All Chapters of Caged ( Survival ): Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
>* It'll be fine. *****---- Mia ----It felt like I have been floating in air as my body felt so light..." Where am I? " I whispered to the darkness around me. I received no reply... " Am I dead? " I asked no one in particular. All of a sudden, it felt i like was being pulled out by an unseen force into light, and that's when I opened my eyes.* White Walls *That was the felt thing I took note of. " Where am I? " I thought to myself as I became conscious of my surrounding. Just then... I noticed that my nose was obstructed... " What's that? " I strained my eyes and realized that I had an oxygen mask connected to my olfactory organ." Wow. How long was I out? Where are the others? " " What happened? Are we free already? " I questioned. There were lots of questions on my mind that needed answers.. yet I got none. All I could remember was the blast and everything went completed blank. " What happened actually? Were we attacked? " Just then, the door opened....While
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>* It's going to be okay. *****---- Mia ----After the nurse left.I lied back there in silence as I thought deeply on her words... Only two others survived? What about the others? Does that mean out of over a hundred girls... Only three was able to escape? Not unscathed though... And definitely not in the most easy way ever. Why? Why does this have to happen? The girl's surely don't deserve that death penalty... We all deserve to live... Study hard, go to college, graduate... Start working, get married have children. We all deserve to be happy." But what if God took them all away so they could get the happiness they deserve? What if their time is up already and they just needed to be taken home? " This thought dropped in my mind. Indeed... But they deserve to survive... Despite all of that? All the struggles? Pain? Tears? They definitely didn't deserve get the death penalty that way...Wouldn't it be better for them to have died at the very beginning and not have
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>* Half bread is better than none. *****----- Angelina ----The next time I woke up after that blast, I was told that a whole week had passed and I was left perplexed by what exactly happened. I got some informations that it was some fleeing terrorists that caused it. It was actually a big clash between the land forces and the terrorists. Sometimes I wonder if it was just a coincidence or if it was planned. As I still found it a bit difficult to comprehend why it had to happen then. Did it all happen just to make sure only three of us survived that blast? I wondered. There are a lot of questions in my mind that I desperately need an answer to... Yet I have got one. It sucks to even imagine that out of over hundred of school girl's that were kidnapped... Only three escaped... Not totally unscathed though. I will never forget all the experiences we had, especially in the thick forest... I would not be able to forget the longing... For freedom. We all had dreams of the
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>* Two is better than one. *****---- Mia ---- It's said that... True companions are the best gifts anyone can be endowed with.I never really thought much of that quote until today when... Clover and Angel came over to visit me in my room... " Mia... Are you awake? " The joy in their orbs was too obvious to be hidden away. " I am... " I smiled as I stood up to embrace them... " I miss you guys... " I guess I didn't realize just how much I had missed their company until then... Though I was asleep for just a month... It felt like forever. And getting to meet my friends and embrace them after what seemed like forever is really priceless..." We missed you more, Mia... " They replied." How could you sleep for so long? Don't you realize just how worried we were? It was really hard to move on without you! Don't you realize that? " Clover scolded me and I felt my heart ache sensing the emotions in her words. " I am sorry, Dearie... I didn't mean to make you guys wait for so
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>* The love and care of a Godly parent can never be over emphasized, as it's priceless. ******---- Mia ----I guess I had forgotten about that saying until today when my mom and Dad came over to visit me in the hospital room.." Mia... " Mom called out tearfully as I ran into her open embrace. " Mom... " I cried too... No words were spoken between us.. as we simply cried. I guess the saying, " Action speaks louder than words " really manifested at that point." I have missed you, mom... " The words came right out of my mom before I could even comprehend them. " I missed you more, darling... '' Mom wiped out my tears as we broke the embrace. " Come, let's have a seat. " She ushered me to the three seater couch where we both sat. " How could you sleep for so long, darling? " Her voice sounded so soft that it pierced through my soul.I could feel all the pent up emotions hidden in her voice. " Am sorry, mom... I should– " " No... It's not your fault, darling. It all does
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>* There is life in the blood. *****----- Mia ----A day before I would be discharged from the hospital, Angel, clover and I took a short stroll around the middle floor of the hospital. As the hospital was one of the most prestigious ones in the city, it had ten floors and was very exuberant.As we walked past the wards... We just had to accept that the hospital was indeed deserving of the position it got at the top, for its top notch facilities. All of a sudden we passed by a reception where we saw some young girls around our age in the waiting area. While some looked natural, others were tensed up and sad. " What's up with them? " I stared at Angelina. " Well... They are here for an abortion. " Angelina's casual words got both me and clover alarmed.We can't be blamed though as the word, " Abortion " isn't something we hear everyday." Abortion? Why? "" That's what becomes of babies who were formed out of wedlock. " " Oh wow... A result of Highschool relationships? "
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>* Change begins with me. * ****---- Mia ---- Though it's been almost two hours since our conversation with that nurse... I still couldn't get the images of the brutality happening just a floor below out of my head. I could literally hear screams of innocent baby's begging for their lives... Yet there was none to save them. The young mother's who should be defending the rights of her innocent baby are being brainwashed into thinking, it's not a child but actually a bunch of non living tissues. It sucks... Really, it does. I wish there was something I could do about it... Anything?But I couldn't... I guess I am just as helpless as everyone else. " You aren't helpless, Mia... " I heard a voice inside my head say. " How? What do you mean? " " You've got the holy spirit inside you and his duty Is to be your strength, your helper and your comforter. " " Hm... "" What if this is part of our quest, Mia? " Once again... Angelina got the words right out of my mouth. It was
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>* Try to find beauty in everything. *****The weather is buyan's resort in the Maldives was very lovely and cool. Mia, clover and Angel were all in the length, white gowns as they laid on the soft beach sand next to each other. " To be honest.... I never would have thought we'd still have the opportunity to enjoy this when we were in captivity. " Mia sighed." Oh wow... But I thought you were always hopeful, Mia. " Clover turned to her in shock. " Maybe I was... But sometimes I lose hope too. I am human just like you guys and I feel. "" Hmm... But in the end, we were saved weren't we? "" Not in the easiest way possible though. "" Hm.. " silence reigned between the doors for several minutes as they simply enjoyed the morning breeze. " It's very beautiful here. "" Exactly... We made the right choice by choosing to spend our vacation here. "" Indeed. "" Mia... Let's go check if the meal has been prepared... Am starving. " Clover said." You guys can go... I'd love to
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>* Where there's a will. There's a way. *****----- Angelina -----While we were all lying there, I all of a sudden got this urge to leave along with the clover and give Mia some privacy...So I did. But now thinking of it, I wondered why that happened.What's going on? I thought to myself. " The dishes in this resort look very tasty. I bet they'll just be as tasty as they seem. " Clover's words interrupted me from my thoughts. " Hm... I think so too. " Staring at the vast beach I found myself pondering on just how great and marvelous the Lord truly is... To have created all of this. " You know, Angel... I find myself wondering why we often doubt the Lord. ``It felt like Clover was thinking the same thing as I was as she literally answered my thoughts. " Why do you say so? "" Haven't you ever thought just how glorious and wonderful the creator of the heavens and the earth truly is? "" I have... Sometimes. " " Then why do we doubt him? He's the creator of all flesh... So
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>* Nothing is impossible, even the word, " Impossible " when broken down means, " I am possible. " *****Five years later. * Happy 70 chapters, guys! * History rewritten.----- Mia ------Today, at the women's conference ceremony, I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. It's been five whole years since the incident happened and during those five years, I must admit I had gone through a lot of growing up. My faith had been tested and tried multiple times and I came out stronger and more faithful than I was. My Lord Indeed did what he promised... As there hadn't been an brutality. After our trip to the Maldives... I began working on the project which was titled, " Eradicating Teenage Abortion. " Although, I knew that it would cause a lot of controversies... Yet, I never knew it will do that to such a level that it would get to court. I could vividly recall what happened that day, when the case was being presented in court. A lot of Young mom's were the firs
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