All Chapters of Surreptitiously Yours (SPY) : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 80 - Ice Cream
 Days had passed since then; Blanche tried her best to train Rachmaninoff and brief him to at least a glimpse of what’s happening in her life. On an abandoned warehouse that manufactured pork and meat not long ago, Rat was the one who found the place, said he worked in that place for a while before he found a much higher wage range in a day. He said that the owner went bankrupt and one time a loan shark visited him on the warehouse and swore to gouge his eyeballs if he didn’t pay his debts in the month they set, no other employees wanted to stay with him after that and the month they stipulated came and three men didn’t hesitate to gouge his eyeballs even after he cried and scream when he’s still alive. Because of that story, no one wanted to rent this place after, it went abandoned because people believe the soul of the dead owner haunts this place. Blanche sighed and pinched the bri
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Chapter 81: Sun
Slidell has been pacing back and forth, trying to make sense of his thoughts but ended up with a headache instead. Did he get himself a date? Did the star make his wish come true? Was the tradition true? He has a lot going on in his mind when Blanche barged in into his house without any warning. Did she call first? Why did she know where he lives in the first place? Slidell has a theory that Blanche was not an ordinary human being. She used a fake name, was she forced to change her name? Kinda like how strippers in brothels get their name like 'rose'? But she doesn't look like a stripper, she looked more like a runway model than that, was there any other people who use fake names nowadays? No, no one, because then you'll get caught by the FBI. Perhaps, she has a connection with the FBI. Yes. That's the only reason Slidell can think so he gave her the can of beer
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Chapter 82: Moss' League
"Moss this is Rat, a rat, Rat this is Moss, an old man." Blanche saw how Rat's expression get crumpled as she instructed them to shake hands. "What a way to introduced me," Rat mumbled under his breath as he shook his hand with Moss who smiled and diligently accepted whatever Blanche introduced him to. Rat never left Blanche's side even though the manager of the coffee shop was eyeing him, giving him the certainty that every second he spent slacking off will be deduced two-folds on his wage. But fear not, Rat's confident with Blanche that she's a type of girl who take a swear with her words. If he's deducted double on his salary, Blanche would pay him triple than that. Because as what Rat observed, she's uncomfortable with the sudden visit of the old man called Moss, her shoulder was tensed and she keeps on putting her hands together under the table. Rat could also sense how her mood shifted from being sarcastic to sweet.&nbs
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Chapter 83: Planning
"If you're going to take your girlfriend to a date, where would it be?" Ace raised his head from the book he's reading to face Slidell. It's all about having a dragon as a pet, he heard Slidell's question, but he's on the part where the dragon caught a robber sneaking in the house, and so he weighed their importance for a moment before taking the time of turning the page to read what's next. Slidell threw a cushion at him, they’re in the living area of his flat, and Ace was sitting on the seat Blanche sat in the morning, with his two feet placed on the coffee table and his nose buried in the book that he found on Slidell's shelf. "What?!" Ace caught the blue square cushion that was thrown with just one hand. "Who's the girlfriend your referring to?" He closed the book and sat just what Slidell want him to do, he settled forward and put placed his arm on his knee and touch his chin, giving his full attention
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Chapter 84: Infiltration
 “We only have limited time, are you ready?” Blanche repeated with worry in her voice. Rat’s slicing onions with a butcher’s knife with such mastery and skill, and as if he didn’t heard Blanche from the second time, he turned on the stove and sauté his chopped onions and minced garlic in a pan. The yummy smell didn’t take too long for the whole room to take. “Rachmaninoff.” Rat stopped and watched the spatula fall from his grip. “Blanche.” Blanche crossed her arms and rested the side of her body on the door frame. “Oh, so now we’re saying each other’s name.” Rat turned to the fridge and Blanche heavily sighed. Blanche became worried as soon as she gave him a suitcase full of money the other day on the abandoned building. “This is going to be your payment, you could take i
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Chapter 85: She Forget
 Hent opened her eyes just after the whole lab room lit up. “Who are you?” she saw the lady in all black who entered in the room and step on her platform as unidentified. Blanche couldn’t believe what Hent just said, she was sitting on a silver chair with wires come from her limbs and arm and a lot on her head, there’s plenty of black wires in her head and it’s all connected to the big computer with 2 small ones outside of her platform. She feels so cold, its like something has change but Blanche couldn’t point what that was. Or she could, she just doesn’t want to accept it. As she inched closer to Hent, her metal skin become more evident, it’s like they peeled of her skin, and she’s left with nothing but a white piece of cloth, evidence that she was put to pieces were visible for her skin has a lot of fissures than ever before.
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Chapter 86: Misha and Slidell
“Hent, you recognize me now?” It took a few seconds for Hent to reboot, her processor was a bit louder than usual, Blanche could here her CPU running. And it looked so difficult for Hent, because of her other parts still missing, her skin, the narrow fissures, hair and ears, it looked like she was just a standard robot now. After getting her out of the organization, Moss, Rat and Blanche together with Hent went to the abandoned building. The curse place was the perfect hiding place for them, no intruders dared to step out because of the circulating ghost rumors, and no one dared to speak or point on the abandoned building. Seems like people really put the curse in this to the highest level. It’s a cool thing that Rat worked many jobs and have known this. Blanche is not afraid of ghost, she doesn’t believe in one, one could only believe when you first see i
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Chapter 87: Her Mafia Man
  “Blanche and I were part of a mission to kill your friend,” Misha started, Slidell’s mind wasn’t on the postponed date now, but on the fact that the whole night, Misha opened up to him. He felt like he had a new responsibility to protect, what Misha said and what she’s going to say was something she let him hold, because she trusts him already. “But Blanche didn’t kill him, as what you see. She fell in love with him instead.” Slidell had no idea whose friend she’s talking, not until she continued, that friend… was Ace Crowne. “What?!” He half-shouted and half of the people in the coffee shop turned their heads on them, so he repeated it with a hushed tone, “Why do you want to kill Ace Crowne?”  - “She wanted
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Chapter 88: The Truth
 As Ace went on to his car with Dog on the passenger seat, he blew air from his rolled-up window and whispered if that’s the thing that his mother wanted. Ace gave it to Alas. Ace’s always the one who gave, Ace protects his brother, Ace loves him, Ace… For years, he has the job of protecting his brother, he had a camouflage and worked at a comedy bar as a jester so that he’ll have a flexible schedule because when Alas needs his help, he shall be there for him no matter what. Because he’s the next leader, the heir to the family, he shall be protected, the family shall put their focus on Alas and trained him to be the next leader, that’s why he always have to do something outside and inside the country, he always have men that observed his surroundings and keep him away from harm, a henchman that would go wherever he wanted him to go. 
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Chapter 89: Mr. Tassel
 “Now that it’s clear Mr. Tassel don’t want to join us, what’s your next plan?” Blanche turned to the computer screen, it was another day and they’re on the abandoned building again, Moss was trying to have a conversation with Blanche while Rat just stood beside the door with his palms buried on his face. It wasn’t like she never told him not to be here ever again, she just told him that his job was done after they got Hent. But Rat doesn’t like that idea, he never talked to Blanche after they got Hent though, it’s always a filler word, sometimes in Moss conversation or in command. Blanche let the poor guy stay. He’s the one who showed them the abandoned place so its just reasonable to let him stay. But one fact surface from all, Blanche thought she could pull Mr. Tassel to let go of the organization and rebel against them, she
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