All Chapters of The Object Of My Affection: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
74 Chapters
The Confrontation
When Josh entered the room everyone tried to settle down and pay attention to what the manager has to say. "It has come to my attention that Miss Gabbi and Miss Jennifer can not stay in one room to have fruitful discusion about the task, so i decided that you will not anymore participate on the screening." "What are we suppose to do? Take a break?" Jen interrupted. "That's what  I am trying to explain. Hear me out, first before interrupting. That's mainly the reason why there are missunderstanding between you two, both of you has their own ideas and both want to assert this ideas into action, I don't say that this ideas are not good, but you are not the only ones whose opinion has to be counted and considered. We have audience world wide who are the most important people we have to satisfy . If we fail in this pilot show? there is a lot to loose by  the company, not only yourself so I advise that you take you personal battles outside of this show and focus
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A few days after the incident after the confrontation, the gossip that rock the showbiz world start to normalize. Gab cut his honeymoon trip to help his sister with the issues he used his connection to cut off any scandal surfacing involving his sister. to which Gabbi felt guilty."Gab I'm so sorry you have to cut your cruise short, I'm so sure Deana and I can settle it in our own way.""No problem sweet sister I'm glad to be of help especially if it concerns you That's what big brothers are for. beside May has to checked on her patient who has a relapsed.""But you already paid it in full and you didn't get a refund""It's okay  money is not an issue, besides it's the quality that counts not the quantity." He  couldn't help but smile as he remember the experiences he had with his wife on their vacation and there is nothing he want more than go home and be with his beautiful wife. He couldn't stay away for so long because their father even thoug
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The New Concept
 The live airing of the battle  commence after the judges was given their set of contestant to train, it's the segment that three contestant from the same group under the same mentor will compete and one will be eliminated. The top contenders was distributed equally among the four judges. But  Gabbi was apprehensive that because Danni and Sarah belong to one group and that is in Jen's group. She knows that Jen is bias to Sarah it was revealed when they have a confrontation. She feel sad that  if ever the two would be  on the one on one battle no matter what the performance  Jen will choose Sarah to be in the final four. not to mentiont hat Jen also has another potential talent in her group that is Leah who posses an angelic voice, with proper training there's alot to be improve and  expection is higher for this girl. "Pity these would make the finale exciting."  with the number of Danni's  supporters are continiously increasi
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" Harry! what are you doing here? I didn't know you are a member of the core group for this show.""Gab ask me to help conceptualize the contest. How about you how do you find working as a judge and a mentor.?"" It's hectic but at the same time uplifting doing work that I like to do. thinking that some of these contestants will be the next driving force that will keep the music industry alive." She said with much conviction that have her companion staring at her lost for words to say."Is there something on my face I... I haven't took a peak in the mirror when we went out of the conference room." She blushed having to be stared at thinking that she had something ugly on her face." No!,,, nothing I...  I just thought that you love your job and your showing it by the way you describe you feelings. Sorry if I offend you by staring you have an interesting face,"  Oh no! he nearly blew it. He thought to himself."Oh... " That's all she can s
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The Trouble With Bobbie Joe
Bobbie Joe strummed the last note of her song in her guitar. She stepped down from the backstage using her disguise looking for someone in the crowd of people that was chearing wildly with the performance of Ethan the artist of the main act. She was the opening act for cross country tour of Ethan Gray a very famous country artist. She was hand-picked by Ethan as she was in the same record label as him, they promise each other when they were starting their career, that if ever one of them will be succesfull they will help the other to achieved their ambition of becoming a recording artist.She on her own right is a recording artist herself but not as succesul as Ethan."There you are pretty lady." she was surprise as she was pulled into the big arms of someone that she's very famillar." George you startle me ! Let's get out of here before someone notices I'm gone"  George was having a vacation in the states when he met Bobbie Joe in one cross country tour o
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The Steal
"Ladies and gentlemen Danni  is out for a steal"   This words has made Gabbi's heart beats faster  will she? or She won't The situation came to be when out of the three contestants in Jen's group Danni has the weakest song choice. performance level was good,  projection was also above average. But Gabbi suspected that Jen has something to do with it , because in this segment the judge gets to assign each contestant's song choice.She was just reluctant to steal because her line up was already full, But as she saw the girl's eyes began to tear up, eventhough she tried to project a calm and controled appearance. There was a tug in Gabbi's heart that  she finally hits the button stealing the girl from the group of Jennifer, much to the applause and shouts of the audience that came to support the girl and much to the unhappiness of her former mentor, the smirk on Jen's face confirm her suspicion that she deliberately assigned the girl to have a bad p
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Developing Feelings
 Dane enjoy talking a walk  near the river It gives him a sense of calmness away from the nagging of his family. he always brings his guitar with him sometimes taking inpiration on his surrounding ang start to compose songs sometimes he just play the guitar and play songs that comes to his mind. Right at this moment he thinks of Ella,  the girl is somewhat a puzzel to him. Behind  her spunkiness, fierceness and tenacity lies an innocent and fragile personality with so much bottled-up emotions ready to explode anytime which makes her attract this attention and gives him the feeling that he wants to protect her just like what her brother does.he started to ply his guitar after setlling on the bench outside the hut that was use to be a stop over place.  His playing with the string produce a song with the lyrics that makes him desccribe Ella. First time I saw her in them blue jeans, I knew that I'll be in for a treat. Next thing I know sh
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Against All Odds
When the water level of the river goes down and the bridge was passable he called for a rescue to carry Ella comfortably back to the house. When they reach home he immediatelly call Gab to let him know of what is happening in the resort and then he and her workers  goes around to assess the damage that the storm brought. Ella on the other hand was attended by their house keeper as she knows what to do  and how to attend to her condition, it seems she had forgotten again her medication and somehow developed an infection as she was expose longer in the cold and rain. "How are you feeling Ella?" He asked her when he visited her in her room to give an update in the situation on the resort.  "I'm feeling better Dane,  thanks for looking after me I would not know what will happen to me if you were not there, so how extensive is the damage after the storm? " she asked weakly.  "There's not much damage it's a good thing that we were able to m
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Against all Odds 2
"What is the meaning of this Ella? You and Dane stayed overnight  only the two of you in that place, are you thinking of your reputation Ella?  You are giving the workers something to talk about." she obviosly fake her reaction, actually she knowingly told the driver  not to fetch them so as for them to have no choice but to stay the two of them together and hoping that something may come out of it. After a few days when Dane and Ella got stuck in the storm, Sophie deliberately manipulated the situation this time for her husband to witness."Aunt Sophie if the driver had return earlier we will be able to return not having to spend the night out in the cold. We didn't do anything wrong if that's what you are implying." She is getting pissed with Sophie's  meddling."But think about the people who will talk, your reputation getting tarnished, the embarassment your father will experience if these things will blow into proportion." She insisted to make
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Runaway Ella
When Gab arrived the following day what he expected to be a happy reunion with his sister became a disaster. Nana Gloria told him how Sophie and her daughter connive to break the bond that the father and daughter start to build. Furiuosly he confronted his father." For goodness sake Dad why do you allow your wife to meddle with the running of this place, didn't we agreed that we will leave Ella to have free acces on the management of the  resort and I can tell that she is doing a great job. we cannot control the forces of nature to act on its own. Why do you have to criticize the close ness of Ella and Dane?  She is my sister and he is my bestfriend if there is someone knows them it should be me . I trust Dane and Ella needs a friend to get over her sickness. Someone to talk to things that she cannot tell us . Do you know that Dane make it a point to check on her medication and keep a record  on it to show it to her doctor? This comes to show that he cared for her for
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