All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
322 Chapters
A Rock and A Hard Place
Coming up from the ground outside the gnomes' compound, Gandr was breathing heavily. "That's not as easy as it looks," he said as he set down the unconscious boy to catch his breath. "You think that looked easy?" Devrim guffawed. His brow crinkled. "You look spent. Have you been looking for me for a while?" Gandr nodded. "When you were not back in the room where we parted, I looked all around the area, popping in and out of each room through the ground. Then the thought occurred to me to try Cafer's rooms." "I am glad you found me, but I am sorry you had to waste your magic. We could really use it now." The Emperor was also weak, but he picked up Alaron across his shoulders. Together, they slogged along around the side of the lake. It was mid-morning, and the sun was beginning to beat down on them in earnest. They were far north, but somehow that did not lesson the heat that they felt. Both males were sweating heavily before long. "Part of me hopes the boy will wake up so we can fo
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Water, Water Everywhere
The stag raced towards them, giving them little time to think. Devrim and Junayd drew their swords, but the mighty creature flung them aside like they weighed less than a feather. He bore down on Gandr, who stared wide-eyed at the beast.To everyone's shock, the stag gathered up Prince Alaron in his branchlike horns and gave a guttural cry before racing off into the trees before them."Did he just abduct our abduction of the prince's abduction?" Junayd queried.Gandr ignored him. "After the stag!" The halfling used his wind magic to push along the the trio just as the gnomes came into the clearing. The men needed no more coaxing. They ran full out after the stag and away from the gnomes in a life-or-death game of tag. The close proximity of the trees made them difficult to avoid, but the agile warriors remained focused. Their lives depended on it.The gnomes could not move as easily through the trunks and exposed roots, and so many of them opted for an underground route. The stag's ru
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Scientific Inquiry
Having finished as many of the orange-tinted glasses as the pair could manage, Renat and Mairwen turned their collective attention to other projects. Renat's mind was beautiful but scattered, and the princess took great pleasure in directing it more carefully. The scientist had a million ideas, but not all of them were worth pursuing."What about a a machine that will milk a goat for you?" Renat queried. He tapped his chin with a feathery pen."Surely a machine to milk a cow would be more useful," the princess countered."More poor people can afford goats than cows, but I believe cows can produce far more milk per day. What if I could make something that comes in two sizes, large and small? Then both animals could be serviced. Or better yet, one machine to milk them both! Two attachments to milk both animals at the same time. We could create a super hybrid milk!"Renat's mind whizzed on as his eyes glowed with excitement. He began to scribble feverishly on the page before him. The sci
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Dinner and a Show
"Is everything alright, Your Majesty?" A soldier called from the infirmary after hearing the unnerving thud."Yes, we are fine. Do not worry," Aurora called back as she looked down at the poor scientist.Nurlan uncrossed his arms, grunted, and headed over to the boy. Having felt the effects of sleeping powder, the large soldier could sympathize. "All a bunch of foolishness," he muttered. "No offense, Your Highness," the General added when he saw the wetness in Mairwen's eyes. Hoisting Renat over one shoulder, Nurlan carried him to a cot on the doctor's side of the shared workspace. The doctor checked the scientist's condition."Renat is fine. Just sleeping," the physician announced."I do not get it. Why didn't the effects happen immediately," Mairwen asked.Brinn, finally gaining control of her laughter, answered, "The powder is activated by the words of the person who releases it. You said the word sleep, which is the magic word in this case, and he did." The elf breathed deeply les
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Aurora cast her gaze across Valiant. While she was not at the highest point in the castle, she towered above the cityscape on a raised walkway. The walkway connected two of the tallest towers and was one of the few additions Zephyra made to the castle during her reign. Aurora could understand why she had done it. The narrow strip gave the sense of flying and reminded the young Empress of her time in the Mystic Spires with the Fates."I thought I might find you here," a friendly voice called.Aurora was pulled from her thoughts as a figure in a black cloak appeared beside her. "Am I that predictable?" she chuckled softly.Zan pushed back his hood to reveal his stunning silver eyes. "I could see your far off look in court this morning, Your Majesty. I felt you slipping away before you ever called a recess."Aurora looked out again at the world before her. Her expression was pained. "So many of them are hurting, Zan. I feel the weight of them on my shoulders.""You bear the burden heroic
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Hold onto the Potato
"I do not think that is how the saying goes," Mairwen smiled as she corrected her companion. She and the scientist strolled through the Spring Garden while taking a break from work. Along with the other guards, Eira walked silently behind them, trying to ignore the silly banter going on between the teens.Renat twiddled his thumbs nervously. "Are you sure? That is how I have always heard it.""Say it again, please.""Hold on to the potato," he repeated more cautiously than before."And what does it mean?" The princess asked with a musical laugh."It means do not quit. Keep going forward even when it is hard." The scientist straightened his shoulders. He secretly liked her laughter, but narrowed his gaze in determination."Why would you have a potato in your hand in the first place? And how in the world does holding onto it gain you anything?" Mairwen's face scrunched as she considered his explanation."I do not know," Renat conceded. "What do you say to encourage someone to keep going
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"Renat!" Mairwen cried as she saw the shaft protruding from his back. "We need help!""I am fine," he responded hoarsely, trying to disentangle himself from the princess.Eira tackled the the sharpshooter to the ground before he could get off another shot, and the two began to tussle with their fists. Brinn took on the blond assassin: her sword against his knife. He gave a dazzling smile before feinting left. The elf swung at him, but he evaded her easily. His blade nicked her right wrist, which only increased his menacing grin."You jerk," she yelled. Her eyes lit with determination. Brinn leapt to an impressive height and came crashing down on her opponent. He never stood a chance.The third assassin barreled toward the couple with his sword drawn. The princess narrowed her eyes at him. Since returning from the garrison, Brinn had been honing Mairwen's fighting. "You've been slacking. You must be able to defend yourself," the elf had said. Now the princess was glad for the extra tra
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To Oblivion
To say the males were impressed by the water nymph's stamina would be an understatement. The nymph, who they discovered was named Wai, could continue to move without stopping for hours on end. She did not seem to need to sleep or eat, but did take short rests when the other creatures needed it. As a result, they headed southeast at a near impossible pace.As the days passed, Alaron viewed the situation with resignation. Even if he escaped now, he was smart enough to know that he had no way to survive the wilderness on his own. When he was not sulking, he was complaining. Every part of him hurt and they needed to know about it. Especially the cut on his arm."It hurts," he griped. "I think it is infected. Are you sure your blade was not poisoned?""For the hundredth time in the last two days, I did not poison my sword. I would never do such a thing. It is despicable." Devrim was growing tired of the boy's attitude."I would like to remind His Highness that he injured the Emperor, and o
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"That should do it," the Emperor announced.Alaron stood with his hair tucked under a borrowed woolen cap, a cape too short for him, and mud caked on his face. The boy lifted his bound hands to his cheek. "I feel like a fool," the prince moaned."Then stop acting like one," Gandr retorted before realizing he had spoken aloud. "Sorry, Your Highness…even though it is true," he muttered his half-apology.The Emperor held a cloth in his hand. "Don't bite me." He narrowed his eyes at the prince."Can we talk about this? How about if I promise…" the rest of his words were muffled as he received the gag."Nothing you could promise would be helpful just now. People may want to free you or kill you based on who you are and I do not need that added worry." Devrim tied the cloth firmly behind Alaron's head. He turned to Fedelmid and Ashleigh. "Please lead the way.""I recommend you say as little as possible until we are inside Oblivion's walls," the duchess advised the group. "My guards will be
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Eventually their hearing returned well enough for the group to talk again. After seeing yet another terrifying thing that Alaron could do, his hands were retied. His mouth, however, was no longer gagged. It was unnecessary since the soldiers now knew the prince's identity.As they came in view of Oblivion, Ashleigh sidled up beside Devrim. "So the rumors about His Highness are true?" she commented quietly so that the boy would not hear."Depending on the rumor, it may actually be worse than you heard," the Emperor responded with a shrug. "If you do not want us to enter the city, I will respect your wishes."Duchess Ashleigh thought for a moment. "No, he has shown us a way to deal with the Monster. We at least owe him room to sleep in and a meal in his belly for his help.""How long has that…thing been bothering you?" The Emperor wanted to know. He had seen no reports on the matter."Tales of it have been spreading for years. At first incidents only came from the far north, but recentl
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