All Chapters of The Romerian's Unwanted Mate, Book 3 - Royal Wolf Of Zidiah : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 Chapters
The dungeon smells terrible; I suppose the way anyone would imagine them to smell – piss, vomit, shit, ugh, great.There are two dungeons in Dalgaard Mansion.The dungeon to the west isn’t really what you’d call a dungeon; it’s more like a basic hotel. Though the rooms are cells, they have beds and working toilets with small sinks. Those cells are reserved for anyone who pisses off the King or Queen. People who haven’t really done anything wrong but need to be shown who’s boss without losing their lives.The dungeon to the east is every person’s worst nightmare. This is the place traitors, and hardened criminals are kept. They’re also tortured here, sometimes to death.That’s what I am now, a traitor an
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I stroke my sleeping son’s hair back from his forehead. It’s been two days, and I still can’t believe he’s here. For seven months, Bastian and I grieved the child we lost.Harry had always felt like mine. From the moment I saw him as a tiny baby, I loved him. As he grew, I fell deeper in love with him.There was nothing I wouldn’t do for Harry, and I made him mine. I adopted my son as soon as I convinced my father that it was the right thing to do.I still remember the first time he called me ‘Mama’ I’d been to visit Harry at the children’s home, and we’d spent a few hours together.Mum said that I shouldn’t get too attached to him because, one day, someone would come along and take him home with them. But I couldn’t stay away because Harry was the light in my d
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It takes Bastian and me no time at all to reach the dungeon. No one questions why we’re here; they wouldn’t dare. We are the future rulers of Zidiah, plus everyone is terrified that my wolf will break out and kill them.Idiots.I clutch Bastain’s hand in my own and breath deeply, letting it out through my mouth. I’ve been in many situations in my life, but never anything like this. I don’t know if I can handle what’s to come, seeing Jenna chained up in a cell.We’ve all heard how Luther ordered his mate to be chained in silver. We were told not to interfere because Dad said it was Luther’s choice. I just don’t know how bad Jenna will look once I reach her cell.“Okay?”I nod at Bastian without looking at him.
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I’m not sure how long I have left on this earth, but I do know that this pain is never-ending. The guards beat me regularly and laugh as they do so.They kick me just because they can, and they laugh when my body spasms from the shocks that rock my body every hour.Luther hasn’t once come to see me. Not once has he asked about me, and I’m dying slowly, in so many ways, I’ve lost count.Lilly and Bastian came to see me, so did Sara and Leander at some point. Each one told me not to worry, and they wouldn’t let the execution go ahead. But I know there is no way for them to stop it, so I don’t hold out any hope.I’ve stopped crying. I have no more tears to shed; they dried up a while ago. I don’t even scream when my restraints send electric shocks through my body any longer. The only reas
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“Zach, you’re stepping a second too soon.”Zach sighs and rolls his eyes in my direction.The boy is a little shit if ever I knew one. He recently had his first shift, and at sixteen, he thinks he knows everything already.Being the Gammer’s son means Zach feels he has nothing left to learn when it comes to combat. He knows nothing. Training to be a warrior is hard work, and it doesn’t happen overnight.The little shit should think himself lucky that I’m allowing him to train with Section Four. Extremely lucky as sixteen-year-olds do not get to train as a rule. You have to be seventeen even to be considered to join a faction to train with us. That little prick is only here because of who his father is.I took it upon myself years ago to train Zidhah’s troops.
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I storm into the dungeon, having taken me no time to get here.Zantos shoots out from behind his desk, eyes wide. “My Prince,”“Save it! I don’t want to hear your excuses, Zantos. You fuckers were told not to feed the girl, not torture her! Who gave you that right?”“Aaron said that she was to be treated like any other prisoner would be.”“And who gave him that right?”Zantos shakes his head. “I don’t know, my Prince.”I grit my teeth. “There will be consequences for this; you mark my words.” I don’t let the man reply; I walk away.I need to get to Jenna’s cell and see for myself if what Lilly said is true. I know my sister wouldn’t lie t
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“I need to talk to you,”My father looks up from his desk.I don’t give a shit what paperwork he was doing; he needs to listen to me, and now.“If you’re here about Jenna, I’ve heard it all from Lilly and Sara.”I fold my arms across my chest. “I don’t care what you’ve heard from them. I need you to let Jenna go. This isn’t right, Dad.”“And why is that?” He points to the chair in front of his desk.I huff like a child but take a seat, nonetheless. “If you’re allowing Lilly to keep Harry, then I think you should let Jenna live. Or is it one rule for the King and another for my mate?”Dad’s eyebrows raise slowly as he looks at me wit
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“I need to do this, Dad.”“He’s a monster, Luther. You can’t just set him free; we have...”“No,” I shake my head. “I know you’re worried, because yes, Lorcan is a law unto himself. But he’s your son, Dad. He just wants a body of his own,”“And where the hell are you supposed to conjure up a body? Your mum and I offered to help, but you refused.”I scrub my hands over my tired face. “Dad, I need to do this for me. I’m grateful to both you and Mum for all you’ve done for me. But I think Grandad is the only one who can find the right course of action. I can’t go on like this, Dad. I need Lorcan out of my head before he pulls me so far back, I can’t find my way out again.”Dad sighs dee
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It took a couple of days for me to heal enough to be released from the infirmary. Toby used an ointment that cleared up the sores around my neck, wrist, and ankles. I still have bruises, but they won’t be there forever.No one has noticed anything because I’m usually covered in bruises in places most won’t see. Anna doesn’t care because she never has. She wouldn’t notice anything was wrong with me if it slapped her in the face.I’m fortunate that Toby knows what he’s doing. He’s a fantastic doctor and got me almost to full strength in a short amount of time.Of course, if I were an Alpha, Beta, Gammer, even Delta, I’d have healed almost instantly. Being an Omega has many downfalls, slow healing being one of them. Sure, I heal twice as fast as a human, but being a wolf means that it makes me pathetic.
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Lilly and Bastian came by to personally thank me for bringing Harry back to them. Lilly hugged me hard while thanking me over and over for what I’d done for her.I couldn’t seem to find my voice, even when Bastian warned me never to do anything like that again. He said he was more grateful to have his son back than I will ever know, but he won’t allow me to perform such magic again. He drummed into my head the same thing Anja and Leander had already told me; the King will have my head next time.I didn’t say anything; I nodded my head so he’d understand that I’d heard him. I know that I’m lucky to be still living and working at the mansion. I’m more fortunate to be alive. I won’t let them down again.The only person who hasn’t given me that speech is Sara. I don’t understand what she sees in me, but
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