All Chapters of The Alphas Royal Slave: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
85 Chapters
Chapter 11.
The royals were my family, the king and the queen were my parents and they wanted to take me home. I looked down and saw that I was naked, my mind spinning and not remembering much after they had told me who they were to me. I got up on my feet and strutted over to the little bathroom. I turned on the faucet to the sink, hitting it three times because it was the only way to make it work and then I cupped my hands, using them to drink. I splashed some cold water on my face and patted my cheeks, I was used to looking dull and pale but to look like a freaking corpse, damn. I went to grab some clothes, I pulled out the top drawer of my dresser and was met with a hollow emptiness. I pulled out the other drawers and it was the same, absolutely nothing. I went over and opened the small cabin where I had my few belongings, but all of them were gone. I was naked, had nothing to wear and all my stuff had disappeared. I swallowed hard and placed my hand on my chest, my heart was beatin
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Chapter 12.
The car ride was three hours and when we made it, the car drove through a pair of massive golden gates. As we entered the border, there was another forty-minute drive to get to where they lived. I was flabbergasted when the car came to a skilled stop on the south end of a fountain. The fountain depicted a man and a woman with a wolf standing behind them, howling up towards the sky. Three different heights had water dancing on each end, captivating you with its graceful dancing and the couple standing, holding hands, and gazing into each other's eyes. I stepped out of the car and felt the gravel beneath my feet, I had been so captivated by the fountain that I hadn’t even looked at the house. It was a large stone home which was the main building, two buildings attached to it on either side in what looked like oak and then a stable not far away. I could hear the horses nagging and the sound somehow built onto the perfect image of where I was. This looked like a scene taken out of
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Chapter 13.
My mouth hung open but no words came out, I didn’t know what to say so instead I stayed silent and waited for her to continue, hoping I wouldn’t swallow a fly in the meantime. “This is the one I would like you to look in first and then you can pick whichever one you want to. Whenever you want to know something or your curiosity gets the best of you, you just come here and most of your questions will be answered. You can of course ask me or your f-“ she stopped and pinched her lips shut before nodding her head slightly and regaining her composure. “-Or you can ask the King whom until you're ready, you'll call Rasmus. This is for whenever you want the answers and not ask the questions, it’s your family, your heritage, and your future,” My heritage, my family, my future. That was a lot to take in, especially the future part. I had given my future a lot of thought in the past, I just never thought that this would be it. And again, something was tugging at me, as though I was being p
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Chapter 14.
~Selene~ The water was still and the closer I looked, I could see movement in the water. Tiny fish were swimming around in it, you had to look close to see them. “Selene, why don’t you shift and go for a run, we have clothes in the trunk in case you want to change afterward,” I looked at the king who had come up to us. I scanned his face to see if he was joking but it didn’t seem as though he was. I looked at Meredith and then at Samuel, all of them were waiting for an answer. As a werewolf, for those who had gained their wolves, they didn’t need to be asked twice to shift and run around in a place like this. It was every wolf's playground, the woods reached for miles on end and you could run for hours letting the wind brush against your fur, letting your paws feel the grass, the sticks, and the stones and hills. But I couldn’t understand how they thought I had a wolf. “I- I don’t have a wolf, I’m not eighteen yet,” They looked at me like I was a ghost, the pity in their eyes
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Chapter 15.
~Selene~ “This is where most meetings take place, the doors are always open except for when the meetings occur, at those times these doors stay closed and locked and nobody enters,” “What happens if they do enter?” Vanessa stopped and turned to me, her face was serious, and not a muscle moved. “Nobody ever does. There aren't a lot of rules to follow in the palace but those that we have, are there for a reason, and breaking them intentionally will have severe consequences.” I gulped, she spoke as though these rules were law, and breaking them could get you killed. Nevertheless, I needed to know. "Consequences such as?" "There's only one, you get banished from the pack." Another gulp. Getting kicked out from your pack was barely heard of and it was a punishment that sent shivers down the spine of any werewolf. No wolf wanted to live their life as a rogue which was why they stayed even if they were miserable. Because they knew they were safe from any life-threatening harm. I no
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Chapter 16.
~Selene~ I was sitting in my room, my feet were moving uncontrollably and I was biting my nails. Meredith said that she and the king had some business in town and then they were visiting the schools. They asked me if I wanted to join but I was drained from everything that had already happened. I had met so many people, and It hadn't even been a fraction of the members of this pack. So many places to see and remember and then there were these moments where I felt like I was being watched. I kept looking over my shoulder as I and Meredith walked through the castle but then when she noticed and asked what was wrong, I stopped and pushed the feeling away. I didn’t want to be the freaky new girl they brought back. I was terrified of how everyone would react to me being here. So far everyone had been really gracious and kind but how long would that last? What would happen when they got to know me and realize that I'm not princess material. How would the younger people react, those who w
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Chapter 17.
I was back in the castle, sitting in my room and wondering what I could do that wouldn't entail meeting any more people. After Samuel's friend had shown up, they both left to go meet up with a few others at the local coffee shop in town. Samuel asked if I wanted to join but I declined, I needed to breathe and let everything sink in. So I was sitting on the chair by the desk in my room, stroking my fingers over the white-colored wooden desk. I pulled open a drawer and found it was stocked with notebooks. I pulled one out and flipped it open but every page was clear. They were all new. I grabbed a pen and placed the tip on the paper, slowly my mind was beginning to work through everything that had happened and my thoughts became words that painted the page. It was freeing, having everything written down, it was how I processed things. It was my way of keeping a clear head. I wrote page after page, starting from Percy and what we had done the days before I left. The winter Jule.
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Chapter 18.
Walking back to the castle I saw someone running towards me in the garden. ”Hey, princess!” It was Vanessa. I hated that they said princess, I had a name, was it that bad to say it? ”Hi,” I said as she stopped in front of me to catch her breath. ”Do you have plans for Saturday?” She asked me. I shook my head. ”No, none that I know of,” I said. ”Me, Sam, Dave whom I heard you met, and a few others are going into town to a club, I want you to come,” She said with a bright smile. ”Oh,” No, I did not want that. No, just say no, Selene, I told myself. Vanessa's eyes were sparkling, her smile never faded and she was pressing her shoulders up to her ears in anticipation of my answer. ”Uhm,” ”Please, it’ll be fun, we’ll be a group of five or six, we’ll dance, drink, there will cute boys,” she said and dragged out that last offer. I knew that if I was gonna stay here, I needed to make some friends and meet people but I didn't think a club was the way to do it. ”I’ll think
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Chapter 19.
I couldn't tell where the dreams ended and reality began. If it were a dream, or a hallucination, in which case I was going certifiably insane. To think what the queen had brought home, a daughter without a wolf but instead, she had vivid interactions with the prince…her brother. Or whatever he was to me- I actually had no idea. Nobody really talked about Samuel as my brother, it was sort of a hushed conversational topic. The room was bright from the lamp in the ceiling. The curtains were drawn so the sun wasn’t streaming in through the windows but when I turned and looked at my clock, I realized they wouldn't either way. It was three o'clock in the middle of the night. I drew in a deep breath, filling my lungs with oxygen until I couldn’t. Then I blew out, every little ounce I had come out in that breath. Repeat. I dragged my hands over my face and my lip followed down as my hands went to my chin. I groaned and rolled over, I knew full well that I wouldn't get any sleep tonight
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Chapter 20.
I wrapped a towel around my body and noticed my fingers were similar to crumbled raisins. I opened the door and saw Meredith standing there with disheveled hair and a glare that could kill. ”You nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought you had passed out and slammed your head or something,” she said and fixed her dress while simultaneously grasping at her chest with her hand. ”Sorry, I’m fine, must’ve fallen asleep,” I said as convincingly as I could. Meredith stopped patting and her hand fell to her side, she lifted her head slightly, her eyes meeting mine. They knew I lied, she knew I lied, would she call me out on it? ”I understand, get ready, breakfast is downstairs,” she said and smile ominously. I nodded my head and got out of the bathroom, picked out some clothes, and waited til Meredith was out of the room before I threw myself on the bed and buried my face in a pillow. Shit shit shit shit. Whose voice was that in the shower? It was Percy I had been seeing but It was
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