ready to go.She scratched her skin stretched by the enlarged muscles, it was only a few steps further into the shift and the wolf will take over, Tala kept her like that, this was going to be sweet.As she reached the foot of the mountain she started to rethink her approach, maybe she shouldn't go after Sabrina and Nathan first, Tala was confident in herself but it was still two on one, she stopped ascending then looked west, that way was the Aniwaya, maybe them first?She twitched as her muscles throbbed and her shirt tore alittle more "No no girl, think about this..." She calmed her wolf, if she had Turok on her side it would balance the numbers, but then it won't be her revenge to take, she looked up the mountain and signed "Down girl"Sh
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Ambush the Sassaba
Tala had point as they walked through the forest, Marika constantly glanced at her making her frown "What's wrong?""You, seem different?""Different?" Tala asked smiling."There is this confidence about you, and your hair? Why did you cut it?""She's an Alpha now Marika couldn't you sense it?" Renaldo asked."What? When?""A while back" "Oh, I thought maybe its because you are brave enough to wear such tattered clothes" Marika said referring to her partially torn jeans and shirt.Tala closed her chest and glanced back at the two males, they blinked, but Marika broke out first "If I catch you gawking over her I'll gouge your eyes out! You're the ones who said you weren't interested!""We didn't look!"Marika made two fingers to her eyes, then pointed at them."Wait, I recognise those jeans! Those are my jeans!" Yolanda asked."Yeah I borrowed them for a while ok? You can have them back" Tala said."They're shredd
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