All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
322 Chapters
A Concerning Conversation
Aurora was scanning the grounds of the garden as Ithel approached. "Your Majesty," he said with a bow. "The guards and I have been looking for you everywhere. I am pleased that you are safe." He notice the Empress was staring past him. "Are you looking for something?""Prince Ithel," Aurora curtsied. "Forgive me. I was just looking for Princess Brinn and Devrim.""I saw my sister grab the man and pull him into those bushes. I think they mean so spy on us." Ithel pointed to a group of bushes a short way off. His voice was playful."Do not flatter yourself," Brinn called from the shrubs. We are berry picking." There was movement and both Devrim and Brinn emerged from the greenery. There were leaves sticking out of Brinn's bright red hair."Berry picking? That is the new term for spying, is it?" Ithel was clearly amused.Brinn had no response. She motioned for Devrim to follow, and she stormed off through the garden. "You and your sister do not seem t
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Forming a Plan/A Unicorn Ride
Brinn brought Devrim back to her quarters. In the large sitting room offset from her bedroom, they each situated themselves on a fluffy sofa. "Bring us tea," she said to one servant. To the rest she said, "Leave us!" There was a mad scramble as the staff scurried to comply."I am not thirsty," Devrim said wearily. He was frustrated and angry, neither of which required a drink.Brinn wrinkled her nose. "It is protocol that I offer you a drink. If I do not, one of the servants is likely to tell dear old mom, who will come and see what we are up to. Best to follow the rules to avoid suspicion." Normally she would throw all the rules out the window, but solving their problem unobserved was more important. The tea appeared, and Brinn graciously offered some to her guest as the servant retreated."Now that we are alone, we have to figure this out." Brinn was already deep in thought.Devrim watched her carefully. "Why are you helping us?""Look, I know yo
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Fall Fairies
"Ithel!" Brinn yelled in horror. She, Devrim, and Alvar had ridden up unnoticed just moments before. Even with the unicorns' silent hoof-falls, Ithel should have heard them coming, but he was too engrossed in persuading Aurora. The trio had watched as the Empress pleaded and prepared to defend herself. Now Alvar looked embarrassed, Brinn was still shocked, and Devrim was livid. The man had already reached for Alvar's sword to challenge the prince when Brinn had stopped his hand and cried out. Ithel had no idea how close he had come to tasting steel and not Aurora's lips. Brinn marched over and slapped her brother across the face. Surprised, Ithel released Aurora and brought his hand to his cheek. "How dare you!" Brinn shouted. "That poor girl is nothing but nice to you, and you repay her by assaulting her!" "I…" the prince was at a loss. No one spoke to him in such a manner. "I am sorry!" He said quickly. He searched for the dark-haired girl only to see that she had
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Confrontation with the Queen
The next morning spirits were high as Aurora and Devrim made their way back to the throne room to meet with the king and queen. On the ride back the night before, Ithel had apologized again for his behavior and asked how he could help. Together the group decided that he would go and talk to his parents before the meeting with the Empress. As she passed through the halls, Aurora again saw the human carrying linens, and her good mood disappeared. 'I have got to help him and any others,' she thought, but she was unsure how to make it come about. 'One problem at a time.' She had to talk to the king and queen about her own situation before she could assist anyone else. When they reached the throne room, Devrim was not permitted to enter. "Only the Empress," the herald told them. Devrim look concerned and started to object, but Aurora touched his arm. "It will be fine," she assured him. Taking a deep breath, the Empress entered Zoltan's and Lanassa's throne room. O
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Where Have They Been?
"Nurlan! Junayd!" Aurora cried as she ran over to the soldiers to check their wounds. They had obviously been treated poorly. The men waved her off, keeping her at arm's length."We are ok, Your Majesty," Junayd said bravely."I have been in worse scrapes," Nurlan agreed. The cut over his left eye had caused it to be nearly swollen shut."Let them go!" Aurora demanded. There was a fire in her eyes that made the queen smirk."Now we are getting somewhere. I do not like resorting to coercion, but it is for the good of my kind..." Lanassa said without regret."Don't do anything she asks! We will die for you without a second thought." Nurlan said forcefully."You may be willing to die, but is she willing to let you when she can save you. That is something else I have noticed about humankind. Guilt makes you do illogical things." The tall elf was not condemning, merely stating a fact. And she was happy to use that fact to her advantage. "Have you
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The Elf's Dilemma
Brinn's eyes still felt heavy even as she felt the light streaming through the window and warming her golden skin. What time was it? It had to be late morning. Elves did not need much sleep, but it had been many hours since she laid down her head. Her mind drifted back to the night before. A servant had given her something to drink before bed. It must have been a sleeping draught and not her usual tea.'Why would someone want me to sleep?' Brinn wondered. Her eyes shot open, and she jumped out of bed, running to her closet to search for clothes."May I help you?" a servant asked as she brought in a tray of food. Brinn grabbed an apple off the tray after she slipped a cerulean silk gown over her thin frame."Help me tie this in the back," Brinn ordered as she munched on the fruit. "I need to find my parents. Are they in the throne room or their quarters?"The servant hesitated to respond. "I am afraid, Princess Brinn, that you must remain in your room for
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Making an Escape
"It is about time!" Devrim exclaimed."Glad you have so much faith in me," Brinn giggled."What took you so long?" Devrim gave her an incredulous look."I was drugged by my parents, and I had to spring Ithel from his room where he was being held," Brinn defended herself."I suppose that's a valid excuse," the grey-eyed man conceded.Brinn grinned wide. "Oh, and I had to get these…" From behind her back, Brinn produced Devrim's pack, Aurora's satchel and the Guardian's cloak.Aurora nearly squealed with delight. "You wonderful elf! I may just dedicate a city in your honor!"Brinn smirked. "A thank you will suffice.""Thank you!" Devrim and Aurora said together."Who might this be?" Junayd asked."This is Brinn. Brinn, this is Junayd and Nurlan.""Sorry I did not bring anything for you boys. I was not sure who else was down here." The elf unlocked the cell quickly. The four humans tumbled out of the co
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Making an Escape II
The little girl did not understand why the princess was so upset, but in the true self-absorption of a child with a favorite toy, she bounced away without question. "The girl just ratted us out," Brinn said in human-speak as the soldiers nearby began to rally. "Go west and meet me at the wall. I will find you and we will escape."Aurora nodded, and Brinn used her magic to disappear. It was surprising for something in front of you to suddenly vanish, but the Empress shook off her astonishment. "Look for an opening," she ordered.The elven soldiers were gathered around the young girl, Nena, trying to figure out what exactly she saw. One of them reeled back as something substantial landed on his head. His tall frame caved under the blow, and he hit the guard next to him with his body. The other guards were quickly alerted to the threat. "We are under attack!" One screamed.Three more guards in sequence received blows to the tops of their heads and a sense of unease
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Through the Wall
The chase was on. Brinn used her wind magic to push gusts of air against the humans' backs. In this way, the other elves would no longer be able to smell them, and the humans would have assistance as they ran. The push was strong enough that Aurora almost felt like she was flying. Every step took her farther than she could jump. It was almost too fast, and the Empress had a couple of near misses with trees. One low hanging branch nearly took her head."This is a neat trick!" She called when she was no longer terrified."Less talking, more running," Brinn urged as she moved alongside them. "We need to get through the wall before nighfall."The mad dash continued even after the sun slipped behind the barrier and the strange extended twilight began. Although the humans could not hear the clanging of the unicorns' bits, Brinn knew that their opponents were fanning out to trap them. She was not sure if she should worry the others. They were almost to the wall, and sh
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A Moment of Peace
The humans looked at Bolemir, trying to decide exactly what he was. He looked human, albeit slightly rotund, but he obviously used magic to create a powerful portal for them to pass through. "Thank you for your assistance," Brinn said with a bow. "Gede insisted I help you. He can be quite persistent," Bolemir chuckled. "Well, we were in quite a tight spot." The elf told him. "With your own kind, I saw. What did you do this time?" It was obvious that Bolemir knew something of Brinn's escapades. "I have stepped in it this time, I am afraid. I rescued these humans from the dungeon and branded myself a traitor." The red-haired elf looked guiltily at her host. "I hope I do not get you in trouble too." "Brinn!" A little boy with two gossamer wings protruding from his back ran in and hugged the elf. "You made it." "You didn't think I would?" "Nope," the boy, Gede, answered honestly. "The odds were not in your favor." "
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