All Chapters of The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell: Chapter 3601 - Chapter 3610
3719 Chapters
Chapter 3602 Self-detonation (1)
Seeing how shameless they were, the prince was furious to the extreme!However, there was nothing the prince could do.After all, the prince had not fully recovered yet. After that, he fought with the Human Emperor and the supreme elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace. Later, he escaped and relied on the Son of Heaven's Skill to recover a little. But compared with the ancient elders, it was meaningless!The elders had come prepared, so they were not afraid of the prince."Haha! Now we are sure to win! How can the prince fight us in his current state? In my opinion, the prince can just wait for death. He doesn't have to think about anything else. Today, the prince will definitely die! We will not give him any chance, and he will not have any chance to live!""That's right! Prince, you and your bloodline are destined to be our stepping stones today! Let us take over everything here today! After that, a new era will be established by us... Prince, don't worry. We will definitely remem
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Chapter 3603 Self-detonation (2)
When they thought of what the prince had said just now and how he had linked their vigor together, the only thing they could think of was that the prince probably wanted to self-detonate!"Self-detonation... this kind of thing, is it true? He can't be telling the truth, right!"At the thought of this, they immediately started to panic.Because the self-detonation of the prince was no small matter!In that case, they would be in big trouble!It was not surprising that they would die with the prince!After all, even if the prince didn't say anything, they could roughly guess what the prince wanted to do... It was nothing more than to burn the prince's royal blood, ignite everything, and finally bring them to hell together!This kind of thing seemed a little ridiculous and impossible, but in fact, the possibility was really big!First of all, the prince had completed the most important step... which was to connect all their vigor together.Next, he just needed to detonate it.No
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Chapter 3604 Seriously Injured (1)
"Hey, hey, hey... Are you betting on whether I'll fight you to the death? Are you so confident? Aren't you afraid that I'll take you with me if you push me too hard?"Zhang Cuitian chuckled.Seeing this, the cultivators who surrounded Zhang Cuitian were slightly stunned, and then they all laughed."Haha! Zhang Cuitian, Zhang Cuitian, you're lying to yourself, aren't you? How dare you threaten us like this? Let me tell you, it's useless! You'd better save your breath! This kind of trick is useless to us!""That's right. Zhang Cuitian, you're not an ordinary person. Is it really good for you to play this kind of trick on us? Is it really useful? You're willing to sacrifice your life in exchange for an opportunity to kill us? If it were me, I would definitely not do this. I just don't know if you're so stupid!""Zhang Cuitian, since things have come to this point, you either join us or die here... However, you followed Caspian before and were so loyal. I think there must be some agre
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Chapter 3605 Seriously Injured (2)
"Oh no... Zhang Cuitian took the opportunity to escape!"Soon, someone noticed Zhang Cuitian's intention, but it didn't work.Because it was in a mess now, and they couldn't even tell who the other party was. How could they stop it?They could only watch helplessly as Zhang Cuitian left."Damn it... Zhang Cuitian really escaped! He's too cunning!""How could there be such a fellow? How could he really have escaped?""Quick, chase after Zhang Cuitian! We can't let him leave.""Hmph! Chase Zhang Cuitian? I still remember that you took the opportunity to attack me just now. Why don't we settle this score first?"......In the end, because they had taken advantage of the chaos to directly create all kinds of hatred, before they could go after Zhang Cuitian, they started fighting among themselves.Zhang Cuitian also took this opportunity to escape.On the other hand, Pan Bingwen was also being surrounded.This was not the first time she had been besieged and surrounded!It was
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Chapter 3606 Escape (1)
Although the prince's actions had given them a fright, they were not to be trifled with. At the crucial moment, they used their trump cards to break free!However, the self-detonation of the prince had seriously injured them!Not only were their bodies in tatters, but even their souls and realms had been greatly reduced.Each and every one of these ancient elders only had a ten-thousandth of their original strength.However, they were still proud of themselves!It was all because they were the winners in the end. How could they not be happy and proud?......"Zhang Cuitian, don't run away! At this point, do you think you can escape or live? Don't be too naive! Surrender now! If you continue to resist stubbornly, you will only irritate us! At that time, what awaits you will not be just eternal damnation! I hope you can think twice and not delay yourself!""Zhang Cuitian, you played tricks and set us up, but now you don't dare to fight us head-on. Isn't it a little ridiculous? Yo
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Chapter 3607 Escape (2)
Unlike Zhang Cuitian, they had really blocked Pan Bingwen this time.After all, in terms of strength, Pan Bingwen was inferior to Zhang Cuitian's, let alone Caspian.Because of this, the possibility of them killing Pan Bingwen was extraordinarily high!It was very high!Otherwise, they would not have spent so much effort to besiege Pan Bingwen."Humph! It doesn't matter whether you are Caspian's woman or not, or who you are! The point is that if you continue to resist stubbornly, then you will die here! I am not joking! If you really want to die, you can give it a try!""Why are you still talking so much nonsense with this woman? Since she thinks that we are joking, let's let her have a good look and see if we are joking or not! By the way, Caspian's woman is as beautiful as a flower. It should taste quite good, right?" "Ha! Now that you mention it, I'm interested! Although Caspian probably used his woman so much that she became bad, it's still a good thing to make use of her.
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Chapter 3608 Threatening (1)
Caspian and Chen Li were still in the furnace. Although they were constantly being refined, they were not dead!The reason was very simple. After the prince was attacked, the refinement of Caspian and Chen Li had almost stopped!Because everything was related to the prince, the prince was busy with his own affairs. He was busy dealing with the war in the outside world, so he naturally would not maintain the refinement of Caspian and Chen Li.In this way, Caspian and Chen Li took the opportunity to recover from their injuries and see everything that was happening outside!This left them incomparably shocked!Because all of this was simply unimaginable. Chen Li's mind droned, and she was utterly unable to figure out what had happened!All of this had overturned their imagination towards the Unfettered Immortal Palace and even the entire Immortal Dimension!How could this be? How could this be?"Caspian, what do you think is going on... Is it a misunderstanding? If it weren't for
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Chapter 3609 Threatening(2)
As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of everyone immediately lit up!"That's right. Didn't the prince keep nagging about protecting the Human Race and the immortal land?"If the Prince wanted to protect the Human Race, letting his people to personally kill him would be too wonderful!Killing the prince was a foregone conclusion for them.Then the only thing left was to bring despair to the prince!If they could bring despair to the prince and make the human race in the immortal world that he decided to protect kill the prince, it would undoubtedly be the greatest despair.It was a hundred times more despairing than when the royal family's ancient elders killed him!After all, the moment the prince saw them, he realized that it was already very strange that they were still alive.As long as the prince was not a fool, he would probably understand what was going on the moment he saw the royal elders.This couldn't be said to be despair.In other words, this kind of despa
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Chapter 3610 Bitter Battle (1)
Of course, she knew what Caspian was like.Caspian was definitely not a coward.However, in this case, some things were really hard to predict!After all, they didn't have the advantage. Some things couldn't be decided by themselves!At this time, Caspian, who had been silent all the time, spoke and said, "Do you deserve it?""What?"As soon as these words came out, these ancient elders who were waiting for a response were suddenly shocked and then angry!Wasn't that right?In their eyes, Caspian was no fool.As long as Caspian wasn't a fool, then Caspian should be clearly aware that they had a slim chance of survival in this situation.Why did they have a slim chance of survival? And that was under the circumstances that the ancient elders were heavily injured.If they hadn't been seriously injured, they really wouldn't have taken Caspian and Chen Li seriously!Now Caspian and Chen Li dared to push their luck. Did they really think that they couldn't do anything to Caspian
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Chapter 3611 Bitter Battle (2)
Faced with the strength displayed by Caspian and Chen Li, the ancient elders were all sweating profusely!They had indeed underestimated Caspian and Chen Li.In their opinion, Caspian and Chen Li's strength was extraordinary, but in their opinion, they were still too young!What was there to be afraid of Caspian and Chen Li?As long as they made a move, it would definitely be a piece of cake!In fact, they were right.In terms of actual cultivation, these ancient elders were much stronger than Caspian and Chen Li!It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were ten times or even a hundred times stronger!However, they had not expected that they would be so severely injured by the self-detonation of the prince's bloodline!Their injuries were unimaginably severe!Right now, they were only evenly matched with Caspian and Chen Li. "Haha, everyone, are we going to fail today? Although this joke is not so funny, I think it's really possible! After all, we are all injured no
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